Well-Known Member
I like Mexican. There's some Mexican in here I think is very tasty. Orinoco Indian is kind of close.... Can I join the mexicans?
Why do you people insist on installing $5,000 rims on $500 cars?.
Any why do Mexicans feel the need to make their vehicles louder for no apparent reason other than to annoy their neighbors?.
I can't tell if you're mad at white people or mexicans.....How many mexican families can live in one 3 bedroom house?
Do you ever plan to be americans or would you rather just suck up our welfare and free medical til the countries broke?
Why dont you want to learn to speak our language?
Do you ever follow any laws or are you just above them all?
I am an american first even though thats not my heritage,when my family came here over two hundred years ago we became americans,illegals seem to be like grasshoppers they come and strip the land and move on not caring about whats left in their path.
Were you born in mexico or the US?Did you immigrate legally or illegally?What are your credentials to be able to answer our questions?My whole family is mexican american and they sure as fuck dont want to be lumped in with the locust swarm,I grew up in east LA and i can tell you mexicans are a proud people and what is going on around us now doesnt make us so proud,youve probably never picked an orange in your life,just because your brown doesnt mean shit,you probably grew up suckin on mommas tit and playing xbox.
You're getting black guy's cars and Mexican guy's cars mixed up.
The exhaust argument is more an age thing than a race thing. Never seen Asians or whiteboys with loud cars? Or rednecks with loud trucks? Vehicle mods transcend all racial lines. Its more younger people of all races than anything.
Asians are even worse with them, Laotians in particular...lol