KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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Healthy minded people do not behave the way she apparently has/is. You would do well to stop adding fuel to her fire. Even though she has not responded, inside her head she might be freaking out. Do you really want that on your head? Pharmaceuticals have crazy side effects that affect some people far more than others. And once they have you hooked, you are fucked. Happened to a buddies wife. After a couple years of dealing with her prescription medication he couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide. Send her healing thoughts, but for her sake, leave her alone. Even if she posts to your wall, just write something potentially healing in response. That should let you off the hook, and stop her from attempting to get under your skin.
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@ Joey. Yesterday you were done and unsubscribed. Do you really need all this drama ??

I totally fucking agree ! Is it really worth it Joey. Been there done that, just handled it different. It's the fucking internet why is all the personal shit brought on here. Look the other way my friend and be an adult about it. (not saying your not you have valid points)

Bongs, I can't fucking believe you and Kona. Leave each other alone. As a friend to you and you to me Leave this Shit Alone ! Your acting like a kid ! Are you not man enough to own up to your own words you told me in my home ? You said it was over and done with, you were glad you got some help, felt better and was moving on. What the fuck happened to your own words. You fell in love with her and when she told you it ain't gonna happen you bewiddled her. THATS THE WAY I SEE IT!
Do yourself a favor and leave her alone.

Bongs, I've seen the bag picture. I can't get it out of my head But I did not defriend you because of it.Only makes me want to help more. I'll tell you what though any time someone mentions calling the police on someone in a growing Forum I'm done with them for damn sure. That is a Cardinal rule you don't break and one of my own I won't bend. I don't know how the police showed up at her pad but the finger points towards you. I hope that's not true Cause Im not sure now if I even want you over here anymore. That shit is scary and wrong.

Bongs be the Better man and stop dragging this thing out !

I've probably said something at this point to piss all three of you off now but this Shit is crazy stupid and I won't sit here and watch two grown men bewiddle a single defenceless woman in a strange place. Well she's not defenceless, That's for sure.

:peace: Read and Reap the peace sign! We all forgot what this place was really for. FUN- HELP- KNOWLEDGE ! :leaf:
Damn what the hell is this.. I'll be more active here.. On both parts personal attacks are not allowed. So please if you have nothing constructive or respectful to say keep it to yourselves.

Thanks ;)
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yes that was my last one. and no i didn't call the police. but she called the police on me. the first time helped me im not mad, the seccond time is what made me mad. but yea no more tws. but if you feel that way, then i wont be a nuisance anymore. ill stop it all. cuz its just adding to it all. i know we both are wrong. but i will stop this time cuz its only going to get worse. i took that picture but it wasn't serious.i wasn't going to do anything that night.i was just bullshitting.but i took it too far and look what happened. so whatever it is what it is. the finger shouldn't be pointed at me. light comes out of the windows all night long. and it smells of smoke around the place? could have been the neighbors next. you don't know. but i did not call the police. i dont like the police. i know i said some stuff to you in your home and im not making right on it. but starting now, lets see if i keep my word from what i just wrote. if not then dont ever talk to me again. but i hope not. so talk to you later man. and sorry. ill quit it. like the other guy said, post something positive instead of negative if anything negative is said. just be polite and say something constructive, not destructive. k bye all


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Hehehehehehe I love it when people are jealous that some brain damaged bitch can grow better than them hahahaha!!!!!
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