Second grow - second failure? What is going wrong?


Hello all.

As the title says, this is my second time growing inside and my plants are starting show same symptoms as the plants in my first grow.

They are about three weeks old now and it seems that leafs are drying from bottom to top and all the grow has dramatically slowed down.

Strain: Lemon Kush
Lightning: 120 watt chinese LED panel + 125 watt flowering ESL
Temperature: In the night 60 to 65 ºF and day time 68 to 77 ºF.
Watering: Cycles of 3-6 days depending on the need of each plant.
Nutrients: Very small amounts of Advanced Nutriens Grow.


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
What kind of water are you using and what PH? Are you PHing after adding nutes? I don't think that is is but it's a good place to start. Also never grew with LED so don't know about that. maybe get a couple of good CFL's and see if that helps stop the problem? If you add CFLS and they bounce back then you know it's your lights! That is also a cheap test for trouble shooting. Start with the cheapest thing first and change stuff slowly and don't change everything at once. Also what is your soil?


Well-Known Member
Looks like it could phosphorus to me...but that could be from pH. So what are you watering with and what is medium?


Well-Known Member
Did you grow from seed or from clone. My first plant started doing this. I got it from clone and when I popped it into the soil the rockwool cube was too most so my roots were basically drowning. it lasted about a week and was going on its last limb until i retransplanted and squeezed the shit out of that cube. now it is very healthy. The look to your plants look almost identical so if you got them as clones and they are rooted in rockwool I would check that out.

One symptom my plant had though that im not seeing on yours is droopiness


Well-Known Member
Yea it's phosphorus, it's too cold in there for that strain.. get a heater or a purple
I'm only on my first cycle and learning as I go from a friend... But as Maps stated, those temps seem way off to me. You also didn't mention humidity. So I am not sure if this is your problem, but they are weeds and only need the basics to grow. Probably should get the heat to stay with the 70-75 range day and night when they are that small and keep the humidity around 55% +

So it is either watering (to much/to little) light or temps. Doesn't help much but gives you a start, but def wanna get the temps into the right range without that much drop off


Well-Known Member
I'm only on my first cycle and learning as I go from a friend... But as Maps stated, those temps seem way off to me. You also didn't mention humidity. So I am not sure if this is your problem, but they are weeds and only need the basics to grow. Probably should get the heat to stay with the 70-75 range day and night when they are that small and keep the humidity around 55% +

So it is either watering (to much/to little) light or temps. Doesn't help much but gives you a start, but def wanna get the temps into the right range without that much drop off
I'm growing a similar strain and I keep it at 72 and haven't had an issue yet.


Active Member
i would guess that the pH is off, or something is up with the roots (not bringing up enough water)


Well-Known Member
My two cents... looks like a dose of chlorine burn. Could be a few things mentioned but fairly sure it is related to water quality, some areas are not too bad, I can feed my girls tapwater but sounds like you need an RO


Thank you all for answers. I'll try to answer all the questions.

- Yes, I realize that temperature is bit too low, but it's winter time and I don't have any extra heater for plants. Is this a major problem that should be fixed asap? Last cycle was in higher temps. (Two pics added from the last batch)
- In the last cycle I had two 125 watt CFLs instead of one accompanied by LED panel and still something went horribly wrong back then. I have also seen small but successful grows with only 90 watt LED.
- They are not clones, grew from the feminized seeds.
- The soil I'm using is known to be quite rich (some growers don't use it 'cause they think it's too rich for young plants). That's because I've tried to be careful with nutrients.
- I'm using tap water (not pH tested)
- pH is unknown, I'm gonna do a pH test as soon as I have time.
- Humidity is not measured.

I have also considered if this could be a pest problem? In last cycle there were some pests, greyish flying things. Also, what are those black dots (see the picture taken through the scope)? I had them too.
Another thing is that there's only 13 blue LED bulbs in the panel and CFL I'm using is 2700K, maybe they don't get enough vegetative (blue) light?



I'm using dirt mixed with leca-gravel (basically it's burned clay, very commonly used around here), mix ratio about 70/30.


Well-Known Member
You've got nutrient lockout and the plants are really to young to need nutrients like that. Healthy plants in a healthy soil that small don't need N feedings, especially if you put some wormcastings in your soil or have other amendments. If that soil is "VERY rich" then it is guaranteed to be too rich for a plant that small -- if your soil is that rich then you really don't need to be feeding it the advanced nutrients. You're overdoing it. Either your pH is off due to the mix you're using and it's locking out nutes or there's not enough aeration or you're burning the plants or a combination of those 3.

Has ZERO to do with your temperature or lights, of that I guarantee you. It's all about that soil mix you got going there bro. Is there a reason you didn't go with a standard mix? Problem with these kinds of custom mixes like this is you're not going to get a lot of people who have done the same thing online who can help.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
My suggestion would be get some good soil like FFOF and transplant them. Take them out and get most of the old soil off them and get them in a good soil. Spend the money on a good bag of soil $18 in my area and a ph meter $10. You will spend 30-40 on this and avoid ALOT of problems! If it is money that you are tight on soil is not something I would try to go cheap on. Some people reuse their soil but it is useualy experianced growers. When you are first starting out I would do everyting in my power to cut out possible problems.