The UK Growers Thread!

after all that i took your advice ttt, after ripping me to shreds and more..but it was well deserved on my i got 3 x great whites fems and 2x uk cheese fems plus a free ufo#1 what ever that is and all from i might start a grow journal if i may, aslong as i dont get terrorised by yous lot in the process
. hahaha...
A dont think they were tryin to tear u apart m8. As u well know it is illegal in the UK,some people have been growing for years without gettng caught so you must understand the caution and suspicion of most :-D
licky boom boom down...

It's been 9 hours and nobody's managed to come up with a snappy comeback to this?! :D

Me finally dry, not very happy about it. I mean obviously I have no problem being hyper-alert at 9 a.m. - I have an urgent to-do list consisting of stuck-together to-do lists that trails off my desk onto the floor - but the mere prospect of dealing with a certain issue today without the prospect of forgetting about it afterwards... Yikes. Damn all psychotic freaks who have nothing better to do with their evil genius than to pick on innocent hermits and their spawn.

Who do you guys hire to saw off horses' heads and stuff? Is there a directory or craigs list for this kind of thing?
after all that i took your advice ttt, after ripping me to shreds and more..but it was well deserved on my i got 3 x great whites fems and 2x uk cheese fems plus a free ufo#1 what ever that is and all from i might start a grow journal if i may, aslong as i dont get terrorised by yous lot in the process
. hahaha...

Getting terrorized by us is half the point of hanging out here (the other half is absorbing expertise by osmosis) :D There are a few UK-ers who terrorize with wit, pizazz, class and style - not me, mind you (I'm here for purely decorative purposes, the token brainless bimbo) - enjoy! You will wake up in the middle of the night laughing at some of their crueler posts. Or no wait sorry maybe that's just me :D Welcome to the thread, congratulations on your upcoming grow, and don't for fuck's sake betray any weakness here or you will be torn to shreds by the pack ;)
u will grow to love it n if not u in wrong thread haha
if u do a journal just post the link here n show us a few nice bud shots wen they getting close chop. the guys here will advise u but prob after a lil banter
some people have been growing for years without gettng caught so you must understand the caution and suspicion of most :-D

... and they are all heroes. The Queen was telling me just the other day, she wishes she could give them all an OBE or something for their contributions to peace in the British Empire, working day and night to keep the UK stoned.

Seriously though. Heroes.
mornin ukers quick updates

1 x exo confirmed female
3 x bsb confirmed female

and a exo plant that is defo a mutation and the stem is a leaf at the top im hoping for that to be a female it be interesting lol
kev u got a pic off the freaky plant?
my bt broadband light keeps flashing at me. these feckers take micky end up being called out every couple months. gets to point i have tell them get here tomoz or im canceling service. always next day then. i still think if u cant fix it with a swift kick then its to dam tricky for a caveman.
so u put them in flower to sex them? u gunna keep them in flower now or go back veg to fill them out some?
how many u planning or hoping to run? guessing 30-50 per cent will b boys? if so u gunna clone any or just run with the girls u get?
yea the female bsb and exo are gunna be cloned and hopefully brfzs my cotton wool grow experimnts are working i have 2 tiny leaves on it so far and it 5 days my critical clone is also still alive 2 days after cut in same posistion