2012 Spring Gathering!

I'm living in Lincoln up high way 65.. Caretaker for my mom who recently diagnosed with liver , bone, lung cancer.. So full time job.. My passion is growing but it doesn't fit in my life right now with everything going on.


Moderatrix of Journals
Many of those guy's out front of home depot, have trimmed a ton of buds.
You just have them lay down in the seat for a few blocks before you pull into & close the garage. They won't know where they are.

or a cube van :lol: (mr kitty won't let me do those jobs anymore :( )

..... sounds like i need to plan a 'working tour' of cali in the autumn-time..... ;)


Well-Known Member
After I got a tip from a friend on where to find stanless steel mesh, (thanks noguts) I bought some & then I spent some time at my favorite Home Depot.
Here's my DIY electric kief sifter, (a BBQ rotisserie & a plastic bucket). I just plugged it in so I'll have to post more pics later of the kief.
They sell these online for abut $350.
I made this for about $60.




Well-Known Member
That's awesome man! What is the mesh? Home Depot? could I get it at Lowes? Home Depot didn't give me a card? lol


Well-Known Member
After I got a tip from a friend on where to find stanless steel mesh, (thanks noguts) I spent some time at my favorite Home Depot.
Here's my DIY electric kief sifter, a BBQ rotisserie & a plastic bucket. I just plugged it in so I'll have to post more pics later of the kief.
They sell these online for abut $350.
I made this for about $60.

So is this dialing up your dry ice process? Will you be tumbling chunks of dry ice? This is very cool.


Well-Known Member
The stanless steel mesh I bought from a guy in So Sac, everything else I got at Home Depot
The mesh was about $20



Well-Known Member
I tried replacing the silk screen mesh in my dry ice set-up with this stanless screen & it didn't work, because the steel conducts cold & it clogged up with frost & kief.
This works without ice, it's just slow



Active Member
or a cube van :lol: (mr kitty won't let me do those jobs anymore :( )

..... sounds like i need to plan a 'working tour' of cali in the autumn-time..... ;)
Yeah, I'm sure you and the hairdresser crew would have everything looking market ready in record time.


Active Member
An illegitimate baby as a result of the first BBQ... yea, it was that fun. My wife thanks you for the seeds Nuggs! Hope its a girl... if not, I hope one its siblings are ;) Look at em phat Indica leaves!



Well-Known Member
Yum... If that's your rig, bring it to the Spring Gathering! I'm going to add this to the list of projects. Would save precious grill space! Thinking of all the sauces we make and how to modify them with cannabutter, canna cream, etc... as if we need any more forms of medicating at this event. But, will add the to the cookbook! :-)