4K flower room OMRI everything

yo so i moved to rollitup from GC cuz i really just didnt like the atmosphere so here i am!

anyways its a work in progress before i get pics as i figure this site out but heres my layout

4K flower room 15x15'
1K veg room 6x10'

blue magoo
a purple pineapple
wonder diesel

vortex exhaust fans
CAN filter 16x60" (HUGE!)
inline intake with a HEPA prefilter

im at week 6 of veg, another month or so to go before they get put into flower.

soil is Roots Organics original mix, great stuff there! i know about the thrips and gnats and all that and im not worried.. its all a part of growing!
nutrients are the full Roots Organics line, again great stuff there!
gg.jpgww.jpgphoto.jpg well heres the girls! the tallest is the wonder D, in the last pic the plants in the back that are super bushy are the pineapple and the rest are magoo, light mover is coming soon so the veg room can be totally filled

this is the first run through the new room so as always the bugs are gettin worked out but being well prepared always helps!

anyway there u have it! great things to come guys so strap in


Active Member
Looks good, too bad your sacrificing yield going organic. I switched to organic for 2 grows, good taste and look, but shit yields, plus all smells like ass.. Back to synthetic for me.

arik maso

Active Member
your girls look healthy and lush! the genetics sound like dank.:weed: pineapple and diesel are both killer. cheers!:leaf::leaf:
oh man, u used the wrong stuff then lol im a purist i smoke/grow organic cuz i dont like feeding my girls petrol which is what synthetics are derrived from. ive grown synthetic and organic together and theres no comparison, organic has a purity to the smoke synthetics cant touch. ive heard a lot of misinformed people saying organics cost yield but ive found it to be nothing but blasphemy! u will see lol these girls frost out and dense up something fierce lol i can easily pull 6-8 lbs from these 4K in light. im glad synthetics work for u but for me i never liked feeding synthetics to my babies.. i like mycos and synthetics kill mycos. mycos make it a breeze for the plants to grow whereas without the plant has to work twice as hard in actually breaking down nutrients and carbs before using them which is what mycos does prior to reaching the root system. anyway this crop may just change ur mind on organics and im looking forward to showing u what organics can do
hey thanks arik, the pineapple is amazing and doesnt have the harshness to the smoke like pineapple express, in fact the purple looks very much like ur display pic in how the geno frosts/purps out! wonder diesel is just a remake of sour d with a different father. blue magoo is probably my favorite, its a localized strain with great bag appeal and a fame around thats long lived and greatly sought after for its color, sugar and fruity flavors


Active Member
I don't know man, I used s.soil and added earth juice nutes when and if needed. Buds were still coated and dense, just overall size went down, and I can't have that.
Plus all organic nutes I've seen have alot of sediment and I run a drip setup. Earth juice grow had to be hand fed.


Well-Known Member
question for you Potprophet, I'm not too fussy about what I give the roots, but I'm a little hesitant about sprays used for things like mites or other pests, have you had any experience with Spinozad? Its OMRI listed but does it work? what have you used that is organic and works?

Oh and welcome to RIU! The atmosphere here is wonderfull, though sometimes you get the odd scuffle

I tried using the threads on ICmag... read two threads and decided not to go back... nothing by arguments and pissing contests. RIU is very friendly


Well-Known Member
I compare a friend of mines grow with mine, as he uses synthetic. Hes running more wattage in lights, by a lot. He does outyield me, but hes also vegging for 3+ months before flowering, so I would have to do some calculations.
With my earthjuice, Im still averaging a decent 1g/watt, and with what I CAN compare. my organics taste better, and are more potent.

Thats not my opinion as I dont smoke, but the opinions of people who have bought product from both of us. They ALWAYS prefer mine.
i just had a huge reply typed out goin in really good detail but then cuz i was inactive for a while i had to log in again lol so ill get back on that in a little while but to sum it up; Azamax for bugs, Serenade for mildew. never spray in flower, always switch the flip only when plants are fully recovered from any stresses. i dont like spraying much tho and never in flower.

im looking forward to changing ur mind of organics with this thread! it will be great lol its tried and true and the purity of the smoke is what the patients need plus the weight is always great ;)

once fool-proof method is super soil haha no nutes and all that but i like feeding and Roots isnt really fertilizer so much as mycos food which makes it sooo much easier for the plants as the mycos breakdown the food and spoon feed the plant whereas synthetics are petrol derived and kill mycos which makes it harder on the plant because it has to work at breaking down the food instead of just gettin big, plus theres not much to flush out since ur not feeding the plant ur feeding the soil

ill touch back on stuff more later, i had a really detailed response so more later lol

great things to come!


Active Member
I look forward to seeing the outcome. I don't know how much it will relate to my growing style, but still interested. You veg much longer than me which should improve yield in any conditions. Mabye just my style sucks, lol. I run a perpetual scrog type system with drip feed. 2 trays, 24x36 with 6 plants each, under 1000w hps. Each tray, is one month apart(plus one in veg) so I harvest 6 plants per month. Usually get about a lb. Lost about a qp when all I switched was from ff soil and Humboldt nutes to s soil and earth juice. Now i'm starting a grow with s soil and h&g bloom nutes.
eh if ur gettin good results then it cant suck! haha this is just the first run in the new rooms so im gonna veg for a long time to fill the 15x15 flower room with the 11 plants that are goin atm. after this the veg time will prob just be 45 days or so as its a perpetual as well but not in small sects, its veg the room, cut the clones off mothers, switch rooms, and veg the whole room again so i have a groovy harvest pretty much all at once lol blue magoo is a dream girl cuz she is done in a speedy 45 days but the others take a little longer which is fine as the flower room wont be completely filled when they start flower so there will be some room
flow.jpg well heres a shot of the flower room, stuff scattered about and all that since its not being used for a while yet filt.jpg heres the big ol filter all tucked away in its corner pine.JPG and heres the pineapple from a previous chop grn.jpgand another shot of the girls


Active Member
Welcome to the forum! very nice looking grow you got going there, i cant wait to see more of your organic soil grow. i started in soil and quickly moved to dwc dew to my lack of success with soil. but i love following grows of ppl who no what there doing and don't mind sharing. cheers man!
Haha hEy I recognize that smokey guy! Found me before I even woke up lol

Hey thanks man I'm looking forward to showing u guys the crop and hopefully teaching some along the way, I enjoy spreading the knowledge of the good herb lol that's why they call me OG-SPDT! Haha

I've thought about DWC for mothers because then I can keep the nitrogen a little lower so clones are more viable but that's about as far as I personally would go with it, I like the look/smell/feel of hydro but I'm a flavor smoker lol that's why I'm all organic but good things to come! If I can find some excess time I will upload some history pics so u guys can see how far they have came
Haha for sure, it's dated to say the least.

I looked for a plasma light, I really like the idea of it but I couldn't find any that were stateside