Ayla's plight !!!!! Let's help if we can !!!!!!! To keep ayla's name alive


Well-Known Member
cosider it done i will get your bull erased thought youd be adult about it and do it but i guess your opinions are more important then why this thread is really here ............. and plze if your not here to support ayla ...........bounce i dont care about the parents !!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I will erase my post to appease you. Didn't mean to get your blood boiling. Like I said I HOPE SHE IS FOUND SAFE AND SOUND.


Well-Known Member
thnk u very much appreciated a lot like i said ive just worked hard over the last 2-3 days to get this around and now we need to concentrate on her stay safe and bi=eing with her mother and father
I will erase my post to appease you. Didn't mean to get your blood boiling. Like I said I HOPE SHE IS FOUND SAFE AND SOUND.

kevin murphy

New Member
great news growers great news ...well done ocalli nice thread mate let this be a reminder to what humans can be like if they want to pull 2gether instead of tearing people apart


Well-Known Member
have you read anything posted here???

AYLA...has been found safe and sound.
Yes i read that on a marijuana forum. But can find 0 actual news articles. Which i think is weird. I'm SUPER DUPER HAPPY that this little angel is safe and sound!


Moderatrix of Journals
guys, we're all obviously happy happy that she's been found, but i think putting neo on blast for having further questions is a bit uncalled-for just yet.

this is from maineyankee's original post talking about ayla:
All day long, I reached out to my friend, and he never returned a call nor any of my countless texts. They were in essence, that now was the prime opportunity of placing a cry for help. I take it as they are scared to talk to the media, for they feel that every time they do, it gets twisted around. I repeatedly told him, as well as Ayla's father, that this was not the case, and that if they were uncomfortable to answer a specific question, all they had to say was that they did not want to answer it. Simple enough. They have not been asking for any coverage nationally, but stay local and only with newsprint. (Circulation appx 20,000). Here I am, not even affiliated other than a friend, and I just did an interview that will be reached out to over 8 Million viewers. I know if I was in their shoes, I think I would have grabbed hold and gone with it, despite any fear about myself, but to have my child returned home, safe and sound.

I think I may have lost a friend, whose friendship I cherished and loved. But it is not about a friendship to me. It is about finding a Lost and Missing Child. Period.

as a parent, this particular paragraph has all sorts of red flags for me. if it were MY kid missing for damn near a month and the newsmedia wanted to cover it, i'd be ALL OVER that shit 24/7, fuck whatever kind of "oh what a horrible parent" smear campaign said media chose to run with... as long as it was coverage that would help bring my kid back.

instead, maine's having to worry about losing his friendship with the girl's uncle over taking media action. this doesn't strike any of you as, well, odd?


Well-Known Member
your right kitty , its odd. but i think this thread is here to remind us how important sticking together is. the power of prayer. possitive thinking.

lets keep the kid an the parents in our prayers , an just know that god will handle it .... foul play or not.

God bless you all!


Well-Known Member
very wonderful news, I am so glad and I imagine the happiness in the parent's hearts! excellent news! I have problems with my plant and I was sad cause of that but with this news of the finding I feel so calm and good!


Well-Known Member
guys, we're all obviously happy happy that she's been found, but i think putting neo on blast for having further questions is a bit uncalled-for just yet.

this is from maineyankee's original post talking about ayla:
All day long, I reached out to my friend, and he never returned a call nor any of my countless texts. They were in essence, that now was the prime opportunity of placing a cry for help. I take it as they are scared to talk to the media, for they feel that every time they do, it gets twisted around. I repeatedly told him, as well as Ayla's father, that this was not the case, and that if they were uncomfortable to answer a specific question, all they had to say was that they did not want to answer it. Simple enough. They have not been asking for any coverage nationally, but stay local and only with newsprint. (Circulation appx 20,000). Here I am, not even affiliated other than a friend, and I just did an interview that will be reached out to over 8 Million viewers. I know if I was in their shoes, I think I would have grabbed hold and gone with it, despite any fear about myself, but to have my child returned home, safe and sound.

I think I may have lost a friend, whose friendship I cherished and loved. But it is not about a friendship to me. It is about finding a Lost and Missing Child. Period.

as a parent, this particular paragraph has all sorts of red flags for me. if it were MY kid missing for damn near a month and the newsmedia wanted to cover it, i'd be ALL OVER that shit 24/7, fuck whatever kind of "oh what a horrible parent" smear campaign said media chose to run with... as long as it was coverage that would help bring my kid back.

instead, maine's having to worry about losing his friendship with the girl's uncle over taking media action. this doesn't strike any of you as, well, odd?
I love you. :clap:


Well-Known Member
yes but this thread was by me for ayla not what people think .............why is that so hard to understand ???????????
guys, we're all obviously happy happy that she's been found, but i think putting neo on blast for having further questions is a bit uncalled-for just yet.

this is from maineyankee's original post talking about ayla:
All day long, I reached out to my friend, and he never returned a call nor any of my countless texts. They were in essence, that now was the prime opportunity of placing a cry for help. I take it as they are scared to talk to the media, for they feel that every time they do, it gets twisted around. I repeatedly told him, as well as Ayla's father, that this was not the case, and that if they were uncomfortable to answer a specific question, all they had to say was that they did not want to answer it. Simple enough. They have not been asking for any coverage nationally, but stay local and only with newsprint. (Circulation appx 20,000). Here I am, not even affiliated other than a friend, and I just did an interview that will be reached out to over 8 Million viewers. I know if I was in their shoes, I think I would have grabbed hold and gone with it, despite any fear about myself, but to have my child returned home, safe and sound.

I think I may have lost a friend, whose friendship I cherished and loved. But it is not about a friendship to me. It is about finding a Lost and Missing Child. Period.

as a parent, this particular paragraph has all sorts of red flags for me. if it were MY kid missing for damn near a month and the newsmedia wanted to cover it, i'd be ALL OVER that shit 24/7, fuck whatever kind of "oh what a horrible parent" smear campaign said media chose to run with... as long as it was coverage that would help bring my kid back.

instead, maine's having to worry about losing his friendship with the girl's uncle over taking media action. this doesn't strike any of you as, well, odd?


Well-Known Member
why do u seem it necessary to bring back up whast has already been discussed and its not for here ?
guys, we're all obviously happy happy that she's been found, but i think putting neo on blast for having further questions is a bit uncalled-for just yet.

this is from maineyankee's original post talking about ayla:
All day long, I reached out to my friend, and he never returned a call nor any of my countless texts. They were in essence, that now was the prime opportunity of placing a cry for help. I take it as they are scared to talk to the media, for they feel that every time they do, it gets twisted around. I repeatedly told him, as well as Ayla's father, that this was not the case, and that if they were uncomfortable to answer a specific question, all they had to say was that they did not want to answer it. Simple enough. They have not been asking for any coverage nationally, but stay local and only with newsprint. (Circulation appx 20,000). Here I am, not even affiliated other than a friend, and I just did an interview that will be reached out to over 8 Million viewers. I know if I was in their shoes, I think I would have grabbed hold and gone with it, despite any fear about myself, but to have my child returned home, safe and sound.

I think I may have lost a friend, whose friendship I cherished and loved. But it is not about a friendship to me. It is about finding a Lost and Missing Child. Period.

as a parent, this particular paragraph has all sorts of red flags for me. if it were MY kid missing for damn near a month and the newsmedia wanted to cover it, i'd be ALL OVER that shit 24/7, fuck whatever kind of "oh what a horrible parent" smear campaign said media chose to run with... as long as it was coverage that would help bring my kid back.

instead, maine's having to worry about losing his friendship with the girl's uncle over taking media action. this doesn't strike any of you as, well, odd?


Well-Known Member
thnk you cundnt have said it better :clap:
your right kitty , its odd. but i think this thread is here to remind us how important sticking together is. the power of prayer. possitive thinking.

lets keep the kid an the parents in our prayers , an just know that god will handle it .... foul play or not.

God bless you all!


Moderatrix of Journals
your right kitty , its odd. but i think this thread is here to remind us how important sticking together is. the power of prayer. possitive thinking.

lets keep the kid an the parents in our prayers , an just know that god will handle it .... foul play or not.

God bless you all!
well hey, i wasn't going to say anything, i just couldn't leave the linux penguin hanging out to dry.