Why is it ok to Shower with other Guys and Sometimes not?

LOL this is horrible.

locker room = lots of people. no ones getting raped....
Prison = Lots of people... idk about that top part tho :O

you want to be ALONE and NAKED in the SHOWER with your room mate? yes, there IS a problem with that.....
Well I'm not going to comment on whether it's alright or not, but to be honest I'm not really comfortable standing naked in a shower with a bunch of other naked men. I'd always go home and shower after sports. I got quite the ribbing for it. Fags.
in the locker-room, locked up, or at summer camp = hafta
in your little shower, at home = wanta
its gay, dude. go out, get some ass (safely), and call your parents in about a week, and tell them that you are gay.
lol.....actually i HAVE showered with another guy.......but there were 3 girls with us. ah......the days of my youth
two chicks fucking, thats basically licking, fisting at most, though in a orifice thats made for delivering babies.

two guys fucking, well, that inevitably turns to a conversation of who should become the receiver.

cant help but remember the last time i had a big shit, big enough to kinda hurt and looking into the bowl and seeing this tiny thing.

nosir, no backdoor entry for me on the menu :)