Martin Luther King Day

Just jumping in here and haven't read this thread but @ the last few posts: Ayn Rand actually despised libertarians for the record, many source her as inspirational but to assosiate her with libertarians and even free market libertarians is wrong. Ayn Rand hated libertarians and she hated the fact the libertarians sourced her on occasion to make a point.

I feel the same. She was a hateful hypocrite. Everything had to be her way. Even her fans had to salute her correctly or she lashed out at them.
You kind of sound like one too. No offence, but you sound like every 19 year old at Berkeley. That's not a bad thing, just saying...

You do realize racism isn't exclusively something that extends only to white males right?

Some of the most racist people I've ever met have been minorities.

I'm not missing your point though. Racism towards white people isn't a serious problem like racism towards minorities though. It might be just as wrong, but it doesn't have the same effect. Racism towards minorities has a serious negative and obvious effect. The fact that we have ghettos and barrios all over the country should be a national embarrassment.

It's just the way you made that post makes it sound like people should feel guilty for being white. If that's you're intent, you've very misguided. If that's not your intent you might want to phrase things differently if you want people to seriously consider what you're saying. If you're just trolling, then well done.


I've been a sophomore in college, but I haven't met every 19 year old girl at Berkeley so I'll have to take your word on that. :)

I'll go further than say racism isn't just a white male thing or even white thing, but say that most overt racist behavior I've seen in my lifetime (US west coast, since mid 70's) is actually perpetrated by persons of color (either against "whites" or other people of color). In my opinion, that internalized racism is the thing we as a collective culture need to let heal. And that takes support from the people who are seen as "in control" or "the people who fuck minorities over" or "the man" or whatever boogy man racist character any person of color feels threatened by - WHETHER THE THREAT IS REAL ANYMORE OR NOT.

Racism, regardless of who is still perpetrating it or not, IS embarrassing for the US. And we should all buck up and get over it, together, not just say to certain people of color who feel discriminated against (or in certain areas where people still ARE) that they should just GET OVER IT, that it's all in the past. That's some pretty insensitive and ignorant shit... and that is where any guilt should be banished. We ("whites") don't need to feel guilty for our ancestors for being cruel assholes (if they even were, mind you...) actually, guilt makes this all more difficult to talk about and look at. "Whites" just need to face reality and admit to possibly, just maybe, we most likely at one time or another been given an unfair advantage by the color of our skin. Aaaaaaaaand white men classically HATE admitting they were awarded anything due to privilege and not strength/smarts/amazingness, etc. Poor things, I blame the testosterone poisoning. BTW, I am not a man hater, I am a man lover. And, I think that being a man today is probably pretty fucking hard, because of all the rigid expectations people have.

Here's another good website speaking about being a more aware "white" person. Everyone should read this and go "hmmmmm" a little bit now and then. No worries, no one is watching you, or will judge you for checking it out. Actually, I lied. If any chicks find out you read it, you might just get a big helping of sex. Chicks love sensitive guys who are fucking macho enough for being authentic. That's sexy shit. ;)
I've been a sophomore in college, but I haven't met every 19 year old girl at Berkeley so I'll have to take your word on that. :)

I'll go further than say racism isn't just a white male thing or even white thing, but say that most overt racist behavior I've seen in my lifetime (US west coast, since mid 70's) is actually perpetrated by persons of color (either against "whites" or other people of color). In my opinion, that internalized racism is the thing we as a collective culture need to let heal. And that takes support from the people who are seen as "in control" or "the people who fuck minorities over" or "the man" or whatever boogy man racist character any person of color feels threatened by - WHETHER THE THREAT IS REAL ANYMORE OR NOT.

Racism, regardless of who is still perpetrating it or not, IS embarrassing for the US. And we should all buck up and get over it, together, not just say to certain people of color who feel discriminated against (or in certain areas where people still ARE) that they should just GET OVER IT, that it's all in the past. That's some pretty insensitive and ignorant shit... and that is where any guilt should be banished. We ("whites") don't need to feel guilty for our ancestors for being cruel assholes (if they even were, mind you...) actually, guilt makes this all more difficult to talk about and look at. "Whites" just need to face reality and admit to possibly, just maybe, we most likely at one time or another been given an unfair advantage by the color of our skin. Aaaaaaaaand white men classically HATE admitting they were awarded anything due to privilege and not strength/smarts/amazingness, etc. Poor things, I blame the testosterone poisoning. BTW, I am not a man hater, I am a man lover. And, I think that being a man today is probably pretty fucking hard, because of all the rigid expectations people have.

Here's another good website speaking about being a more aware "white" person. Everyone should read this and go "hmmmmm" a little bit now and then. No worries, no one is watching you, or will judge you for checking it out. Actually, I lied. If any chicks find out you read it, you might just get a big helping of sex. Chicks love sensitive guys who are fucking macho enough for being authentic. That's sexy shit. ;)

Over all that's a fantastic post. However I disagree that white men are privileged. Maybe they are, I'll admit I probably have a skewed perspective being from the bay area. But here they are certainly not. We have racial inequality here still, but I believe it's almost entirely due to socioeconomic conditions. Just from my observations of daily life I can say pretty confidently that minorities who grow up in well off families to educated parents do just as well as white people. It's only when you add in the poverty factor that you really see the inequality. But the minorities who don't grow up in low income ethnic neighborhoods see to be just like anyone else. They aren't being held back because of their race. It only becomes a problem when you add in low income and segregated neighborhoods. Then it's a horrible problem.
Are you from Europe?

Europe is home to the monkey chants anytime a black guy touches a soccer ball.
So this isn't generalising European people? Europe doesn't even have a race problem, we're not as divided as you guys are making yourseves out to be, so implying we all make "monkey chants" when theres a black footballer playing is absurd.

Sure there are racists in Europe, but with 27 countries surely theres gonna be some bad eggs.
Yeahh they just hide it in plain sight more now thats all its still everywhere
all i'm saying is this self inflicted culture of thuggin and shooting random people for the color of a rag is savagery. Dr. King was about blacks rising up. As a whole they haven't and that is sad. But as a child of the 80s i can say racism is not what it used to be. While still there, it is nowhere near as prominent.
I guess I wouldn't really know I'm from a very small town and we have two black families who live here, and they do not get treated any differently than anyone else, but then again they don't act like hoodlums at all, both families are very respectful, and one of the families is one of the only people we have had over for the pesach seder. I could just not see how it is in big cities or even the south, we up here are as Yankee as they come lol.
I guess I wouldn't really know I'm from a very small town and we have two black families who live here, and they do not get treated any differently than anyone else, but then again they don't act like hoodlums at all, both families are very respectful, and one of the families is one of the only people we have had over for the pesach seder. I could just not see how it is in big cities or even the south, we up here are as Yankee as they come lol.

My point exactly. Minorities are treated equally when they achieve equal socioeconomic status. It's only when you add poverty into the equation that it becomes a problem. White people don't cross the street when they see a black guy in a business suit walking by. But if he looks like a gangbanger, they might. That's not a racial problem, that's a socioeconomic problem that was caused by our racist history.

The unfortunate reality is that minorities are more likely to be below the poverty line (especially black and native american) due to our history of systemic racism. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Our country is now paying for centuries of racism. It's a real problem that needs to be addressed. And it's not being addressed because too many ignorant fucks would rather spout off right wing ideology than fix the problem.
you ever think if they weren't treated and brought up so differently the problem wouldn't be quite as bad? I think that fact can't be ignored..There is one distinguishing characteristic that seperates my 'Whitest Black Friends' with my 'Blackest Black Friends' and that is the way in which they grew up, with a normal childhood as an average individual or as property of the nanny state fighting each day just to get by.
I will say this, we have some white kids who are thieves in our town and people do go to the other side of the road when they are coming. I think a big part of it is the vibe one puts off regardless of race, but again I live like 300 miles from the nearest big city though.

  • But if he looks like a gangbanger, they might. That's not a racial problem, that's a socioeconomic problem that was caused by our racist history.​

If he looks like a gangbanger, people might cross the street because they fear being mugged by him. That isnt racist, that is what ganbangers do. It is their own actions that created the culture of fear that cause people to cross the street.

Being afraid of someone is not racist.
or better yet if your a gang banger dressed in nice decent clothes you wont cross the street and still get a sucker punch. so be thankfull most gang bangers dress and act like idiots
Bien afraid of certain race because they dress a certain way is though in a way cause i know alot of guy tated to fuck sag their jeans i dont still cant figure it out but they arent gangbangers just choose a certain style they like
if he looks like a gangbanger, people might cross the street because they fear being mugged by him. That isnt racist, that is what ganbangers do. It is their own actions that created the culture of fear that cause people to cross the street.

Being afraid of someone is not racist.
Bien afraid of certain race because they dress a certain way is though in a way cause i know alot of guy tated to fuck sag their jeans i dont still cant figure it out but they arent gangbangers just choose a certain style they like

If there are white people dressed as gangbangers I would likely cross the street as well... I guess I am a white racist too eh?

You know, people would be more informed and less quick to use the racism card if they actually knew what the word meant. Being afraid of someone does not make you a racist.
So not true small towns i find have more racist tendecys and im a good one on this being im half black i get flack from white and blacks but also i do have the biggest settled black community in north american on my door step so i see lots of rascism towards them and towards others i know gangbangers that dress in suits everyday they are still gangbangers so dress has fuck all to do with it .....................its the preception that dress which has been etched into your brain just like most americans think columbus discovered america even though already inhabbited by a people with culture religion social standings etc etc
my point exactly. Minorities are treated equally when they achieve equal socioeconomic status. It's only when you add poverty into the equation that it becomes a problem. White people don't cross the street when they see a black guy in a business suit walking by. But if he looks like a gangbanger, they might. That's not a racial problem, that's a socioeconomic problem that was caused by our racist history.

The unfortunate reality is that minorities are more likely to be below the poverty line (especially black and native american) due to our history of systemic racism. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Our country is now paying for centuries of racism. It's a real problem that needs to be addressed. And it's not being addressed because too many ignorant fucks would rather spout off right wing ideology than fix the problem.
You are very right never disagreed with that fact im saying the preception of gangbanger dress is whats wrong like i said i know and have seen gang bangers that wear suits and ties everyday just because they wear that doesnt mean they are stellar people
if there are white people dressed as gangbangers i would likely cross the street as well... I guess i am a white racist too eh?

You know, people would be more informed and less quick to use the racism card if they actually knew what the word meant. Being afraid of someone does not make you a racist.
There are more people hidding theyre true selfs behind dress more than you guys think really..........WHATS THE BEST WAY NOT TO BE NOTICED ?................HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT !!!