Club 600

Interesting where a conversation about humidity levels ends up and all the different things it's supposed to do. Jig, there are a couple of things I will now not do without, mycorrhizae, worm poop and silica, just gave the girls a dose this morning and I agree with all you said, it's like an extra bit of preventative measure against the nasty things that like our flowers. I was watching a nature show and in it was the discussion that an injured plant gives off some type of smell of distress that attracts insects, it was some kind of bee research if I remember correctly. There are so many things out there and you guys mentioned a lot of different theories as to how a plant reacts to its environment concerning humidity levels, I think I've read all of them here there and yonder. I'm sure I mentioned before I tend to read a fair amount about our hobby. I enjoy reading different theories, I take it all with a grain of salt even from the most highly recognized people. After a few years and you pay even a little bit of attention to your girls...that's funny, I'm sure we're all pretty obsessive about our babies, you can't help but learn and notice that every strain is different from the next. Instead of trying to create unnatural humidity levels, I let the humidity be whatever it is during vegging since I have a high humidity problem not a low one and only late in flower if I have really dense nugs do I do something about the humidity. I figure a plant is going to perform to its optimal level if the environment favors the plant so why create super low conditions? That's my theory and my shackzilla seems to be enjoying it. A superb plant so far. It's been cool enough I've been able to keep my grow room door open some days and the sweet smell of her fills the house. She is very resinous and oily to the touch and very sweet.

Edit. Thanks cof for the turn on to sannie.
HU~ Iv read that a certan bean plant, when attacked by spidermites releases a hormone that attracts natural predators to get them buggers :-) pretty cool. I think plants do allot of things we dont know about.
I couldn't agree with you more whodat. Here's one for everybody. If you take two seeds of the same genes any strain and get them to pop on the same day. One you take and put directly into a three gallon pot the other you put into a party cup. They keep the same light schedules and are fed the same things. You transplant out of the party cup after two weeks into a larger container for two weeks and then into your three gallon final destination for two more weeks of vegging and then put them both into a 12/12 schedule, which will flower first? Which will produce more yield?

I don't have the answers but I do have some observations. Opinions/thoughts?
I couldn't agree with you more whodat. Here's one for everybody. If you take two seeds of the same genes any strain and get them to pop on the same day. One you take and put directly into a three gallon pot the other you put into a party cup. They keep the same light schedules and are fed the same things. You transplant out of the party cup after two weeks into a larger container for two weeks and then into your three gallon final destination for two more weeks of vegging and then put them both into a 12/12 schedule, which will flower first? Which will produce more yield?

I don't have the answers but I do have some observations. Opinions/thoughts?
I think the one with less xplants will be the bigger healthier plant IMO
Id have to say the one originally in the #3 pot will flower first but Im not sure about yield or finishing lol... I say that because maybe it didnt have to adapt to another container therefor it would have a jump start? Munchies are a good thought :-) later

ps: more roots more fruits ;-)
JDB purchased romulan seeds from Vancouver Seeds over 10 years ago and noticed there were two distinct phenos, one short and bushy and one tall, sativa like. He concentrated on the short, bushy, sticky version and was up to about a f-3's when they were sent to some 600 members. They are f-5's or better and fairly stable now.
There was a breeding of the sativa variety that was bred with a satoria that had beautiful sativa structure and is currently being tested.

So I guess it's saying Vic got the original cut and tga got from him
Hi everyone! Just stopping by. All is looking good with everyones grows.

Updates. 2 x 600 in my rebuilt 5 x 5
It's an addiction !





Ah man... that's a fuckin shame. Glad they got out. I'll say a little something for the critters. Shame.

They lost a 4 month old pup and a older cat. The wife went to the hospital for smoke inhalation and the husband took a shower at another neighbors after he tried to put out the fire and was burned....
Sorry to hear about your neighbors Bassman.............. I made some more wax today, i had some killer trim that just had a ton of kief! I got 13.6 grams and used 8 cans of vector, not too bad the first four cans gave me 8 grams and the next four cans gave me 5.6 grams. I haven't smoked any yet but i gave some to my buddy and he said it's "real good" lol.



My buddy said this batch is better than the last, i know this batch is a darker color so i dont know if darker is better or not? Hmmm....
Wow bassman, that's horrible. I'm real sorry about the pets but the family is ok and that's great. I hope they have or get the support they need to get through this.

Hey everybody, first of all I'd like to say thank you very much for the Birthday wishes and bowls on my behalf, or doobies if that's your thing. I did spoil myself a bit by getting some things for the garden so I'm happy about that. Anyway, there's some posts I'd like to comment on and such but I'm still running around getting stuff done and hopefully doing potting up and maybe planting too tonight and then I can sit down later and catch up. But...while I was getting things ready I thought I'd have a good look at the soil mix in my 100L tub, closely, to see if there's anything in there that shouldn't be, like pests. Well I didn't find any in that bin but then again, then bins bin in a cool place and things might just be dormant. Nonetheless, I thought while I was at it I'd check one of the pots in flower and I found extremely small white bugs crawling through the soil, not on the plant. I've dealt with these before had a hard time finding info whether they are good or bad. Well anyway, this time around I found that info, and it's very good and I had to share before I took off again.

They are Springtails and they are the most abundant insect in the world, including Antarctica. One reason I had a hard time identifying them is because they're variety of species is vast. Organic gardeners you owe yourself this quick read.

One more thing I had to share. Bill, don't be offended please, just a faux pas on my part but I was out for dinner and I was telling my daughter about how I got Happy Birthday in Dutch and Mexican today. (big grin). My daughter gives me this look and says, "Uhm, don't you mean Spanish?" (big glare). :lol: She got me there. Sorry bill. :)


Back to work! :peace: