Urine growth mix?


Active Member
So human urine is high in nitrates, which are good for growth, but is it not also a weedkiller? It yellows grass and weeds till they die, but also produces fantastic lemon trees, so whats the verdict? good or bad...

Mainly an interest question, pretty sure nutes will do fine



Active Member

There are other nutrients available.

I don't want to smoke any weed grown with :spew::spew:"piss"


Well-Known Member
Iwouldnt use it its poor hygiene.But it doesnt kill weeds or grass ,its the opposite,it makes it go green and lush. Go outside in spring and piss regularly in a one yard sq area and watch that patch outgrow the rest of the grass.

chicken bob

Active Member
Iwouldnt use it its poor hygiene.But it doesnt kill weeds or grass ,its the opposite,it makes it go green and lush. Go outside in spring and piss regularly in a one yard sq area and watch that patch outgrow the rest of the grass.
no if u piss in the same spot it will kill the grass..... ive lived in the country most my life and have a spot near the front porch where nothing grows


Well-Known Member
Very true Bob. Urine can be used safely if diluted, and rest periods are given as well.
I have read that human urine has approx. 18% available nitrogen for plants, however, you must dilute it or it's too hot. Peace


Active Member
Thanks for the info, I suppose it may depend on your personal health and diet, the person who lived in my place before i did was a E user or something and his piss left a black mouldy patch on the grass, just charming...


Well-Known Member
i use it .......10:1, as a base for my teas. the microbes go nuts for it, and so do my plants. and, urine is sterile.


Ursus marijanus
There's more sodium than nitrogen (urea nitrogen, by the way) in human urine. Cannabis doesn't tolerate sodium well at all. It's a classic case of false economy. cn


Well-Known Member
the reason that pissing in your yard kills the grass is cuz its to hot and the high N burns the grass

pee by itself is Way to high in N and burns the shit out of plans however diluted it can be a good N fert for vegging plants. You would have to dilute it and use it the same day as pee is a great breeding ground for bacteria however is sterile coming out. Remind me never to smoke with you however LOL
My plants leaves were all turning yellow and it wasnt growing for a month so i watered it with my piss and water mixed together and within a couple of days it was growing good again and all the leaves were green and healthy looking


it amazes me how many people turn their nose up at this because someone mentions 'piss'. Piss being something we associate as a waste product and therefore considered bad.
mammal urea (of which we can count ourselves a part of) is widely used in the fertilizer industry as well as being a major player as a key element in the making of most chemical fertilizers too.
So organic or not, your probably getting urea in your nutes anyway.
I've experimented with it a bit and found the best solution is when you've drank plenty of fluids, perferably not sodas. Had a few occasions where it has been used as a band-aid to a struggling young'un with impressive results.

The standard crop-nutrient rating of urea is 46-0-0.
source: ICIS, http://www.icis.com/v2/chemicals/9076559/urea/uses.html

Urea [CO(NH2)2]2
Urea is a manufactured, organic compound containing 46% nitrogen, that is widely used
in solid and liquid fertilizers. It has relatively desirable handling and storage
characteristics, making it the most important solid nitrogen-fertilizer material, worldwide.
It may contain small concentrations of a toxic decomposition product, biuret; however,
urea manufactured using good quality control practices rarely contains enough to be of
agronomic significance. Urea is converted to ammonium carbonate by an enzyme
called urease when applied to soil. Ammonium carbonate is an unstable molecule that
can break down into ammonia and carbon dioxide. If the ammonia is not trapped by soil
water, it can escape to the atmosphere. This ammonia volatilization can cause
significant losses of nitrogen from urea when the fertilizer is applied to the surface of
warm, moist soils, particularly those covered with plant residues (no-till) or those drying

rapidly. Relatively high surface pH also aggravates nitrogen volatilization from urea.
(See section "Additives for Nitrogen Fertilizer.")

Efficient Fertilizer Use — Nitrogen: Dr. Don Eckert
source: http://www.rainbowplantfood.com/agronomics/efu/nitrogen.pdf


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of others using human urine as a nutrient for their marijuana plants. I guess it could really be the "poor-mans fertilizer". I do not know the exact ratio, But I know that it is supposed to be watered down quite substantially, pure urine is way to potent in nitrogen and will burn plants, hence watering down. I guess if you had no money, urine could feed your plants while in veg, I would probably start off at a low dosage, Maybe something like 20 parts water, one part urine, and see how the plant responds, the last thing you want to do is burn your plant. If your plant is taking the urine fine, Maybe you can up the dosage a bit, and try to find out a good ratio. That 10 parts water, and one part urine sounds reasonable. Hope that helps, happy toking


I piss on my plants, not when there budding but in veg I do. It doesnt kill them. I noticed greener lushier plants.