How many (Cfls) Bulbs are you useing


Well-Known Member
Hi i wanted to find out the ammount of Cfls being used to get nice size buds for one plant its just i wanna know what iam gonna be aiming for


Well-Known Member
What kind of bud im i looking at with these
2 x 85w Big Cfls (=350w Each) Both 2700k
1 x 30w tube (t4) i think , 1 x 20w tube, 4000k
1 x 30w Cfl, 6400k
1 x 24w Cfl 2700k


Well-Known Member
Hi i wanted to find out the ammount of Cfls being used to get nice size buds for one plant its just i wanna know what iam gonna be aiming for
To get nice buds, I use ZERO CFL's, in my grow room! If you want nice buds you get a real light! :) It is worth the money! Why spend 3 months growing for less then a month worth of smoke? And you are only growing one plant? might as well grow a few more, punishment is the same for 1 as it is for 20! :) FYI......

But to answer your original question, I use 4 cfl's 2 in my living room, one in my bathroom, and one in my hallway! They are GREAT around the house! But for nice buds, and to make it worth your time and money you need to go MH or HPS with 400 watts or more! Good Luck! :)


Well-Known Member
and thats just 2 x 68w tubes and for real the bud you grow you pay back on Bills fr the HPS unless you do a lot like 20 + plants


Well-Known Member
alright listen to me u little fuck. i was trying to help you, tubes suck. use regular cfls, not florescent tubes, they arent the same.. the c stands for compact... that means it takes up less space than tubes... so before you start talking shit learn something...


Well-Known Member
What kind of bud im i looking at with these
2 x 85w Big Cfls (=350w Each) Both 2700k
1 x 30w tube (t4) i think , 1 x 20w tube, 4000k
1 x 30w Cfl, 6400k
1 x 24w Cfl 2700k
thats 254 watts if you just used a 250w hps you would save electricty and grow 10x better buds.. you could even do better with a 150 hps....


Well-Known Member
12-26watters of cfl in a rubbermaid box. 8 2700k, 4 6500k. I'm at week 2 of flowering and thery are looking really good! Put in as many lights as you can as long you can keep the heat is under control.


Well-Known Member
12-26watters of cfl in a rubbermaid box. 8 2700k, 4 6500k. I'm at week 2 of flowering and thery are looking really good! Put in as many lights as you can as long you can keep the heat is under control.
Put in as many lights as you can? You keep adding CFL's and watts you might as well just get one big light that will do the job way better and use the same if not less electricity. I am telling you, CFL's are a waste of time. Only people who say they do good are people that use them. You think that they are cheaper and use less power, but not always true, espcially if you do like this guy says and put in "as many as possible."Get a bigger light, (mh or hps) and grow a few more plants! Its that simple. Good luck in whatever you do! :)


Well-Known Member
321 watts LMAO,I thought they made CFL's to save money! LOL. He is using 321 watts of cfl's to save money on a mh or hps. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yupp... pretty stupid... and then you have to deal with moving the lights on a daily basis beacuse you have to keep them so close....


Well-Known Member
its funny this cfl vs hid argument reminds me of 15 years or so ago when everyone was saying "you cant get a 4 cylinder rice burner to go fast"!!! while me and all my friends were adding air intakes and superchargers......... they always said you need a big v8 with tons of displacement, who cares about the mpg...... sounds like the hid guys comparing the lights lol, funny thing is the car manufacturer figured out well damn you can go fast and get 30mpg with an air intake and a supercharger, a little more thought and less muscle lol maybe the same will apply here one day


Well-Known Member
its funny this cfl vs hid argument reminds me of 15 years or so ago when everyone was saying "you cant get a 4 cylinder rice burner to go fast"!!! while me and all my friends were adding air intakes and superchargers......... they always said you need a big v8 with tons of displacement, who cares about the mpg...... sounds like the hid guys comparing the lights lol, funny thing is the car manufacturer figured out well damn you can go fast and get 30mpg with an air intake and a supercharger, a little more thought and less muscle lol maybe the same will apply here one day


Active Member
you guys are stupid this is the CFL section of this website. Some people use CFL's and wether u like it or not they do and this section is made for them.. thanks for your advice on what light to use but the people in this section use cfl's... so fuck off bitchasses


Well-Known Member
you guys are stupid this is the CFL section of this website. Some people use CFL's and wether u like it or not they do and this section is made for them.. thanks for your advice on what light to use but the people in this section use cfl's... so fuck off bitchasses
are you serious? theres nothing wrong with cfls, i told him not to use tubes. but it is a waste of money and time to grow with cfls that add up to over 250 (even 150) because you can get a hps for the same you will spend on all of your cfls sockets and everything elce.. not to mention the fire hazard of a 16 wiring 12 lights all on one circut. and you will get a much better yeild.


Well-Known Member
are you serious? theres nothing wrong with cfls, i told him not to use tubes. but it is a waste of money and time to grow with cfls that add up to over 250 (even 150) because you can get a hps for the same you will spend on all of your cfls sockets and everything elce.. not to mention the fire hazard of a 16 wiring 12 lights all on one circut. and you will get a much better yeild.

I'm no pro, but doesn't using 400 watts of CFLs still cost ALOT less than a 400W HPS in electricity? You don't need a ballast or whatever its called, you also don't need to vent, or worry about temperature or use CO2 injection in most cases. 400 watts of CFL can't possibly cost as much a 400W HPS system, or maybe I'm wrong. Anyone want to chime in? All I know is I'm running 3 125 W CFLs, and 6 42W cfl, and it only adds about 10 bucks to my electricity bill. So I don't see how you can possibly be right, unless running an HPS is less than I thought.


Well-Known Member
I'm no pro, but doesn't using 400 watts of CFLs still cost ALOT less than a 400W HPS in electricity? You don't need a ballast or whatever its called, you also don't need to vent, or worry about temperature or use CO2 injection in most cases. 400 watts of CFL can't possibly cost as much a 400W HPS system, or maybe I'm wrong. Anyone want to chime in? All I know is I'm running 3 125 W CFLs, and 6 42W cfl, and it only adds about 10 bucks to my electricity bill. So I don't see how you can possibly be right, unless running an HPS is less than I thought.
watts are watts