Things You found Out on your own


Well-Known Member
what have you found out about gardening on your own ....i dont care what some book website , or freind told or magizine ad told you works ..what did you do ...what are you doing what works and didnt work ?
Ive found amino acids to make a big difference in my yield. Ive found, and I know its common knowledge, but potassium silicate is great. Ive found that either you have to eradicate bacteria from yoir rootzone completely or add beneficial bacteria regularly to keep healthy roots. I have found that there is no substitute for flushing regularly if you do top feed drain to waste system. And ive found that you have to have to have to have good air circulation and ventilation (the hard way)

OHHH....ive found that if you smoke the dried sap that comes from your plant after you harbest, like from the stem cut points, its very flavorful and got me stoned.
1) Soil is easier to learn at first
2) You don't need a bunch of expensive bottles of nutrients to grow good weed
3) Everything you buy for growing will eventually need to be replaced
4) Pick something and stick with it for a grow, you'll learn a lot more than constantly changing so much stuff that when you're done you arent sure what did what

just to name a few.
i am finding that i am not using as much fertilizer as when i started. i think if i can put enough nutrients in the soil mix to begin with, the plants do just fine in the three months it takes them to grow from start to finish.
1. 90% of the information you read is misinformation
2. Cloning is very easy
3. Superthrive rocks
4.Jiffy Pellets suck
5. Miracle-gro SUCKS(prepare for N toxicity during flowering ;) )
6. Schultz and Peter's brand fertilizer are on the level with ANY cannabis targeted fertilizer
7. Dont trust cheap timers.
8. Dont think your badass and try and transplant a 4 ft tall plant alone
9. Dont grow in an illegal state without a carbon filter, I dont care how many miles away your neighbors live, you WILL have visitors sometime
10. You can always learn more

Thats about all I can think of lol.
what have you found out about gardening on your own ....i dont care what some book website , or freind told or magizine ad told you works ..what did you do ...what are you doing what works and didnt work ?
i learned right from the start that good ol common sents will solve most problems
1. If in soil lose the bottled nutrients. Get a hold of the organic material needed, and whip up some custom soil that will take you the entire way with minimal if any nutrient feedings. 2nd thing I learned was to Google, compost teas. <3
I have learned from every mistake I have made. Which is to say a lot!
I have learned to design everything in a grow room to be easy to control, clean, repair, and replace.
I have learned not to waste time with weak plants. Clone, Germ and Veg more than I need and flower only the strong girls.
I have learned to name and label every plant and her genetic offspring. Tracking genetics is key to consistent good quality grows.
I have reworked my rooms ventilation twice and hope to have it perfect after the 3rd time.
I have learned after spending a lot of money to try DIY first.
I have learned to clean. Constantly.
I have learned to deal with the occasional appearance of spider mites without panic and stress.

Not bad for a year and a half of growing.

I have learned from every mistake I have made. Which is to say a lot!
I have learned to design everything in a grow room to be easy to control, clean, repair, and replace.
I have learned not to waste time with weak plants. Clone, Germ and Veg more than I need and flower only the strong girls.
I have learned to name and label every plant and her genetic offspring. Tracking genetics is key to consistent good quality grows.
I have reworked my rooms ventilation twice and hope to have it perfect after the 3rd time.
I have learned after spending a lot of money to try DIY first.
I have learned to clean. Constantly.
I have learned to deal with the occasional appearance of spider mites without panic and stress.

Not bad for a year and a half of growing.


You've learned some very good lessons!
i haz learned dat some ferts haz herbicide for free ! and it says in small print on da back!
but my plants too strong for dat shiit they eat it for breakfast ! ;p
growing is an expensive hobby ...
cooltubes suck unless growing vertically...
be prepared and have a plan for equipment breakdowns ie; a/c, fans, bulbs, ballasts ..etc.
ALWAYS rip ALL LABLES off any cannabis related material delivered to your house; light boxes, seed envelopes, anything related to cultivating cannabis.
don't chop at the first sight of bananas ...
NEVER neglect your crop ...even if for a day ... alot of damage can be done if say white mold takes a small portion of a bud over ...
If you plan on growing consistantly ... don't expect many vacations. Plants are like pets or dare i say babies... they need the utmost attention.
NEVER ADMIT TO ANYTHING IF QUESTIONED BY POLICE, ....even if they catch you watering can in hand.
get a GOOD lawyer if your in a non mmj state. Save up money for that reason if need be.
Using the 160 and 25 Bubble bags make great GUMBY hash. First I filter with the 160, let it settle, then siphon it off into the 25 bag -- usually gets me another .5 gram.
Using the 160 and 25 Bubble bags make great GUMBY hash. First I filter with the 160, let it settle, then siphon it off into the 25 bag -- usually gets me another .5 gram.
A coffee filter makes even better gumby hash; why? Because I didn't buy no micron bags! :D
I found out that cannabis is straightforward to grow, it does not require toys and trinkets, bells and whistles, or daily attention, or every variable to be absolutely perfect, and that after your initial costs, while you can continue spending money left right and center, there is no need, and that from then on cannabis costs pennies to grow and requires little to no effort (unless you're talking 50 plants, that's a different matter, but it's still no effort, just an accumulated mass of small efforts if that makes sense :)

To sum it up, i've learnt that people make cannabis out to be some time consuming complicated plant to grow. It's not.
OMG I love this thread.... thank you..

Life related:
Just because it cost more does not make it better...
Don't ever give away more than you are willing to loose.
There is no amount of bitching or worrying that will ever change anything (for the better anyway).
Birth control is your friend.
Question the convention (conventional wisdom comes at a cost, and its not always cheap)
Faith is more powerful than reason.
Educations are what you make of them.
There's an economy to everything (be mindful of what you value)
People who "never fail" (or are always perfect) never do.. (those who can do, and those who can't teach)...
There's really no such thing as failure, only making poor use of the opportunity's available to you.
Anything/everything is possible if you don't mind filing the paperwork.
There are still good people out there (if you are willing to show your cards first).
English speaking country's are just ..... just...... pleasant, at very least... God I love my country (for the most part anyway)...

Pot related:
Pro mix and a complete fertilizer/nutrient is the way to get started..
A bigger base is better (in soil, use alot of soil. in hydro, use a bigger reservoir")
Greenhouse supply companies are way more useful than "grow shops"