My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

yh but look how terrible they are way too stretched out id say start over because they are just bad (dont mean to sound nasty)

if your able to do it then do it but i think your best best is to start over and have the lights close maybe do 1 or 2 plants max
well i dont honestly have anymore seeds, n ive already invested 1 1/2 months so i've grown to like my ghetto ass plants lol n i dont want to kill them im just trying to bring them back, make them get bak to reach their full potential.
well i got two 13watt cfls- 13w cfl= 60 watt reg bulbs, plus a 90 watt i beleive plant bulb.

That's not enough. Find out what spectrum the plant bulb puts out, and how many lumens it's rated for. In all likelihood it's not doing anything.

The low wattage CFLs are not helping either.

If I were you I'd just start over. That plant is too stretched to be able to recover and be at all worthwhile. Get the highest wattage single CFL bulb you can, of the "cool" color spectrum. Keep it as close as you possibly can to the top of the plant once it has the first set of adult leaves-- even if you have to move it every day.
so there is no way possible my tallest plant can recover? someone help.. everybodys tellin me to start over.. its a good idea grant it but i really dont want to im tryin to make the best of what i have until its die, any suggestions?
maybe invest in some decent growing supplies i.e. pots, soil, can buy a ballast with a plug already on it at hardware stores for under twenty....the main problem is the lighting situation in my opinion
wow 35 days old, 6 inches high the stem is some thickness as godsens penis, and it stretched, bro, jus throw it away, and read this!! all of it !! GROWFAQ ""
so there is no way possible my tallest plant can recover? someone help.. everybodys tellin me to start over.. its a good idea grant it but i really dont want to im tryin to make the best of what i have until its die, any suggestions?

I know it's harsh, but sometimes reality is like that. Go check out some of the grow journals, especially the CFL grows. Look at what a healthy plant looks like even at 2 weeks. IMHO, even if you get yours to survive a while longer by improving its conditions, it will not produce.

I know you want to feel the satisfaction of the DIYer. This plant will not give it to you.

It might seem that you have lost time by starting over. If you do start over right, in 2 weeks you will have a plant that is bigger and stronger than that one. Besides, how much more time will you lose by investing it in this one?
You need a much better setup. You say your broke but jsut got a job so youll want to do this as cheap as possible. The thing about growing is you can't cheap out and hope for best, you need to think out every detail and spend some scrilla, Don't cheap out on lights and soil and that stuff. Anyway heres what you need to do:

1---Buy a HIGHTIMES. Or some weed magazine, learn some shit.

2---Hit up google, type in rubbermaid grow box, learn some more shit. This is probably most effective, cheap grow setup I have read about.

3---Throw that stringbean out. You can use 2 13W CFL's for seedlings, That's it. After a week or two you will need to step it up to a good 3000 lumens. and youll have to reduce some lumens for light spillage, not every beam of light is hitting the plants.
Also, if you really dont want to throw it out, then your going to need better light, and if you can afford to get more light, you should be able to buy some good seeds from a seedbank or a good website. You can get better seeds than what youve got for 30 bucks. If you can afford lights, you should be able to afford better seeds.
well thanks for the advice, im going to germinate some new seeds and plant as many seedling that come through of the mid grade straqnd, but im gonna keep my long string bean as well, is there any way to fix the streching it can never even itself out i mean once it gets to by the light it wont grow any taller will it and it will need to grow out right is there anything i can do.
Yea just need some light man. Get something to support that plant like a stick to tie it to. Anyways, just get some nice CFLS..and keep em close. If you can put your hand under it and it doesn't burn you, then it won't burn your plants. Lol peace
It should recover, i donest have alot of leaves i looks like. But with the lights lcoser it should really help it out. But like i said earlier, youll need something to support the whole plant. yea, peace
man are you growin a toothpicks.....jk.deff add more lights into your setup man.35 days WTF?!?! i've never seen so small plant 35 days old :D ..... dunno what to say....maybe as the first reply says : "wow...just wow" :D
ahhh suck my cock you prick

lol, ur funny guy, sucker...

did u start over yet, coz that 35 day old piece of crap isnt worth sh!tting on to be totally honest bro, if u read up first, u will see a plant 100 time staht size in 2 weeks, 1, keep lights close, 2 control temperature, 3. do not use anything to do with Miracle Grow, 4. do not over water, 5. control PH!!! important! jus read the GROWFAQ