Had a fire in my house last night because of my grow room, help with max volts/watts?


Active Member
Last night my wall socket caught on fire, i was able to contain the fire with a fire extinguisher thank god, but now im worried it might happen again while im not home. I replaced the socket already, it wasn't too hard. I want to prevent this in the future, so i'd like some help understanding a few things.

First I'll lay out what im working with.
-One 15 amp breaker runs to my grow room. Inside is four wall sockets (each with two plugs), one light socket (with a adaptor for two additional wall plugs).
-I've got 10x23w CFL's [plugged vertically on surge protectors 2&3]
-The additional 23w CFL that is in the light socket
-1x 12v ac adapter for fans [plugged into surge protector "1"]
-An air purfier (1700w) [plugged into surge protector "1"]
-Space heater (2200w) [plugged directly into socket]
-Computer with 750w power supply/monitor (cant find monitors wattage) [plugged directly into socket]

The total consumed wattage is around 5000w.

Previously i had surge protector 3 plugged into surge protector 2. Number 2 was plugged directly into wall. Now ive got both of them on extension cords plugged into the wall separately. I know plugging one surge protector into another is a fire hazard, but why? I was barely pulling any watts through them, only 230 total between the two surge protectors. Is having a surge protector on an extension cord dangerous too? It said on the box to not do that, but i dont understand why. The space heater is absolutely necessary, as is the air purifier, so i can't drop them. I'm just wondering what the maximum wattage i can safely pull is? Is there anything else i can do to prevent a potential fire?

If you need any other information i can glady provide. I'm just so worried. Thanks so much.


Well-Known Member
one light socket (with a adaptor for two additional wall plugs). <---- Thats a HUGE problem light sockets are not gounded, fire waiting to happen.


Well-Known Member
Extension cords draw more amps and change the resistance of the circuit. The farther electricity has to travel, the more heat is generated. Keep it short and buy quality extension cords if you must use them. Or better yet run one from another room on a diff breaker. You dont want to max out your breaker just cause it says 15 amps dosent mean you want to use all 15 amps. Also try to run one from the kitchen if its close by since thoes breakers are useally 20-30 amps.


Well-Known Member
Well there are alot of factors how old is your house? are the power wires running threw your house newer older? usually a newer wire will be more flat an plastic insulated where older wires are more brown and round with a fabric type insulation??

as long as the amps of the stuff you have plugged into the extension cord do not exceed the amps on the cord it is safe they tell you that because if you are trying to pull more amp then the cord is rated because the extension cord is so long as apose to throwing a breaker the cord will heat up and potentially start a fire

use a large gauge extension cord my rule of thumb is I alway use at least a 12 gauge cord they are heavy duty appliance cords and will usually take as much power as you can throw at it lol (in reason)


Well-Known Member
i would say you can SAFELY pull around half of what you are... why do you need a 2000 watt space heater? seriously 10 23 watt cfl's? how much did you spend altogether on bulbs and fittings... LMFAO!!! yu coulda got 400 watter hid and kicked out the space heater... how much is your electricity bill?? .. seriously dude ARE YOU SERIOUS??


Well-Known Member
5000watts for a cfl grow.... Lmfao shut it down before you go bankrupt paying for electricity, all the money your spending on heat and air purification could be smoked and all your time/effort saved


Well-Known Member
NOT MINE... ...LOL IM running 2200watts of hid... 1000 WATT AND DUAL 600'S MY TEMPS ARE UNDER 80 WITHOUT A/C ALL YEAR MIGHT I ADD... well most of it anyways


Well-Known Member
I would be worried if you are running 5000w off a single 15amp circut, just for the pure fact that the breaker didn't blow. That Seems to me maybe someone may have hard wired a fuse or something. Be vary careful about how you proceed. You may want to invest in a fuse box (or 2! running 5000W) with breakers for your room. That way all the power you are using is contained, individual breakers for each large item can pop individually, and if anything is having power issues it will be very easy to track down the culprit.

You could also have your facts wrong, it would be impossible to run 5000w on a 15amp breaker without some serious problems (such as a fire!) but most likely you would not even be able to turn everything on. Use a single surge protector per outlet, at the very least you are losing power through "ghost draw" at worst you could have the additional socket catch fire (just by accident) Less wiring is almost always better. Complicating electrical lines is not something you want to do.

You could also do what everyone else said..... Use....less....power....


Well-Known Member
1st ditch the PC as stated above a growroom is no place for it
you need to do something w/ the spaceheater & air purifier -each draws more than the circuit can handle.get them on seperate breakers.they each need a dedicated breaker.
as for extension cords, anything that draws near 10 amps or 1000 watts needs a 14 gauge cord & over 10amps needs a 12 gauge cord.only use a cord as long as you need. if you are going to use a 100 foot cord & leave 85 feet coiled up,wrap it around a full gas can. coiling up a cord is asking for a fire so you might as well do it properly.


Well-Known Member
it does seem a bit ridiculous to be using all that electricity for a cfl grow.. kinda defeats the object. but seriously for your safety and others please be careful and unplug everything


Active Member
First off, not to sound like a complete reject, but the air purifier only pulls 55w. I'm not sure how i made that mistake.

one light socket (with a adaptor for two additional wall plugs). <---- Thats a HUGE problem light sockets are not gounded, fire waiting to happen.
Fixed, thanks.

Extension cords draw more amps and change the resistance of the circuit. The farther electricity has to travel, the more heat is generated. Keep it short and buy quality extension cords if you must use them. Or better yet run one from another room on a diff breaker. You dont want to max out your breaker just cause it says 15 amps dosent mean you want to use all 15 amps. Also try to run one from the kitchen if its close by since thoes breakers are useally 20-30 amps.

Thanks! I'm using construction (i think 16g) extension cords from lowes, so hopefully they will be okay.

Well there are alot of factors how old is your house? are the power wires running threw your house newer older? usually a newer wire will be more flat an plastic insulated where older wires are more brown and round with a fabric type insulation??

as long as the amps of the stuff you have plugged into the extension cord do not exceed the amps on the cord it is safe they tell you that because if you are trying to pull more amp then the cord is rated because the extension cord is so long as apose to throwing a breaker the cord will heat up and potentially start a fire

use a large gauge extension cord my rule of thumb is I alway use at least a 12 gauge cord they are heavy duty appliance cords and will usually take as much power as you can throw at it lol (in reason)

The house is older, but the wiring is yellow and plastic. They are rectangular shaped instead of circular. Thanks for the reply. I'm a little overwhelmed so sorry for vaugly responding to each post. I don't think i did a very good job at explaining my situation, so throughout this post i'll extend on it.

you need to understand first, i assume your 15 amp breaker is 110v and wired in 12awg something (thhn, romex solid core) cause you got lotta stuff plugged in, but thats good for:

15 Amps
110 Volts
1650 Watts
*.80 (cause you dont want your wire hot)
1320 actual fucking watts
First, thanks for your post. It's very well written and informative. I'm not sure if i mistook your post, but I'd appreciate if you would try not to be an ass to me, im not here for someone to try to scare the shit out of me, im here to fix the problem i have. As for the quote above, I don't understand how that is possible, if there are so many house hold things that pull over 2k watts such as heaters? I'm not saying you are wrong, I know NOTHING about electric. I'm just wondering how that works?

economically speaking, you have more watts of heat than growing watts/lumens and this doenst make sense to me. you would probably plan on throwing a HID in later? that would be really bad
No HID. As mentioned above, i did a bad job explaining myself. The room is my room as well (its pretty huge too), thats why the computer is in it and the space heater. The computer can be moved to a different room. I use the air purifier for my sinuses more than for the pot, i dont live anyone except my girlfriend so im not worried about the smell. The space heater and air purifier will be there regardless of whether im growing or not, as they were before. With the addition of the CFL's and fans, im only adding like 300w monthly.

Just figure your runs from the breaker box to your room, multiply by 2, add 20 percent for mistakes, buy that in 12awg 12-3 romex (250 ft aint bad) then get 20 amp breakers, 20 amp heavy duty receptacles

your space heater goes on an independent receptacle, of its own breaker (its way big dude)
I've got someone coming this Sunday to do my electricity for me because of your post. Lol. Thanks again. I'm having him install two 20amp breakers and four sockets, will that suffice?

This means your main cost (electricity) is being absorbed into heat (stupid, the lights do it for free)

When you spend your main cost (electricity) on what pays the most return (lumens with penetration) than your a good grower
It was 22 degrees in my house last night. My rooms the only heated one.


Well-Known Member
I don't see the problem...I like to stack old news papers by my heater and old paint rags and chemicals in my grow room...if thats not a wake up call I don't know what is. Pot ain't that important to risk your life...theres a electrician on here ask him how to proceed...good luck lucky


Well-Known Member
Are you sure your breaker is 15amp? sounds more like 30amp breakers to beable to handle that much power without popping...


Well-Known Member
Good to hear your getting it worked out. Make sure to check that no one has hardwired the fuses, or diverted around the breaker. Older houses, you never really know what the guy before you did. Test all your breakers and and fuses before going forward.


Active Member
*.80 (cause you dont want your wire hot)
This is a pretty key item when it comes to safety....

Only load your circuits to 80% of their rating.

Wiring is not a hobby, either... if you need to add breakers/circuits, hire someone to come in and do it properly.


Active Member
Good to hear your getting it worked out. Make sure to check that no one has hardwired the fuses, or diverted around the breaker. Older houses, you never really know what the guy before you did. Test all your breakers and and fuses before going forward.
I'm sorry man, I really don't know what that means or how to do it. I know the guy who did the electric before I lived here was an armature, though. Also, it is defeinetely a 15 amp breaker. When I flip it I lose all electric to that room, and it says 15 on the breaker


Well-Known Member
Your risking your whole house catching on fire from the wiring on that whole circuit bursting into flames from overloading the wiring. If i were you I'd ditch the cfls, move computer to different room, ditch space heater and upgrade to 1000 watt HPS which will put out probably as much heat as the heater being on continuously as well as outproduce anything u could dream of with that cfl set up.

edit: as well as halving the watts on that circuit.