The Seed Collectors Thread

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
From supernatural regarding the space bubba

[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]heya kab glad to see em coming up now, thanks!
lol yeah there was some errors in the listing but mr c has been so busy i didnt want to bother him

its actually a "Space Qleaner" SQ x Qleaner male.

similar to spacequeens but quite a bit bigger and yeildier. so there is a differnce for sure.

kind if a confusing name i should have thought of a better one for sure lol.

also comes with some jaffa cakes which have the same male but with super orangey vortex momma.
although most have leaned towards the father SQxQ in those so far.
anyways gl with the order hope if travels well!



Well-Known Member
Waita Minute.... hold The Phone...
Thats the name of the Breeder??????
Its proba a mistake....
Unless theres a breeder out there who only uses GDP in his crosses....LoL
I bet he sells skunk #1's and Northern Lights, and No GDP at all. hear me out. G13 Labs sell no G13 strain. Hazeman sells indicas not hazes. So it only makes sense that GDP would sell non GDP seeds.


New Member
plush is ready to go down for the cure.

snatched a session nug & zapped it micro (so sue me) for 10 seconds to get to bone dry.

broke out the grinder, took 20 minutes to clean my bowl, and PAB.

even after a zap & zero cure...


yum !


Well-Known Member
plush is ready to go down for the cure.

snatched a session nug & zapped it micro (so sue me) for 10 seconds to get to bone dry.

broke out the grinder, took 20 minutes to clean my bowl, and PAB.

even after a zap & zero cure...


yum !
i gotta do a Bowl cleaning when i get home too...
its Like all the resin in a 20 mile radius took a pilgrimage to my bowl thinkin it was Mecca...

Even after a duke nukem it was yums??
HHmmmm... Too much goodness... not enough me...
Springtime<----------- Guerilla Steeelo...... What--Yes!!!!
I had a few in a dried up lake bed.. then we had a freak rainstorm... WTF??
Yah.. Thx.... Douche....
Allll dead......


New Member
From supernatural regarding the space bubba

heya kab glad to see em coming up now, thanks!
lol yeah there was some errors in the listing but mr c has been so busy i didnt want to bother him

its actually a "Space Qleaner" SQ x Qleaner male.

similar to spacequeens but quite a bit bigger and yeildier. so there is a differnce for sure.

kind if a confusing name i should have thought of a better one for sure lol.

also comes with some jaffa cakes which have the same male but with super orangey vortex momma.
although most have leaned towards the father SQxQ in those so far.
anyways gl with the order hope if travels well!

his space qleaner cross is awesome. i harvested one couple months back, very tropical fruit smelling.. soaring high too.
Im not sure what these come under .. But there my biggest by far...
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All i can say is why? $5000 for seeds.. you must know something i don't..
anyway back to reality..
I would say hippos lmao. Very good dre. What strain?
sorry guys gotta jump in for a sec. need ur opinions. was thinking about ordering some of these and making some moms out of em. any ideas?
Good luck. I heard some people like it some don't and Barney's fame period is suspect. But if it floats your boat row it;)