Rofl ttt i nearly pissed myself readin that bru i work dam hard and more than any of you s might think im on price work anf before the recession i could easily clear a g in 5 days but as soon as it kicked in it dwindled to half of that atleast ! Last year i did 2 months without a break and towards the end of the first month i did really wonder why i was doin it but tbf i love my job and could nt give it up and we as a company need to hit targets to be successful in this trade so gettin out of bed to keep your job is the only way forward i could easily hang up my tools and just grow i could quite easily fill houses for organised crime and sum big boys but thats another story ! The only reason i grow is because i enjoy and love watchin them grow and feeling at 1 with them its like a place were i can go chill on me tod and av peace and it makes me feel a live ! You ve probley heard or do yourself talk to your plants and believe me i like nothin more than sittin in a middle of a room full to the brim of cheese and talkin to my ladies knowin they aint gonna talk back bit listen as i tell them they are amazin but could do with growing a little more haha!!
on that note morning all you bums fine sunday mornin it is no aches in this head lol!!
Haha, i had to give up on it in the end before i got too tired and went lala

But yeah man, if i so wished, i could quit my job, and never have to wake up before 5pm again, and i'd still be eanring more than my legal income without even having to upgrade my grow

Maybe all these growers talk about how complicated and consuming it is because they get so bored they just tinker and poke their grows. I like a full time job because without it i'd go batshit mad sitting around all day with nothing to do

But no, i'#m afraid i've never gone as far as to talk to my plants, but hey, i won't even talk to babies

I like growing for the fact that i like the idea that it is nature and that lot. Plus it tickles me to think that by breaking a law i am being morally and intellectually more superior than these 100k a year fat cats in parliament. Such a shame that i have to break the law to better the local neighbourhood
Morning folk