bottom pic and bottom right bud can u see the intense green leafs curling down? the little leafs half way down the bud? wot causes that? i had that on my larger plant last round.
nice buds on that tho. looks tasty as feck
Don't know don't care

Unless it's something large scale like the heavy yellowing in the middle of the plant, then i just ignore it, my yields have never given me reason to worry about a little curling or drooping. And any pale yellowing and drooping i can generally just peg down to me being a lazy bastard and letting the reservoir run dry. I don't keep it topped up and checked every day, i fill it once and ignore it for a week
People make growing out to be way more complicated than it needs to be. They'll always come abck with some comment on "oh, well i want grow DECENT bud" or silly little things like that, well i'e never had anything but pretty high praise from people who've smoked my stuff so why fret

Hell, i even had a group of about 15 people trying to convince me that the exo was laced, i arrived around 8pm with bbq food and passed around a joint while i unpacked all the meat and fish from the poly boxes, didn't see any of em again till late morning. They won't even smoke with me any more. My flatmate won't even smoke with me any more