Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Well-Known Member
I know exactly how much they'll charge patients if they buy it from me. 65.00 for 3.5 to 4 grams. 75.00 for 5 grams. The thing is, they always, and I mean ALWAYS, try to low-ball you on the wholesale side of 200 per zip. That might be fine for some nooby shwag, but with stuff like this Tahoe, 200 would be like giving it away. The only way I'll consider it would be if a club offered 300 per zip as a donation. And as good as this stuff is, these LA shops are stingy, and I know they wouldn't give me that. So I keep all for Jin. Yay.

You wouldn't believe some of these LA shop people. Even when my stuff far outshines their top menu item under the magnifying light, they still shake their heads and try to low-ball me. I'm not sure I want to even put up with that bullshit this time around. Maybe another grow when I've harvested more. I'm still learning about this type of cut I'm working with, so I'm sure I'll harvest more next time.
I hear ya, bro. I wasn't really suggesting that you sell it to them. I was just wondering if their eyes would pop out of their sockets at the dispensary. Or maybe you know an honest dispensary owner who could confirm that your stuff is out of this world, after examining it under a huge magnifying glass.

In a previous post you mentioned that you might want to get "caregiver status" and that you were planning to expand your operation. So I thought that in a future grow you might sell your product directly to the public. If you do that, I'll have to figure out a way to become a California resident. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Must feel better than Xmas morning as a child have'n all that dank OG at ur finger tips ! My flip has begun ...

Question: I'm adding 10ml of CalMag to 10gal H2O .. one plant is showing Mg diff or lock .. could this be ? Since the AN nutes are supposed to be well balanced .. did I add too much Mg ??
You're right that AN says that it isn't necessary to add any CalMag when you use their products. They sell a CalMag for hydro, but they say that it's only for adding to the base nutrients made by another company. Then again, Jin added some CalMag and his plants grew beautifully. I wonder if you might have overfed your plant like I did recently. ???

Hey, I'm flipping next week! I'll have to check out your journal.


Well-Known Member
Jin, I wouldn't expect the smell to be anything but perfect, lol. And I never close the lid of a jar when I first jar my bud.......risky!!
If you use the clip down jars (some sort of italian ones) the lid can stay open just a hint, I normally have that running for a day or two, then start closing them and opening them at least twice a day.


Well-Known Member
Jin, I wouldn't expect the smell to be anything but perfect, lol. And I never close the lid of a jar when I first jar my bud.......risky!!
If you use the clip down jars (some sort of italian ones) the lid can stay open just a hint, I normally have that running for a day or two, then start closing them and opening them at least twice a day.
Thank ya kindly.

Sealed up nice and tight now. Not a moment too soon or too late. Popping open a jar is pleasure and pain. Yeah, you gotta let that stuff breathe initially in the jars. I love the way that very last bit of stem/core moisture just wafts out of the open jar. I think this is key in maximizing the smell of any bud. Those clasp jars are cool, but I'm always afraid it's gonna lose tension and would rather stick to the good ol' band and lid canning jar. A strong twist always ensures a tight seal.

I really don't see the need to mess with brown paper bags or cardboard boxes. To each his/her own certainly, but I find that skilled use of glass and darkness is all one needs for a tight cure.

Must feel better than Xmas morning as a child have'n all that dank OG at ur finger tips ! My flip has begun ...

Question: I'm adding 10ml of CalMag to 10gal H2O .. one plant is showing Mg diff or lock .. could this be ? Since the AN nutes are supposed to be well balanced .. did I add too much Mg ??
If the AN says calmag isn't needed as Dave mentioned, I don't pay attention to it and add it anyway. I think it may be assuming that you're not using RO when it says that? You're using RO, right? If so, I would say up it to 3ml of calmag per gallon. So add 20ml more. But let me see a picture of this plant also.

I hear ya, bro. I wasn't really suggesting that you sell it to them. I was just wondering if their eyes would pop out of their sockets at the dispensary. Or maybe you know an honest dispensary owner who could confirm that your stuff is out of this world, after examining it under a huge magnifying glass.

In a previous post you mentioned that you might want to get "caregiver status" and that you were planning to expand your operation. So I thought that in a future grow you might sell your product directly to the public. If you do that, I'll have to figure out a way to become a California resident. :weed:
Oh yeah, their eyes and their noses would pop alright. But they would do their best to hide it in order to undercut me. Which is ridiculous because we're both standing in the same room with my bud.

No, caregiver doesn't work quite that way. At least it wouldn't for me. I would just take on the plant allowance for another patient. I don't know if I'll even need to do that, though, because I'm allowed six flowering plants and six vegging plants by state law. Six may not sound like much, but if I should install three 1000w vertical bulbs in a room, six could be plenty. I find it easier to manage fewer larger plants than a greater number of smaller plants besides.


Well-Known Member
This last grow I came back afterbeing out of town for a week.
My poor little clone driedup in the pot, so much so that Ithought it was overdried.
I chopped herand instantly jarred her she was so dry,

and she's been the best smelling bud i've chopped.
When I jar earlyand moist they get that urea smell (nitrogen or chlorophyll ibe lieve)

Every time I crack the jar, it smells liek straight piney lemon,
no more piss & grass.

This coupled with your earlyjarring experience make me want tostart drying buds more than I usuallydo.

EDIT: And all this makesme want to load a nice greenbowl./


Well-Known Member
This last grow I came back afterbeing out of town for a week.
My poor little clone driedup in the pot, so much so that Ithought it was overdried.
I chopped herand instantly jarred her she was so dry,

and she's been the best smelling bud i've chopped.
When I jar earlyand moist they get that urea smell (nitrogen or chlorophyll ibe lieve)

Every time I crack the jar, it smells liek straight piney lemon,
no more piss & grass.

This coupled with your earlyjarring experience make me want tostart drying buds more than I usuallydo.

EDIT: And all this makesme want to load a nice greenbowl./
Well I hope this makes you feel better. I know it makes me feel better.



Well-Known Member
You let all that kief vape away to take a picture!!
Sweet shot though.
This isn't the wispy kind of kief that just instantly vaporizes. It's thick. It burns slow. It hangs around. As soon as you stop pulling, the little prairie fire stops. It's super easy to corner. For instance, if I passed the bong to you, you would have that nice, fresh crescent moon to light up. :D

I'm so High I'm thinking about roaming the streets at 1:30 in the morning.

Edit 2:
This is a shot in mid-pull. I'm actually smoking marijuana in this photo.


Well-Known Member
Jin it's LA.
Not smalltown oregon.

I'm gonna go hit my bowl again.

I ordered some FoxFarms GBig Bloom, only because it's a flower food based around bacterial life in your medium.
Which workswith theSubculture M (mycorhizae) i picked up a while ago.

Now I'm looking for a biology-friendly veg food, that willwork well long term with big bloom.
I don't kn ow if their grow-bigwill wipeout life. it doesn't state anythingabout it.


Well-Known Member
I took three huge lung-busters and this is the damage I did...

Again. Mid-toke. I'm smoking this bowl in this photo! :D

I'll finish this bowl even if it kills me.


Well-Known Member
Jin it's LA.
Not smalltown oregon.

I'm gonna go hit my bowl again.

I ordered some FoxFarms GBig Bloom, only because it's a flower food based around bacterial life in your medium.
Which workswith theSubculture M (mycorhizae) i picked up a while ago.

Now I'm looking for a biology-friendly veg food, that willwork well long term with big bloom.
I don't kn ow if their grow-bigwill wipeout life. it doesn't state anythingabout it.
Oh... Ha ha. I'm so very high. :D

Post your bowl smoking photos eveyone! Do it! I know you're getting high!


Well-Known Member
reading through a bit. A fun read. I am getting ready to do a hydro set up as an experiment. Im a dirtbag. :P I just like to know as much about growing as I possibly can, so I thought I would throw a hydro system into my grow, to get some experience at it. Probably going to veg in a bubbleponic 10 gal tote system. they are great for grdroowing 6 clones in 4" cups and hydroton. Then will transplant into an ebb and flow system. Still trying to decide on a nutrient line.

How dank is the Tahoe? I want to try it, but after about a year of looking for a good dank kush, I still haven't found one that I can say trumps my pre-98 Bubba. I have tried many, and many have fallen haha. I haven't tried Tahoe yet though, and I'm still sitting on a bunch of Cali Conn gear deciding if I want to run it, lol...


Well-Known Member
reading through a bit. A fun read. I am getting ready to do a hydro set up as an experiment. Im a dirtbag. :P I just like to know as much about growing as I possibly can, so I thought I would throw a hydro system into my grow, to get some experience at it. Probably going to veg in a bubbleponic 10 gal tote system. they are great for grdroowing 6 clones in 4" cups and hydroton. Then will transplant into an ebb and flow system. Still trying to decide on a nutrient line.

How dank is the Tahoe? I want to try it, but after about a year of looking for a good dank kush, I still haven't found one that I can say trumps my pre-98 Bubba. I have tried many, and many have fallen haha. I haven't tried Tahoe yet though, and I'm still sitting on a bunch of Cali Conn gear deciding if I want to run it, lol...
You askin' about Cali-connect Tahoe or this here cut only Tahoe? I can tell you this. I'm strictly an OG Kush smoker and when I'm not smoking my grow, I get my meds from a local shop that is damned solid with their OG. I'm a heavy smoker and they always have at least two very good different OG's every time I go about every four days. This Tahoe stands out among all the great shop OG's I've sampled. It's hands down the best weed I've grown, and I've grown quite a bit. I would feel confident about a friendly head to head with the best Bubba around.

Of course I can't take all the credit. If the potential isn't there in the genetics, the grower doesn't have much to work with -- no matter how awesome or hi-tech his system. I know Cheeze says I can turn shwag genetics into good shit, but he's just being nice. I really need to salute PO, and insist upon getting clones hand-picked by Cheeze.


Well-Known Member
Waddup Jin? I'm having a cal/mag problem with my grow, and have been told to Major Feed them hoes some Mag. Cal/Mag isn't available where I'm at, and don't have the money to purchase some online right now, but I do have epsom salt. I was just wondering how many ppms your normal dose of Cal/Mag adds, so I know how much epsom salt I should use. √

One Teaspoon of Epsom Salt raised my ppm from about 230 to 600.


Well-Known Member
Waddup Jin? I'm having a cal/mag problem with my grow, and have been told to Major Feed them hoes some Mag. Cal/Mag isn't available where I'm at, and don't have the money to purchase some online right now, but I do have epsom salt. I was just wondering how many ppms your normal dose of Cal/Mag adds, so I know how much epsom salt I should use. √

One Teaspoon of Epsom Salt raised my ppm from about 230 to 600.
Ouch... a 30ml dose of calmag to 10 gallons of water shouldn't raise your levels by more than 150ppm to 200ppm or so ( a rough estimate). That's why epsom salt isn't ideal. Too unpredictable. But if you should dissolve the epsom salt beforehand in a jar of water, you could pour that concentrate into your mix until you rise by about 200ppm.

But use epsom salt only temporarily until you can get some calmag.


Well-Known Member
I skipped the wake and bake today. I'm still high from last night.

Good news, everyone. My supermarket checkout girl has an eleven year old daughter, but she is NOT married. Woo hoo!

I've had my eye on her for a long-ass time. But the thing is, a while back she saw me come into the market a few times with one of my former roommates who was pregnant at the time (long story, I'm not the father). So all this time she thought I was married with a kid! Damn! Never go to the store with your pregnant roommate!


Well-Known Member
you know what they say about checkout girls with kids???
Uh... I'm almost afraid to ask... what?

Well I hope I'm not getting too personal, but here's why a guy like me is attracted to her. Young girls are hot in the sack, but you run out of things to talk about quick. Then it just becomes physical. Very limited. Hot, but limited.

I'm an old guy, and she's an older chick with an 11 year old kid, so we wouldn't look weird walking around together...Lol. She's been around the block, like me, so I feel a connection that way. I also don't find the prospect of being a surrogate 'dad' distasteful because she's already done the hard work of raising a screaming infant and toddler. All I have to do is talk to this young person. Plus, I'm not the teenager type who needs to check on or be checked on by a girlfriend five times a day. So if she needs time away to spend with her kid, that'll just make me want her more since she's not in my fucking face all the time. Yeah, I'm thinking about all this shit, but so is she. She also has a great butt, which is very important to me... she's half white, half Asian. Thank God for the white half. Lol.