
Well-Known Member
[h=2]200 X 120 X 240 Grow Tent Bud Room Hydroponics[/h]

This Hydroponics Grow Tent features a tough black polyester coated outer shell, non-toxic high-reflective silver Mylar fabric, 600D silver lined interior for light reflection and a maximum light yield.

try reading his entire ad first....ignorance isnt always bliss...
And the worry is to me the non toxic its advertised as because its ebay and everyone knows how easy it is to set up a new account if you ruin one selling account! Ive read some of the sellers feedback too now and although nothing on tents hes had his fair share of negative feedback plus i know there is many suppliers bringing containers of theses chinese goods in to make money and they dont care about customer care !!
I know aswell as others that bit states non toxic !!! that dont mean it is!! Ifd it was a shop then i could trust this to be the truth! there are people out there trying to make a living and dont care about others and care if its the real deal! it may not be the tent but there is a chance and its the last resort as things have been changed and everythings gettin worse

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
his tent say NON TOXIC in the add he puts up for the tent...are any of you actually reading his post or just ignorantly responding to mine...judging by responces....i say ignorantly responding....
Now this amuses the crap out of me. Or did you miss my first input in the thread where i stated exactly that :lol: pot calling the kettle black when the kettle was no in fact black in the first place :D
Just to jump in. Every indication points towards the fact that there ARE toxic tents by the fact that it is marketed as non-toxic.

Who's the ignorant one now? lol


Active Member
It appears that Senua - Digital is a "Clearinghouse" company that is using ebay to re-market items. They have only been in existence for 5 years, and just beginning selling on Ebay. Hard saying where this tent "Originated" from, or what types of material it is made of.

Once I can devote more time to the poster I will, and hope that it is just something that He/ We are overlooking to remedy the problem that He is facing.
I am only here to help my fellow growers to better their grow(s). I can only hope and wish that some would not cast stones at someone for not knowing.

Best of the New Year to All
MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member
you know what! im trin to help your eff'd up plants...i'll leave...mine are healthy and doing great in my since your convinced its the tent, scrap it!!!! is that what you wanna out!!!


Well-Known Member
i dont know where the tents are made,but the company who sells them is a uk based company,and they seem legit.they also claim these tents are non toxic.hmmmmmm so its hard to say for sure wether its the tent or not.but if you only started having problems since you got the tent,then i can understand why you think it could be that,because there are toxic tents being sold on ebay.
im gunna do some more research.


Well-Known Member
I can only hope and wish that some would not cast stones at someone for not knowing.

you mean the way you did my responce to the post when you came in??? what you preach!!!
if you google toxic tents and read you will see that others have brought toxic tents advertised as non toxic and of reputable sellers off ebay, look theres a chance and im not ruling it out and to be fair hope i sort this and find out the tents ok because its what i wanted at a good price but untill i rectify the problem i cant rule anything out


Well-Known Member
i dont know where the tents are made,but the company who sells them is a uk based company,and they seem legit.they also claim these tents are non toxic.hmmmmmm so its hard to say for sure wether its the tent or not.but if you only started having problems since you got the tent,then i can understand why you think it could be that,because there are toxic tents being sold on ebay.
im gunna do some more research.
funny how opinions change when the post is actually read!!!


Well-Known Member
if you google toxic tents and read you will see that others have brought toxic tents advertised as non toxic and of reputable sellers off ebay, look theres a chance and im not ruling it out and to be fair hope i sort this and find out the tents ok because its what i wanted at a good price but untill i rectify the problem i cant rule anything out

then like i said you have a false advertisement get paid and buy sum bud....just throw the tent seem to refuse to believe its you and your methods with what ever strain YOU killed...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
funny how opinions change when the post is actually read!!!
And i guess your opinion hasn't changed yet because you still haven;t read my posts. How's that ignorance going for you fella? Must be nice and toasty on a cold night.

You've still yet to answer about your expertise and legal ability to prove to a court of law that the grow tent is toxic.... You seem to think you just tell the judge it's toxic and you get compensation. lol.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
^ ignore the haters buy the tent you will be fine everyone here believes everything they read or told and take it as the word of god, i have bought cheap tents you set up the filtration system right and you have no issues, now if the stitching quality is crap then you will have issues, i will say that the connectors for the frame are crappy plastic bullshit.
Dude its people thinking just the same as others i read the page clearly before buying but it could be.... You nor anyone can rule it out till we know its just the way you came in started calling me stupid about toxic tents and sayin its all my fault after editing your post! look it could be my fault why there in a mess but this trying to put everyone down and calling people down aint helpin nothin so if you want to help look up loosing my abillity to grow and have a read and see if you can tell me whats gone wrong?


Well-Known Member
And i guess your opinion hasn't changed yet because you still haven;t read my posts. How's that ignorance going for you fella? Must be nice and toasty on a cold night.

You've still yet to answer about your expertise and legal ability to prove to a court of law that the grow tent is toxic.... You seem to think you just tell the judge it's toxic and you get compensation. lol.
im here to help the post!!! not respond to you or your stpidity!!! see ya


Ursus marijanus
While it would be foolish for me to pick a side in an issue that has apparently become a bit dug in ... I do like some things that have , uhm, polarized.
The toxic-plastics phenomenon is real. Whether it is at the hinge of this particular case, who can say?
But here is some interesting reading, with insights into the surprising phytotoxicity of common plasticizers, in this case diisobutyl phthalate. cn


Well-Known Member
And i guess your opinion hasn't changed yet because you still haven;t read my posts. How's that ignorance going for you fella? Must be nice and toasty on a cold night.

You've still yet to answer about your expertise and legal ability to prove to a court of law that the grow tent is toxic.... You seem to think you just tell the judge it's toxic and you get compensation. lol.
lol..i gotta respond...prove what? the ad says non toxic tent...once he has evidence of a toxic tent...there's the proof...not for me to prove!!! not my problem!!! dumb can 1 person be???

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
^ ignore the haters buy the tent you will be fine everyone here believes everything they read or told and take it as the word of god, i have bought cheap tents you set up the filtration system right and you have no issues, now if the stitching quality is crap then you will have issues, i will say that the connectors for the frame are crappy plastic bullshit.
I have seen no hating :) simply people who don't quite understand how things can work. I mean hey, i googled the "brand name" and one would have thoiught it would pop up top of google. Nothing other than various shops selling it. Hence the comments about this idea of simply suing is not entirely practical, nor is proving to a court that it is toxic entirely practical unless you have a spare 20K set aside you willing to chance with a law suit. Most don't have the luxuary of that kind of action so try a paypal claim and that is as far as it goes. I know my legal rights, and i know who to know with regard to creating an iron clad defence in court, so i'd buy it myself, but should it be toxic, you'll have a heck of a time closing that case to your favour, doable, buit a LOT of effort, time, and money.

The general rule of getting what you pay for came around for a good reason. As did the term buy cheap buy twice.

lol..i gotta respond...prove what? the ad says non toxic tent...once he has evidence of a toxic tent...there's the proof...not for me to prove!!! not my problem!!! dumb can 1 person be???
You talk as if proving it is tpoxic is simply a matter of having a smell and sending off an email, do you really think this is how suing someone works? So what equiptment is the OP going to buy or rent to take air samples to prove the toxicity, which laboritory is he going to pay to varify his readings? But yeayh easy as the click of a finger to sue for compensation over a scientific matter :lol: Furthermore do you see how useless you have just declared yourself to this thread, you've just admited that it's not your problem so you couldn't care about what experience the OP goes through. The rest of us are trying to help him through voicing various thoughts, you simply couldn't care....

So to answer you question. Very.