Progressive Young Turks Think Ron Paul is Probably a better option then Obama


New Member
Seriously? After all that's been going on all over the nation with union busting and attacks on the middle class and you don't know why they don't touch upper management?

At this point everyone should realize that this is a class war and we're not the ones that started it. The massive shift of wealth, The populating of key government positions with tea bag representatives, The Koch brothers funding of the Tea Party and backing the attack on unions and the middle class, the GOP presidential shuffling of candidates. This is all leading up to one thing. The GOP is going to present someone as a candidate that none of us would have even considered before the clown show. There is someone waiting in the wings to take center stage and the Republican party will fall at his/her feet in worship and relief.

It's coming folks. Some say Jeb Bush. I don't think so. I think it's going to be someone that will take us all by surprise.
and this is going to go down in the next two weeks?
I agree with that. It's just the alternatives are so terrible. I'll take a substitute teacher over someone teaching false information.
Practically every presidential candidate IS a substitute. A substitute for the multi-billion dollar companies that are lobbying behind them. Majority of the candidates are just puppets who have no moral drive, and have no say in the matter. Look at the Candidates that are most enthuasiastic, passionate, and flat out pissed off at the Late turn of the US government.


Active Member
Seriously? After all that's been going on all over the nation with union busting and attacks on the middle class and you don't know why they don't touch upper management?
I know that, it was a rhetorical question. It has been class warfare for 30 plus years.


Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6783174 said:
From what I have read fuel costs, management, passenger loss and wanting to pay their unions less all had a part in it. They are actually financially stable and have cash, they filed before going under to lower union wages, dump some unprofitable lanes and get out of some airplane leases. I would like to know why they don't start with the board, CEO and upper management wages first then move on to the unions.
The company was paying 800 million dollars per year more due to union costs. And the unions were not willing to negotiate.

In addition, if you look at all those other companies that they had to compete against, most of them have already gone through bankruptcy in the last decade thus lowering their costs.

There are 2 types of business bankruptcy. Reorganization and full bankruptcy. It sounds like you are not happy that they didnt run until the doors had to be locked and everyone lose their jobs rather than stop the bleeding before the business died.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6783318 said:
I know that, it was a rhetorical question. It has been class warfare for 30 plus years.
Yes, it started with Reagan (their god) and it escalated under Bush. We are now reaping the benefits. Thanks GOP. Because of you, my parents have lived to see two Depressions in their lifetime.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it started with Reagan (their god) and it escalated under Bush. We are now reaping the benefits. Thanks GOP. Because of you, my parents have lived to see two Depressions in their lifetime.
Your parents are that old that they remember the 30's?


Well-Known Member
lol. Getting rid of the federal reserve will literally do NOTHING for income inequality. I'm not sure why Ron Paul supporters think they can just mash any words that sound good together and the final product will be a true statement. Pretty funny though.

Real tuff sell to try and convince me Ron Paul doesn't support deregulation of the financial industry. Not buying that at all.
Inflation has taken away 70% of your purchasing power since 1971. The Fed creates inflation. Its about the only thing they create.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that the nutty stuff is probably the most important part. Think there is a problem with wealth concentrated in the hands of the 1% now? Imagine what would happen with out the regulations that prevent the elites from ripping us off. It could potentially turn the majority of Americans into indentured servants. For that reason alone, I could never vote for Ron Paul.
No, the civil liberty is the most important part, hands down. Without real freedom nothing else matters.

Without regulations, Jose can have his burrito stand without having have a ton of permits that he can't afford anyway (had to be there for the Jose burrito cart thing). With regulations, the big business can fucking squash Jose's burrito cart because they can lobbying for intense regulation, regulation only they can afford/achieve. Jose stands no chance with his burrito cart unless Paul is elected next fall.

I don't need an elected body of elites dictating what I can and can't do in my life. Tell me what I can't do to others, sure thats totally okay with me, it should be that way anyway to protect you assholes from fucking with other people, but don't you fucking dare tell me what I can't do to myself, whether it be a Christian, a pot smoker, married to someone of a differnt race, a gay, etc.....just fucking don't.

Ron Paul is the ONLY canidate that promises me the most important thing....real freedom. Can he achieve all the things he wants in 4 or even 8 years? Probably not. But I know if elected he would swing this country in the right direction and the next set of canidates after Ron paves the way won't be a bunch of lying, flip flopping, cheating thieving pieces of shit. Seriously, Paul doesn't even take his full pay, that dude is just about as honest as a politician gets, fuck I honestly thing he's an actual human being!

The only thing all the other canidates can promise, including Obama, is nothing more than a slight swing to the left or right of the current status quo. Fuck that, I don't want to swing anymore. I want to get off the swing, burn it to the fucking ground, go chop down a big ass tree and make a new better swing, one that doesn't rape my constitional rights,and I can trust Ron Paul to do just that.


Well-Known Member
I never disagreed with the fact that the minimum wage was inflationary. I disagreed with the idea that the only thing minimum wage does is raise inflation. Maybe you actually don't have a strong grasp of what I posted. Good day sir.

If you've studied economics as you claim, you know that it's also a fact that a higher minimum wage increases all low skill labor wages.
It also increases the cost of everything else, seriously negating any wage increase that might be had, while simultaneously increasing unemployment. It solves nothing.


Well-Known Member
Inflation has taken away 70% of your purchasing power since 1971. The Fed creates inflation. Its about the only thing they create.
And the primary reason why poor people will remain poor and the middle class will struggle.

But hey, lets blame those rich guys...


Active Member
Watch the video, because it EXACTLY parrots your viewpoint. Cenk thinks some of the things Ron Paul wants are pretty far out there too, but watch the Video because it has a surprise ending.

But i wouldn't worry about Ron Paul, in 6 days Obama is going to sign the new detention bill, the minute after doing that he will declare Ron Paul a enemy combatant and they will send in a team of Military assets to capture him and throw him in a hole in some other country and let him rot.
No way.. if that happened do you have any idea what would happen.. all out war on the homeland, maybe thats what they want.


Well-Known Member
There's a hole in that logic. The idea that the price of goods is just how much companies can afford to charge is false. If we got rid of the minimum wage making it cheaper for companies to produce goods, it's more likely that they'd just make a higher profit, not pass on all the savings to consumers.

I'd rather have inflation than have sweatshops. I'll pass.
wrong because less people would be able to afford them, and thus they must lower the price due to supply & demand.


Well-Known Member
wrong because less people would be able to afford them, and thus they must lower the price due to supply & demand.
At least you understand how supply and demand works. Unfortunatley Dan thinks that companies can charge whatever they want for their products and it will not change demand. Its like saying a gas station charges $20 a gallon for reg gas and the station across the street sells the same gas for $4 a gallon. Dan believes people will still buy gas from the more expensive station as if nothing has happened. Reality says that the $20 gas station will sell ZERO GAS. Once the gas station starts having days of no sales whatsoever they will bring the price of gas down to the same as the guy across the street.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Yes, it started with Reagan (their god) and it escalated under Bush. We are now reaping the benefits. Thanks GOP. Because of you, my parents have lived to see two Depressions in their lifetime.

Ahem....Federal Reserve....FDR....Fiat Money....."stimulus packages" ....... it is not a SINGLE particular party that is to blame. Granted, the GOP is a douchebag organization, but that does not automatically mean the Dems are not.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
It also increases the cost of everything else, seriously negating any wage increase that might be had, while simultaneously increasing unemployment. It solves nothing.
I disagree that it increases costs more than it increases inflation adjusted wages. Do you have some sort of evidence to support that?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
wrong because less people would be able to afford them, and thus they must lower the price due to supply & demand.
It's insane that you're actually advocating the idea that people should be earning less when wages have been stagnate for 30 years.

Why is it always the burden of the average person to earn less money and never the top 1%?