Chopper fly overs?


Well-Known Member
I was sharing a bowl w/ a friend who has a friend that is DEA. She's fairly integlligent but has never grown so thought i might double check here i think she had her wires crossed.

She said that the MJ puts out some kind of heat and the choppers have a sensor to pick it up. Anyone ever heard that? or was she crossed with the heat from our HID lighting and indoor growingc?
Definitely a mix up with HID lighting. It's just infrared scanners used to sense heat. Nothing more. Plants aren't exothermic and aren't "warm blooded".
Infrared requires a heat signature to detect. Even forward looking infrared like you said. Plant's aren't exothermic meaning they don't give off heat for infrared to detect.
man has apoint. u will see outlines but no destinct heat signature.

and yes she was talking about the lighting giving off heat not the plants. make a basement glow red hot.
They would blend into everything. No real probable evidence. Have you ever looked through an IfR lens? Literally the only thing you can actually make sense of is heat signatures.
i have military issue actually. and yes it would glo red hot. looks like a bunch of people are laying around the outside edge of ur house. lol. a 4-5 1000 watt set up will makke u have to run ac in a basement even with it being 35 degrees outside hence the heat signatures from the lights.
I was sharing a bowl w/ a friend who has a friend that is DEA. She's fairly integlligent but has never grown so thought i might double check here i think she had her wires crossed.

She said that the MJ puts out some kind of heat and the choppers have a sensor to pick it up. Anyone ever heard that? or was she crossed with the heat from our HID lighting and indoor growingc?

Years ago I had a neighbor who was DEA, and had the chance for a boozey pilot to pilot talk with one of their pilots at a neighborhood function. He said cannabis is a distinctly different color green than native plants (in the Pacific Northwest anyway), and are very easy to spot. Said it stood out like neon. Hard to spot one, but a patch of a "certain" green is what they looked for back then.

If you've ever gone looking for wild asparagus, guessing it's kind of similar. Once you get the color figured out, easy to spot.

Of course, these days they may have gotten a lot more sophisticated with color spectrum, etc., but can't see heat being a part of it.

PS Can't speak for this generation of DEA, but back in those days, my neighbor was cool. Came over to the fence when we were having a party and asked me to shut the door.
I've seen videos of choppers flying over houses looking for grow houses. What they see is the heat signature . The heat signature from the chopper puts off a "bright white" illumination. It looks like snow on their camera. It easy to spot on the infrared Cam. Lets say 1 house out of 10 will be growing. That 1 house will be glowing white while the rest will have no heat signature at all. a chopper could easily pick out a grow house from a string of 30 houses.

this video is of helicopters infrared picking up on heat signature. Not the best but you get the point.

here is your flir video
They would blend into everything. No real probable evidence. Have you ever looked through an IfR lens? Literally the only thing you can actually make sense of is heat signatures.

On forest fires, it's just varying shades of yellow to red...blobs. We called them hot spots. Probably infrared would show a square shape in a house that was redder than the rest.

BUT...with all the budget cuts, I gotta wonder how many city and county cops have the budget to bore holes in the sky looking for residential grows. Years ago out county got rid of their aircraft. For a couple years zealous private pilots who were also wannabe cops "volunteered" their aircraft, but I called the FAA and ended that little hobby. (Incredibly dangerous, plus takes biz away from folks trying to make a living.)

Huge illegal growers need to think in those terms. Small residential growers need to worry more about loose lips. Tell no one you are growing and you're golden 99.9% of the time.
if pot had a heat signature then they would cut every patch in the state that i live in, its the lighter shade of green that makes it easy to spot. that is why you dont see people growing huge ass patches here any more just a couple here and there.
If your indoor grow is insulated and you do not vent off hot air into the cold air outside there is no way for the infrared to show inside your house. I read they have some equipment that measures the color spectrum of plants and cannabis is unique and they could see it. Someone would have to confirm my shaky memory though.

Most pot plants do not blend well with other vegetation, especially in the summer in dryer regions.
Is this really hard to understand? Fortunately most here have it right. Plants do not emit their own heat. Flir will pick up the difference in temp between the air escaping a home/window/wall and the surrounding ambient temps. Big differences COULD be cause for closer inspection, one room pumping out 90deg air when all other windows show mid 70s, could raise a red flag. When looking for outdoor grows, there are filters that can be used w the helo's on board cams to make the lighter shade of MJ foliage stand out against the surrounding native vegetation. Unless theyre scouring an area they won't find a small grow, over 10x10 plot and they'll spot it tho. If youre pumping out numerous 1k watters in a mobile home, youre fucked. I use EMI/static shield to line my ceiling and walls, just to be safe :)

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I have a ton of this EMI/Static Shielding, I figure it couldnt hurt and I have a ton of it. Most of it is actually for use in my negtive ion system, the shielding is aluminum lined and is all grounded to my Ion generator, the negative ions attach to odor and polutants in the air and is attracted to the grounded sheets... wipe clean occasionally and love my odor free grow room :)

I have three of these Aerostat PC Ion generators = zero smell at all unless you put your face in the plants :)
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it is very true my friend,
In helicopters they use infared cameras and other equipment that can detect cannabis by measuring the heat and reflective signature of the vegetation below. Cannabis has higher reflectivity at certain wavelengths than other rural crops, such as corn.