• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Tops for Toys


Well-Known Member
Well at least people are getting honest about why they hate AZCS. It's not because of what they are charging or how they operate, it's because they got butt hurt on their forums. It's true, Bill can be a dick. But they way I see it, it's his house. If you come into my house and talk shit or break my rules, I'll kick you out too and I probably won't be nice about it either.


New Member
Well at least people are getting honest about why they hate AZCS. It's not because of what they are charging or how they operate, it's because they got butt hurt on their forums. It's true, Bill can be a dick. But they way I see it, it's his house. If you come into my house and talk shit or break my rules, I'll kick you out too and I probably won't be nice about it either.
True... Very True... They are a business.. And they will not get shit from me... Just my opinion...


New Member
AZCS IS HELPIN sorry to people that cant see that
What are they helping??

Monetary gain from patients... They are a business and when a business acts up they are held accountable...

I am not the only one treated like SHIT by these guys... FACT!

I am not trying to point anyone in any direction... Just Telling My Experience!!!



Active Member
Hey phxfire it was brought to my attention that bill has invited us to his grow facility via facebook. I am staying the fukc away fromthat place due to it not having a square foot or legality to it but I thought you might get a kick out of it


New Member
Hey phxfire it was brought to my attention that bill has invited us to his grow facility via facebook. I am staying the fukc away fromthat place due to it not having a square foot or legality to it but I thought you might get a kick out of it
Really!! I would not mind taking a look inside... You go and let me know what you think!


Active Member
Really!! I would not mind taking a look inside... You go and let me know what you think!
Iv heard its 6000sqft. I am sure there is a crap ton of plants some mothers some in veg and some really good looking ones in flower but it ijs still very illegal so I'm all good with chancing getting caught up in that shit


New Member
Iv heard its 6000sqft. I am sure there is a crap ton of plants some mothers some in veg and some really good looking ones in flower but it ijs still very illegal so I'm all good with chancing getting caught up in that shit
More than 99 plants carries a mandatory sentence of 5 years... In federal prison...

No more than 2 caregivers can legally grow in ONE location! Maybe legal under state law but not under federal law... Watch DEA of PHX will be kickin in a door soon!!


Active Member
what strains are available for bill's little publicity stunt? I might be game; kids need toys and I could use some tops. It must be AWESOME to be the ONLY "authorized" supplier of TGA Subcool. It must be cool be to be able to make such a prestigous statement. Subcool has some okay genetics, I think.... but i am just a n00b.
Subby breeds some of the finest herb in the industry, no doubt. way beyond okay.
Has anyone filed a complaint with the BBB or any other State/gov agency about AZSC?
Is there a internet list or website listing all the horrible, shady stuff they pull? Surely there must be something documented, maybe a court case. Are they being sued?

If AZSC is the evil scourge this forum makes them out to be then I would expect to see complaints in court or at least all over the news.

P.S. I think its cool they are giving away clones for toys.
TRUST ME,,, I am filing a complaint with the BBB and I am in the process of gettn one done with the courts on AZCS and the so called "ceo" of azcs - billy benjamin,,,he should have taken care of shit back in april when he had the chance,,,,better to do it this way than the way i wanted to do it,,,rather him being on the news than me...lol....
yeah with your 1 post and your second name to hide behind... i GUESS we should all be scared of the guy to scared to say his own name but he can freely name other people...?^^^


New Member
Has anyone filed a complaint with the BBB or any other State/gov agency about AZSC?
Is there a internet list or website listing all the horrible, shady stuff they pull? Surely there must be something documented, maybe a court case. Are they being sued?

If AZSC is the evil scourge this forum makes them out to be then I would expect to see complaints in court or at least all over the news.

P.S. I think its cool they are giving away clones for toys.
Don't be fooled by a trick!

I would say many folks do not want to BASH AZCS because we all are after the same goal.... LEGALIZATION!!!!


First off let me say howdy...

now to the topic, the only reason i signed up for this site again (i was here once a while back before it turned into a bunch of noobs and idiots) was to speak on this and ill go away.

FIRST OF ALL whether you hate someone, dislike there business or whatever you wanna call it, you ARE ALL OVERLOOKING THE POINT...THIS WAS A CHARITY THING TO RAISE TOYS FOR KIDS, NOT PUT A DIME IN ANYONES POCKETS YOU JACKASSES.

SECOND i wanted to say rottenboy is a good friend of mine, i have stayed in his home and he has stayed in mine and other than being a friendly forum member and a valuable asset to our community he is no way affiliated with AZCS.

THIRD AZCS is the only MJ related group in the ENTIRE state to give back to the community, most of you loser fuckin potheads sit on your ass and do nothing, so a serious SHUT THE F UP is in order...

FOURTH the ones who said they were at AZCS and were shunned, hell that may even been by me...you come on our site, act like a freaking idiot out of the gate acting like you know everything and none of us no what we are talking about, it wont fly...that may fly here at roll it up, but we dont want that kind of trash on our site and i for one am glad your gone :)

FIFTH AZCS is a collective, while to some extent that is a business, but it is still a NON PROFIT business (thats the law and if it wasnt they would have been raided like YOKI, ACC, GO GREEN and the 2811 CLUB...AZCS does not charge you $75 dollars to walk in the door and be "given 3 grams" like AL Sobol was doing...thats just one example of the shady shit going on in this state...To the guy who says its a "dispensary" you are obviously clueless and have never been to a dispensary, watch the show on discovery weed wars, THAT'S a dispensary...AZCS is nothing like that. A collective operates with several members acting as one, they dont buy meds, edibles, tinctures, tears, etc from outside sources and then resell to patients, that's a dispensary. A basic business class and you would know the difference, its like comparing a grocery store to a farming collective cause they both sell corn.

AZCS is also a forum, and like any online forum people are protective...u come on the site talkin a bunch of BS you wont last long, and that goes for almost every forum ive ever been on.

If you dont want to be involved with AZCS that is fine, we dont want ya...point was this was one of your members asking you all to try and help out some kids and you guys get douchy and start bashing him and AZCS...grow up people, get a life, and if you dont like what Bill is doing, then get off your lazy ass and do something better...

off my soapbox now


Active Member
Dude you guys really need to stop going on the internet and ranting like this it makes you look real dumb...
Its great that you want to give toys to kids but did any of you "smart guys" over there evn think that "exchanging" a toy for a gram or clone is "exchanging something of value"? Prob not because you also think that you are allow to except reimbursments which you are def not.. the facts are you don't even know the law or you just don't care. And I love how at the begining you needed to astablish how you think you are so much better than all of us and that's why you had to sign up again. Honestlythe way you talk sounds JUST like bill... if you are not him you are around him way too much and are starting to talk and insult in the same stupid way. GO HOME!
Good day
i think he's just jokin man lol...neway i think i read u can get a clone or a g so.. everybody happy! lol its a great idea!
Hey phxfire it was brought to my attention that bill has invited us to his grow facility via facebook. I am staying the fukc away fromthat place due to it not having a square foot or legality to it but I thought you might get a kick out of it
azcs isnt legal?? well then where is? im about to get a card threw them but i want a legit one where can i find info on that? damn i knew it sounded too good to be true


New Member
first off let me say howdy...

Now to the topic, the only reason i signed up for this site again (i was here once a while back before it turned into a bunch of noobs and idiots) was to speak on this and ill go away.

First of all whether you hate someone, dislike there business or whatever you wanna call it, you are all overlooking the point...this was a charity thing to raise toys for kids, not put a dime in anyones pockets you jackasses.

Second i wanted to say rottenboy is a good friend of mine, i have stayed in his home and he has stayed in mine and other than being a friendly forum member and a valuable asset to our community he is no way affiliated with azcs.

Third azcs is the only mj related group in the entire state to give back to the community, most of you loser fuckin potheads sit on your ass and do nothing, so a serious shut the f up is in order...

Fourth the ones who said they were at azcs and were shunned, hell that may even been by me...you come on our site, act like a freaking idiot out of the gate acting like you know everything and none of us no what we are talking about, it wont fly...that may fly here at roll it up, but we dont want that kind of trash on our site and i for one am glad your gone :)

fifth azcs is a collective, while to some extent that is a business, but it is still a non profit business (thats the law and if it wasnt they would have been raided like yoki, acc, go green and the 2811 club...azcs does not charge you $75 dollars to walk in the door and be "given 3 grams" like al sobol was doing...thats just one example of the shady shit going on in this state...to the guy who says its a "dispensary" you are obviously clueless and have never been to a dispensary, watch the show on discovery weed wars, that's a dispensary...azcs is nothing like that. A collective operates with several members acting as one, they dont buy meds, edibles, tinctures, tears, etc from outside sources and then resell to patients, that's a dispensary. A basic business class and you would know the difference, its like comparing a grocery store to a farming collective cause they both sell corn.

Azcs is also a forum, and like any online forum people are protective...u come on the site talkin a bunch of bs you wont last long, and that goes for almost every forum ive ever been on.

If you dont want to be involved with azcs that is fine, we dont want ya...point was this was one of your members asking you all to try and help out some kids and you guys get douchy and start bashing him and azcs...grow up people, get a life, and if you dont like what bill is doing, then get off your lazy ass and do something better...

Off my soapbox now
coming from an azcs member!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know nothing about LAW nor do you have the logic to look up a entity (AZCS)... Public records SAY different than what you preach...

As far as AZCS being nonprofit business that is NOT TRUE....
They are listed with the ACC as an L.L.C. in the state of Arizona which is a For Porfit business entity.... I believe you do not know what you are talking about....

File Numbe: DC
Agent Name:
Agent Mailing/Physical Address:
Agent Status: APPOINTED 03/28/2011
Agent Last Updated: 09/08/2011
Corporation Type: DOMESTIC L.L.C.Business Type:
Incorporation Date: 03/28/2011Corporate Life Period: PERPETUAL
Approval Date: 05/26/2011Original Publish Date: 08/11/2011

Date of Taking Office: 03/28/2011 Last Updated: 05/26/2011

You have NOOO clue BRO... I feel bad for folks that know nothing of Public Info...
They are NOT a Non Profit with the State nor the IRS....

So Piss off dude and go back to AZCS and keep on trolling BRO... If you really believe this shit you are talking about you are a fucking idiot bro...

Is AZCS telling folks they are a Non Profit??? Highly Illegal if they are.....

No one bashed AZCS for the Toy drive DUDE!!! I bashed them for the way I was treated and the way a good friend was treated... There are a shit ton of people that were treated like shit...


I respect those who go beyond the norm... The American dream as gone away in this country... The one thing I respect AZCS for is the strive for the American Dream... They are going way beyond the norm and are fulfilling the American Dream...But the road is very bumpy and being an ass to everyone that they do not like is not a Wise practice! In the end we all want Legalization of this beautiful plant we call cannabis.

It takes years to build reputation and 1 wrong doing to ruin it... So YES I go out of my way to express my opinion and Experience with AZCS just like you go out of your way to HIDE their wrong doings!!!



Funny thing is this thread was just about a Toy drive you guys went way off the deep end ! Just a Toy drive no more no less I have no horse in this race I harvest my own 12 plants manly because to me its relaxing to manage my grow but the one thing I won't do is hate on somebody that is tryn to do some good for kids ! I went to their BBQ to see what they were about and never once was I asked about joining up or buying a thing I introduced myself and they made me feel at home . I came to donate for their food drive due to the fact when I was a kid somebody helped us when hard times hit and I always made it a point to pay it forward and that's what it was about, with this point being made it would be nice if this thread was back on topic I never derail anyone elses thread on this forum cuz that's not how its done . Sorry Rotten to start a whole thing and hijack your thread but to me it felt right to state my opinion on this anyways I hope you all whether its with AZCS or whom ever make sure during this time of year to think of those who have nothing or very little and they have no choice due to them being KIDS AND THAT'S WHAT CHRISTMAS IS ABOUT THE KIDS THE ONES THAT DIDN'T PUT THEMSELVES IN THE POSITION THEY ARE IN !!!!!!!!!!! So what I'm saying is go to where ever and do some good go get a christmas angel or what not and buy a child a toy... cuz I know the money you spend doing so will not be missed by you !