What are the kids calling it these days?


Well-Known Member
^ what he said

got sold DOC once as cid

happens alot app

i didnt appreciate it as i was expecting to trip with in the hour and be fryed for a good 12

ended up starting to fry a hour after that hour me thinkin it was bunk went to a freinds and on the walk is when i figured out this has to be a DOx

I figured it was doc casue the duration was about a 16-18 hour trip


RIU Bulldog
^ what he said

got sold DOC once as cid

happens alot app

i didnt appreciate it as i was expecting to trip with in the hour and be fryed for a good 12

ended up starting to fry a hour after that hour me thinkin it was bunk went to a freinds and on the walk is when i figured out this has to be a DOx

I figured it was doc casue the duration was about a 16-18 hour trip
Is a 24 hour trip uncommon???
I've been reading experiences on erowid and there were a few guys who said they tripped for a solid 24 hours. They went to sleep and woke up the next day still frying. Is that usually only the case with DOCs?......what are doc's?....lol
Thing is the guy I'm getting it from has a good reputation, but I've never met him, never seen his face, don't know his real name, only spoken through emails. He seems to know a lot about it but I'm used to having a better relationship with my dealers. I'm getting more and more worried that I got ripped off (as in it wont get here) or that when it does get here, it'll be fake or something.
Dude sells his shit through paypal it's pretty damn ingenious.


RIU Bulldog
Idk the ug of the doses but I know the names so maybe you've heard of them. I got on hit of EKA (electric kool-aid) and one of TMNT200.
The TMNT is supposed to be fluff and the EKA is supposed to be silver.
Anyone ever have these?


Well-Known Member
Lsd never lasts over 10-11 hours for me, if i take alot it might last 12, but unless your redosing through out the night any longer an you probably got sold something else, DOC is popular on its own merrits, i would still take it. some of the other DOX's could be good also like DOM or DOB, I've tried DOI which is a 30+ hours trip... a little long.. lol

Also possible to get nbomes on blotter now.. not to mention lsd anologs like ALD-52, or PRO-LAD.. though those may be even more rare than LSD.


Well-Known Member
dob is the top then id place doc and doi by reports as close second
Have you tried DOI before? I actually loved it until about the 22 hour... I just didn't know it was going to last soooo long. Now that i know what it is, i'd be prepared to take it again, i think it would be quite enjoyable.


RIU Bulldog
Have you tried DOI before? I actually loved it until about the 22 hour... I just didn't know it was going to last soooo long. Now that i know what it is, i'd be prepared to take it again, i think it would be quite enjoyable.
See, I think I handled the mushrooms pretty good too cause I was freaking out for about 10 seconds. I got through it because I had a firm grasp on 'reality' and I was very sure of myself. I worried that the acid might be so intense that I'll lose my grasp on reality. The idea that 'this is the effect of mushrooms' and 'none of this is real' was like an anchor keeping me grounded to the real world. No matter how crazy things got, I always new I was on drugs and that none of it was real.
If I lose that....I'm F-U-C-K-E-D.


Well-Known Member
thats sad letting go is my fav thing to do while tripping its my release of emotion persay

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I don't know about any of the other stuff, but I have done over 500 mics and didn't lose it. If it's acid, you'll have a ball. I was nervous about it the first time, after hearing about all the horror stories like Art Linkletter's daughter flying and shit. No worries about it!


Well-Known Member
I would do 1 first time and at home. I loved mushrooms and at first liked lsd, but later had bad or partly bad trips from the lsd. Mushrooms for me were much 'kinder'.


Well-Known Member
Chances are that stuff today is cut with no telling what and you could easily have a bad trip or it wont be worth the brain cells it would destroy, too risky IMHO.

Good luck!
This is not true and sounds like something the government would say about lsd to scare people away from it


Well-Known Member
Beansly, you're that big, and I'm an LBF (little bitty fucker) I will do 2 or 3 (I do it about every 5 yrs or so) with no probs. I like to get zoned tho......Take that trip and never leave the farm so to speak.
Body weight from my experience has little effect on how effective a dose is.Small , big , tiny, doesnt matter. Like K, it will floor you if you do enough


Well-Known Member
Well you guys definitely gave me a lot to think about.
I'm gonna do two hits, but I'm gonna do one at a time just in case it's too much for me. I'm gonna do it with my friend and his girl but I'm not giving them any lol . They're gonna have to be sober my first time lol. Thanks for the help. I'll make sure and sign on when I'm balls-deep.
Don't take one, then another. Like mushrooms it builds a tolerance FAST. Better off to take 2, or just take 1. Now if you were going to take 1, then 2 an hour later. Thats different. As long as you double up. Taking the same dose a little after is like a "push" Wont help you peak anymore usually. Usually a waste


Well-Known Member
I have come across a guy who has some in liquid. Is there a way to tell how good it is or if its even actual lucy


RIU Bulldog
thats sad letting go is my fav thing to do while tripping its my release of emotion persay
It's not as bad as all that. I did let go and it was life altering. The 'anchor' just kept me from getting scared or freaking out. Idk how to explain it...I had a great time. I just had to know that no matter where my mind went, my body wouldn't be physically hurt.

Really good now a days
The guys a cool dude which is why I'm really hoping this is legit. I already have ppl wanting to buy it.

@ Beansly have u received your doses yet??
I place he order Tuesday and it said 3-5 days....So either today or early next week.
I fucking pissing myself in anticipation. I'm gonna be devastated if it doesn't work out for whatever reason. I don't know anyone in town.