The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I heard flushing is a myth also. The plant stores its nutes and energy in it leaves so as long as you're trimming properly it dont make one bit of difference. You're actually starving the plant of the nutrients it needs when finishing. I've had plants with mold before flushing and i've smoked what was salvagable with no harshness or sore throat. (imo)


Well-Known Member
i can t believe gary speeds tenure as welsh football coach has ended so abruptly, and just when he was starting to get the hang of it


Well-Known Member
i can t believe gary speeds tenure as welsh football coach has ended so abruptly, and just when he was starting to get the hang of it
lol.....Aye he was a good bloke i liked him when he was the blades manager, good player too!....what a shame mate!


Well-Known Member
The indian family across the road are having some big celebration on the street today, i'm not sure what butit involves a big ol horse with what appears to be emergency blankets draped over it.
fuk if we did that we would get fines for disturbance and arrested for cruelty!


Well-Known Member
I was in McDonald's and this stunning young girl took my order.
"I can make it large for you for an extra 30p," she said sweetly.
"I'm afraid you already have," I replied, "but how about a wank for a pound?"


Active Member
When the seed is cracked and the White bit is showing.. Do you plant the white bit face down or up?
Many thanks!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
At the end of the day it doesn't really matter, but i believe the debate tends to say root facing up, it then grows down. I just chuck the seed in any old way. I've never bothered germinating prior to planting.


Well-Known Member
i tend to plant down all the time, high success rate, although as tiptop says the plant kinda finds its own way anyway, not as if in the real world the plants all miraculously plant all seed root down or up


Active Member
Thanks peeps just trying to get things right and what's best for my plant.
Any good nutes people recommend?? Brand wise.. I got an auto AK47 if that's any help.


Well-Known Member
i like bio bizz for soil and im currently using Ionics for hydro. bio bizz is a good cheap all-round nute, watch out when ur buying nutes as you can spend stupid amounts of cash for no real benefit.


Well-Known Member
im using canna A and B for my coco grow i also used it it the final stages of my rockwool grow! no problems but before that i used vitalink max BUT i got to say im getting FAR better results with the coco

advise wise
dont overwater them seriously i thought i was doing thema a favour pik the tub up everyday and chek the wieght till feelis light then feed but dont flood,
and dont be afriad to handle them they wont bite!(hopefully) na seriouly get in ther and look around if ur unsure they wont just miraculasly die or get hurt.

lastly leave them to rest if nothing else dont disturb them in ther darktime not to show your pals how cool they are or to work in the room do that in ther lights ON time,

anyways just what my advise would be after my first grow and what i leartned

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
bio bizz also for soil. not a massive fan myself tho. glad i got the heaven and algemic as hey help with the cal n other mina nutes. boron i think is in the heaven to. i use the norm nutes but i swapped the veg ones for the fish feed stuff. slightly lower in nute level then the vegging ones. topmax and flowering nute do job well. but wen u notice a def the heaven seems sort it right out. also water 2 times to each feed is the way i do it.
and rip gary speed. hell off a player and seemed a good chap. bloody shock seeing he hung himself.he was doing well with wales