Your ladies have lots of trichromes on their leaves already. Are those leaves really yellow or is that just the effect of the 1000 watt light? They look super healthy.
Hey, I noticed you guys were discussing different kinds of hash oil the other day. That reminded me of a couple of articles I read recently about something called BKBudder. It's like BHO, but the cannabinoids are extracted in alcohol instead of butane and there's no solvent residue left in it. BKBudder is about 99% THC and other cannabinoids (80-90% THC). Its effect is supposed to be kind of like psilocybin or mescaline, kind of trippy, but much cleaner than smoking pot. Mostly a head high without much body stone I believe.
Here's a good article about BKBudder:
Here's an article about how it can be used as an aphrodisiac for women:
(Your results may vary... If only it worked every time!)
One more article about it that also talks about ordering it through the mail, something I'd be VERY reluctant to do. But since it's free of residue, maybe you guys in California can find it in your dispensaries?
I agree with you, Jin, that making BHO (using butane) is too dangerous. I don't want to end up like Richard Pryor running down the street all high with my face on fire.
Anyway, I'd like to get a hold of some Budder, because it's so much cleaner to smoke and it's super potent. The high is supposed to be phenomenal, too. The only downside is that you need special paraphernalia to smoke it.