Don't eat a Turkey this Thursday and save the world!

Only you sicko meat eaters eat that short of shit. Gibblets and hot dogs. You're one to talk. My turkey has a nice moist nutty flavor, not one of decaying dry vomit. That's a roulade. A grain dough rolled with stuffing and wrapped in deep fat fried bean curd.

I get it the jealous comes out around thanksgiving when the vegans see us eating all this delicious food.
I have never posted any articles where "Obama worshipers" are said to be considered to be "lower life forms, animals." You need to put down your crack pipe and stop imagining things and stop reading between the lines.

Crocodiles, which are carnivores, have been known to eat lowland gorillas, which are herbivores.
i wish someone would shove you back up your mothers cunt
I was just talking to a friend of mine today (whom is native american) about why he and his family celebrate Thanks Giving. Stupid holiday.

Hey, let's kill turkeys and eat them in celebration of the back-stabbing slaughter of Native Americans while we watch a bunch of overpaid testosterone freaks pound each other on the gridiron. Wait! We have to remember to pray to a false deity first!

Football is a cornerstone of American culture!
Come to troll me here now and even use my avatar, Dribble Piss?

i wish someone would shove you back up your mothers cunt

That would be rather difficult for anyone to do, Dribble Piss ... errrr, Drizzle Frost. My mother died many years ago and was cremated so finding just where to shove me would be virtually impossible.

With this thread being somewhat about the waste of food and others going hungry due to some areas of the world not being able to produce enough food for the entire population you could provide a valuable service as a poster boy and on billboards and TV commercials. There would be a large picture of your face and in pictures or on billboards would be written words and on TV it would be both words and a voice over saying 'My daddy didn't wear a condom.'

You could be the perfect poster boy for zero population growth.
Let's tell the "ant eater's",,,to stop killing the poor ant's:roll:,,,I'm wearing "Leather Underwear",,,and in my key chain is a colored rabbit's foot,,,That I got out a quater machine when I was young:lol:,,,at K-mart:eyesmoke:
The turkey was once considered the national bird instead of the eagle. I wonder if we would eat our symbol of freedom. Bet eagles taste good.
Looks like you should shut your fucking trapdoor

There you go again, Dribble Piss, making an absolute fool out of yourself.

Is there even a name for what's wrong with you? Now that Jerry Lewis isn't connected with muscular dystrophy maybe he will start a telethon to collect money so maybe one day a cure for whatever malady you suffer from can be found.

I said maybe because based on the things you write and things you do your particular malady is sheer stupidity, and there is no cure for that.
You obviously dont know me to well then...i exume the cunt and shove you into her boney twat and seal the that why you live with your ganny?

You have a very powerful psychosis going for you there, Dribble Piss. It is clear that you have far, far, FAR more serious things to confront in your life than just your sheer ignorance. You not only have less cognitive ability than human waste, you are a seriously sick puppy to boot, Dribble Piss.
What I read was that Benjamin Franklin thought that the wild turkey should be the national bird of the USA, but it never was picked to be it.

That's right. I was just pondering if we would still eat the turkey bird of freedom had everyone agreed with Ben Franklin.
Originally Posted by Canna Sylvan
The turkey was once considered the national bird instead of the eagle.

Originally Posted by Brick Top
What I read was that Benjamin Franklin thought that the wild turkey should be the national bird of the USA, but it never was picked to be it.

That's right. I was just pondering if we would still eat the turkey bird of freedom had everyone agreed with Ben Franklin.

Who knows? But since the turkey was never considered the national bird, as you originally incorrectly claimed, there never was a chance to find out.

While it is only a guess, as plentiful as turkeys have been, especially in the distant past, national bird or not some people would still have hunted them. They might never have become a traditional Thanksgiving and or Christmas meal, but I am sure many would have ended up on dinner tables.

It's not like I have flocks of them around at a time but it's not at all uncommon to look out and see one, two or three wandering around my yard or just off into the woods. I don't hunt them, though others in the area do, but my guess is that bobcats take more turkeys than hunters do. Turkeys, at least in my area, are the bobcats favorite food, so if you have one, you have the other.