so i set up this deal with my son ...


Active Member
your ignornant for blindly attacking me without seeing the validity of my argument.
either way, the kid doesnt lose. He can spend all the money and get what he wants, or if he doesnt spend it he gets even more money.
he's not learning anything. He gets a reward for either decision he chooses to make.
your fucking stupid.. enough said.. im not even gonna argue with you anymore the quote above is the dumbest thing you have ever said.


Well-Known Member
im not bitter or jealous, i just think its a foolish waste of money. but thats how I was brought up. It helps growing up worrying about money, taught me to be careful with it after watching my dad go up and down in his financial situation. this 54 dollar lesson doesnt teach shit


Active Member
im not bitter or jealous, i just think its a foolish waste of money. but thats how I was brought up. It helps growing up worrying about money, taught me to be careful with it after watching my dad go up and down in his financial situation. this 54 dollar lesson doesnt teach shit
i finally understand why everyone hates you..


Active Member
why would you even do this? in either situation you lose money. only time my parents really ever gave me money for anything was prom, 20 bucks here and there just to get me out of the house, but if I wanted something I had to save for it.
much less beg and plead for a ride to where I wanted to go. Sometimes they'd give me some money and no ride.
Ill give them credit though, for the important things, they did take me places and pick me up, even if they bitched me out the whole way that I shouldnt depend on them to give me rides places.
fdd's pretty much implying that either way, any decision he makes, he still benefits. dont give your kids something for nothing, they will never appreciate it.
im sorry this just seems so foreign to me, and pointless. plus its not teaching him any lesson, its just throwing away anywhere between 54-108 bucks. thats just retarded
Not to be mean but the only thing retarded here are your posts. I dont know if you watched Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift, but Han gives the new kid his "Mona Lisa" car to race with without even knowing him. The kid wrecks the car(very beautiful car easily worth $100,000). Later on the kid asks why he let him race with his car, its not cheap! Han says, "I have money, its trust and character I need around me. One car to find out what a man is made up of is worth the price for me." Well it wasnt exactly like that but its pretty similar. I think for fdd $50-$100 is worth finding out what his son is "made up of"(haha I know its so serious or whatever you wanna call it but I said it like that to get the point across). So URCA thats why.....

im not bitter or jealous, i just think its a foolish waste of money. but thats how I was brought up. It helps growing up worrying about money, taught me to be careful with it after watching my dad go up and down in his financial situation. this 54 dollar lesson doesnt teach shit
Just for future reference, whenever you start a sentence like that, pretty much whatever comes after that will be whatever you are trying to say its not. Just like my post here where I say "not to be mean" but its pretty obvious the rest of my sentence is mean. BTW this "$54 lesson" wasnt directed towards you.. and if you didnt learn ANYTHING from it.... Well your other posts show why.


Well-Known Member
im just trying to be practical. 54 bucks isnt cheap. thats alot of money to teach a lesson which could easily be taught another way. and if he doesnt know what kind of man his son is by now, im doubting this will show him the kind of man his son is.


Well-Known Member
i would be tickled fucking pink if it only cost me $108 to teach my kid a money lesson...Urca, the kid doesn't spend money=the kid gets more money, uhhhh i think thats a pretty good lesson on saving and prioritizing right there...that kid was watching every penny he spent tonight, i promise. thats genius fdd :peace:


Active Member
im just trying to be practical. 54 bucks isnt cheap. thats alot of money to teach a lesson which could easily be taught another way. and if he doesnt know what kind of man his son is by now, im doubting this will show him the kind of man his son is.
Alright apparently you absorbed nothing from the car reference. $54 is almost nothing to find out how his son will handle it(money is just a piece of paper). When you die it has no value. But finding out something about your son(for a parent) would definitely be worth a mere $50. And why insult him on saying on saying he doesnt know what kind of man his son is..... Teenagers are constantly changing, I would know I am one myself.


Active Member
Shit I would've played the hell out of this I would've took anything small and valuable ipod necklace to the pawn shop told them i 'd be back tomorrow and double even more money. but I guess thats what poverty does.


Well-Known Member
Shit I would've played the hell out of this I would've took anything small and valuable ipod necklace to the pawn shop told them i 'd be back tomorrow and double even more money. but I guess thats what poverty does.
come home with 80 bucks. :)

get all his friends to pool in their cash. :-P

so many ways this could go.


Ursus marijanus
im just trying to be practical. 54 bucks isnt cheap. thats alot of money to teach a lesson which could easily be taught another way. and if he doesnt know what kind of man his son is by now, im doubting this will show him the kind of man his son is.
Urca, I think it's worth considering that neither you nor I live in fdd's household. What's simple common sense to one person in her life experience ... is perhaps something completely different to someone in that person's situation.
A good bit of advice can be adapted from a Kipling poem:
"there's fifty-seven ways to build a tribal lay,
and every bloody one of them is right!"


Well-Known Member
why would you even do this? in either situation you lose money. only time my parents really ever gave me money for anything was prom, 20 bucks here and there just to get me out of the house, but if I wanted something I had to save for it.
much less beg and plead for a ride to where I wanted to go. Sometimes they'd give me some money and no ride.
Ill give them credit though, for the important things, they did take me places and pick me up, even if they bitched me out the whole way that I shouldnt depend on them to give me rides places.
I think I understand you now. You were raised by dicks.


Well-Known Member
Alright apparently you absorbed nothing from the car reference. $54 is almost nothing to find out how his son will handle it(money is just a piece of paper). When you die it has no value. But finding out something about your son(for a parent) would definitely be worth a mere $50. And why insult him on saying on saying he doesnt know what kind of man his son is..... Teenagers are constantly changing, I would know I am one myself.
im not insulting fdd at all. i think he can be very smart. but this little "experiment" goes in the face of what I have learned from my parents and my grandmother. You have to earn what you get, and getting more money as a reward for not spending money is just stupid. Either way the kid gets paid. How about you say you'll cover the cost of the ticket, and if he does what he is supposed to at home, you'll not only cover the cost of the ticket, but double what you give him.

I think a better lesson would be for him to earn the money he is given. and thats all the money he gets to get for x amount of time. He has to learn how to prioritize and budget that way.


Ursus marijanus
come home with 80 bucks. :)

get all his friends to pool in their cash. :-P

so many ways this could go.
In that scenario, fdd, would you pay the overage? Am I being a jailhouse attorney when i interpret the "change" in your first post to be limited to $54? :bigjoint: cn

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
im just trying to be practical. 54 bucks isnt cheap. thats alot of money to teach a lesson which could easily be taught another way. and if he doesnt know what kind of man his son is by now, im doubting this will show him the kind of man his son is.
thats alota money in afghanistan.....54 frogskins doesnt go real far. He doesnt know what kinda man his son is yet, becuase his son is is not a man yet.....and even still 54 bucks is a cheap price to teach a kid about money. Most kids asume credit cards are like gift cards. You dont understand this becuse yur stil a kid....please dotn take that as a reason to breed, one of you is enuf. :)

Fdd , i think thats a slick move, hes not under pressure cuz he knows yur gonna back his cash up. Hes gonna learn quick that hes really not as rich as he may have thought. I wish my old man did that, i had to learn the hard way.

Dizzle out


Well-Known Member
Urca, I think it's worth considering that neither you nor I live in fdd's household. What's simple common sense to one person in her life experience ... is perhaps something completely different to someone in that person's situation.
A good bit of advice can be adapted from a Kipling poem:
"there's fifty-seven ways to build a tribal lay,
and every bloody one of them is right!"
this is why i love it when you respond. you make perfect sense without being rude or shitty or telling someone that they way they were brought up to handle money is wrong