What line of Organic Nutrients do you use?


Active Member
I'm just curious to hear about what line of Organic nutrients you use and why. I'm currently looking into Organic nutrients and would love to see what you guys have to say about the products you are using "good or bad". I'm trying to get my research in before i start throwing cash around. If you don't use a nutrient line and make your own soil mix or teas, please feel free to post what you're working with.

P.S. Bud porn is always a bonus:weed:


Well-Known Member
i've been sticking to teas in organic roots 707. bat guano, kelp meal, bone meal, ewc, humus, dolomite lime, ecto and endo mycorrhizae. pics are from clones 28 days in soil.



Active Member
i've been sticking to teas in organic roots 707. bat guano, kelp meal, bone meal, ewc, humus, dolomite lime, ecto and endo mycorrhizae. pics are from clones 28 days in soil.
Sounds like a pretty solid mix you got going. Serious looking clones you got there. I'm really thinking after my seedlings take hold i might just transplant into a super soil mix. It sounds like the true organic way to go.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a pretty solid mix you got going. Serious looking clones you got there. I'm really thinking after my seedlings take hold i might just transplant into a super soil mix. It sounds like the true organic way to go.
def want to give it a shot as well. there are a lot of success stories on here with subcool's mix.

edit: not to mention, easy keep up. all you have to do is water?! what?! can't beat that with a stick.


Active Member
I know i seriously just want to spend what a good few hours buying all the stuff and putting it together. Down the road you save soooo much time and effort. If you ever have to leave town for awhile you can have your leprechauns water them and not have to leave them with an extensive list of nutrients to feed.


I have been using EB stone organic Veg & tomat food during veg & FF big bloom organic during flowering. all out door light so it is a slow process for flowering right now with many cloudy days but the plant is healthy as can be

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I personally use manures, compost and such, but when I started out exploring organics, I found the Espoma line of organics. You can't beat them Best bang for the buck, and locally available almost everywhere in the US.


And this is the best source of worm castings I have found. If they aren't locally, they'll either find 'em or sell to you.



Active Member
I personally use manures, compost and such, but when I started out exploring organics, I found the Espoma line of organics. You can't beat them Best bang for the buck, and locally available almost everywhere in the US.

Thank you good sir. I'll check that line out. As well thanks for the worm casting link i've been looking around locally hoping to find some of that delicious worm poo :)

And this is the best source of worm castings I have found. If they aren't locally, they'll either find 'em or sell to you.

Thank you good sir. I'll check that line out. As well thanks for the worm casting link i've been looking around locally hoping to find some of that delicious worm poo :)


Active Member
I have been using EB stone organic Veg & tomat food during veg & FF big bloom organic during flowering. all out door light so it is a slow process for flowering right now with many cloudy days but the plant is healthy as can be
I'll have to check that line out. do you buy yours locally?


Well-Known Member
The best organic nutrient lines that I have found from personal use are Botanicare Pureblend, BioCanna, and General Organics. I use some of each line for my purposes. Not all of them are the greatest, but between the 3, I've found a lineup that works well based off of the best of all the nutrient lines that I've used. I've heard a lot about Age Old Organics and Biobiz. I haven't really used much of either.


Active Member
i love earthjuice rainbow mix and highbrix molasses.
I was checking out earth juice, glad to hear good things about it. I'm really considering their line up because how much cheaper they are than most

The best organic nutrient lines that I have found from personal use are Botanicare Pureblend, BioCanna, and General Organics. I use some of each line for my purposes. Not all of them are the greatest, but between the 3, I've found a lineup that works well based off of the best of all the nutrient lines that I've used. I've heard a lot about Age Old Organics and Biobiz. I haven't really used much of either.
I've never that about mixing different brands of nutrients thanks for the idea :). I really want to go with biocanna but seem to be a bit more pricey. If i get some cash though that will be most likely the rout I'll go.


Well-Known Member
I'll post some pictures of what the GO line is doing on a heavy feeding schedule once my plant starts loving me again. (I abused it recently)


Well-Known Member
I use Earthjuice (grow, bloom, metak, catalyst, and micro) along with General Organics Bioweed, Bioroot and Cal mag. I also use Advance nutrients H2 humic acid and F1 Fulvic acid and liquid carbo load.

My soil is a 50/50mix of FFOF and Happy Frog, with about 20% perlite, and added (peruvian seabird guano, mexican bat guano, indonesian bat guano, jamaican bat guano) and fortified with Mycos Maximum...