Seed still has shell on it.


Active Member
I put the cracked seed into the hydroton on sunday and on monday I put it up right when the root was longer. Since then it hasnt done much. It still has it's shell on and not too sure if I should just leave it or should I get some tweezers and squeeze the shell off?
Here is a pic of the other seed that I have kept moist & dark. Should I just pull the other on out and try the other one?


New Member
leave it to get up and bit more and if it dont fall of when its up, take it off gently :)
thats what i did :)


Well-Known Member
I usually leave the shell alone as they are food for the plant the first weeks of its life. Try getting some rockwool, rapid rooters or pellet plugs to put the seeds in. The medium will keep the tap root moist so it can maintain its life and grow quicker. I have never grown without them so I can't say they don't work without them. Just my 2 cents.

Edit: After the plant pops out of the surface and if the seed shell is still on it. I would gently remove them and put them in the medium near the tap root.

newb weed grower

Active Member
i agree with letting it fall off my seeds normally raise them self like an inch some time inch and a half and then fall off doing it urself will strss it out and it willl make it grow very slow and the recovery of the stress will take a long time because it was stressed at such a young age
let life take its course and whatever u do
dont over love it ive killed countless plants cause i wanted them to grow faster so i kept watering them
ull drown it the soil only need to be barly moist


Active Member
Is that seed just sitting on the surface of hydroton? I don't think it will grow like that.


Active Member
Is that seed just sitting on the surface of hydroton? I don't think it will grow like that.
Other people have put their seeds into the hydroton no problem. Might use some sort of pellets/rockwool next time tho.

I'm just going to leave it and let it's do its thing. The seeds looks like it'll come off in the next 12-24 hours.
Still going to leave the CFL on 24hours and hand water it every couple of hours.


Active Member
I was just concerned at it drying out because hydroton doesn't hold water. When I grew out of hydroton I started in rockwool. Has it sprouted yet? Or is it just the taproot sticking out?


Active Member
I was just concerned at it drying out because hydroton doesn't hold water. When I grew out of hydroton I started in rockwool. Has it sprouted yet? Or is it just the taproot sticking out?
I made a crevis in the center of the hydroton so that water would run down to it. It does a little bit...But ever couple of hours I fill a shot glass, twice from the waterfarm tube and dump it back into a corner of the hydroton. On the 3rd & 4th shot, I slowly pour the water on to the seed to keep it moist.
This probs isn't the best idea to use but I thought i'd just give it a wack. Like I said next time i'm thinking of pellets or rockwoll.

It's 18:50 and i've just gone to water the seed and it's starting to lift from the hydroton and I can see a small green stem. So good news I hope. Shell is still on but i'm thinking it'll be off by the morning.


Well-Known Member
all taproot growth comes off the very tip, if that dried out for a few minutes it will never grow any further.


Active Member
all taproot growth comes off the very tip, if that dried out for a few minutes it will never grow any further.
Havn't had the best of starts but I hope it doesn't turn out to be a retard plant. If it does then nevermind. Learn from mistakes.


Well-Known Member
If the shell doesn't come off with in 2 days of breaking through (I grow in soil) I pit a little drip of spit on the shell before going to bed. In the morning the shells come off with no problem what so ever.


Active Member
you can remove them I have before from my plants and they have actually seemed to do better afterwards, your call but be extremely careful, use tweasers and just pinch the shell, remember little is more so be careful!!!


New Member
You need to put it in rapid rooter or some other medium that it can get moisture and grow. I have never seen anyone just drop a seed into hydroton and let it grow.


New Member
google how to germinate a seed dude. That is by far the weirdest way I have ever seen it done. put it in some sand peat puck anything.That's rite up there with cloning a leaf. Sorry I don't mean to be a dick but a little r&d goes a long way. Dont pull off the shell it does more harm than good. Did you buy the seeds or were they free?


Active Member
Here's what I do when the shell lingers on the new seedling. I mist it with my spray bottle and let it sit for about 5 minutes. This softens the seed shell and makes it easier to get off. I then take a small set of scissors or tweezers and ever so gently pick off the seed shell.

Sometimes when you get the shell off it still has a little sack wrapped around it. I forget what it's called but I also mist it and VERY GENTLY pick it off. Take your time, go slow, that's what the ladies like.