Ancient Aliens!!!


Ursus marijanus
if you wanna read about proof, read about the nazi rocket program. it gets pretty intesne and you have no choice other than to belive its alien technology
I have studied the rocket programs in some depth, including of course the program that led to the A4, weaponized as the V2. It was all homegrown; there are plenty of good written histories, and I challenge the idea that I'd have "no choice" but to believe that we could not have done it ourselves.


Active Member
if you wanna read about proof, read about the nazi rocket program. it gets pretty intesne and you have no choice other than to belive its alien technology
What? Thats stupid, its because theyre german theyre good at science. not because of aliens.... But seriously I find it hard to believe that the nazis had alien help, if you look at it they had started military research long before any other government around them, so they were quite ahead and were focused on rocketry and submarines long before everybody else was figuring how to make cigarettes burn long and how to make the shades of trenchcoats darker. Plus hitler was bolstered by the way he could control what was done and where things were researched.

Heres a question for you, if the nazis did have alien technology... why didnt they win? That right there is pretty straightforward, why didnt the nazis win if they had alien technology. If you were to believe alien technology exists it wouldn't just be surperior to ours but immensly superior to ours. Instead of rockets they should have been brandishing laser guns and photon grenades and shit.


Active Member
You might as well say the germans and the austrians themselves WERE aliens, and they came here to wage some sort of intergalactic war. Here draw that swastika image, maybe it matches galaxies in space or something, OOOOOOOOOO.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
What? Thats stupid, its because theyre german theyre good at science. not because of aliens.... But seriously I find it hard to believe that the nazis had alien help, if you look at it they had started military research long before any other government around them, so they were quite ahead and were focused on rocketry and submarines long before everybody else was figuring how to make cigarettes burn long and how to make the shades of trenchcoats darker. Plus hitler was bolstered by the way he could control what was done and where things were researched.

Heres a question for you, if the nazis did have alien technology... why didnt they win? That right there is pretty straightforward, why didnt the nazis win if they had alien technology. If you were to believe alien technology exists it wouldn't just be surperior to ours but immensly superior to ours. Instead of rockets they should have been brandishing laser guns and photon grenades and shit.
What did they win? maybe you shoud read a lil bit first. Look up the Horton Wing and report back...they also had propelents that were advanced...all after a space shit crashed in a forest in Germany


Active Member
I said why didn't they win! If they had alien technology, they should have won, if alien technology is real it would be vastly superior to ours. Reread my post.


Ursus marijanus
What did they win? maybe you shoud read a lil bit first. Look up the Horton Wing and report back...they also had propelents that were advanced...all after a space shit crashed in a forest in Germany

The Horten wing was contemporaneous with very similar designs by our very own Jack Northrop.
As for advanced propellants ... which ones? The Germans used the same propellants as everyone else at the time. For hypergolics, C-Stoff ("substance C) was a mix of alcohol, water and hydrazine. The oxidizer was T-Stoff, high-test hydrogen peroxide. This powered i.a. the Messerschmitt Me-163 "Komet" rocket plane.
The A-4 burned liquid oxygen (A-Stoff) with watered ethanol (to reduce combustion temperature) in a classic pump-fed reaction motor. cn


Active Member

Cruise Missiles (V-1) and Rocket-Powered Ballistic Missiles (V-2), were never mentioned before world war 2, and it might of been alien technology.

That being said of course you can't disprove, the presence of aliens in nazi germany. Same as the way you can't disprove the nazis themselves weren't aliens. You might as well say the nazis themselves WERE aliens, and they came here to wage some sort of intergalactic war. Here draw that swastika image, maybe it matches galaxies in space or something, OOOOOOOOOO.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I said why didn't they win! If they had alien technology, they should have won, if alien technology is real it would be vastly superior to ours. Reread my post.
my bad lol

simple answer there....they had a lunatic running the show, and slighty retarded lunatics supporting the cause lol.....but in reality they won the war on technology....after Germany fell thousands of scientists were givin US citizenship and went on to create rockets, stealth tech, radar systems and so on. Nobody knew how they figured any of it out as most of that technology was a dream in the late 30's


Ursus marijanus
my bad lol

simple answer there....they had a lunatic running the show, and slighty retarded lunatics supporting the cause lol.....but in reality they won the war on technology....after Germany fell thousands of scientists were givin US citizenship and went on to create rockets, stealth tech, radar systems and so on. Nobody knew how they figured any of it out as most of that technology was a dream in the late 30's
This isn't correct. Even at the time, the Allies had a pretty good handle on German tech. They were "first with the most" for some key technologies, like the jet engine and the ballistic missile, but that was an R&D commitment, not the exploitation of an unknown principle. The Allies had the radar edge throughout the war. cn


Active Member
my bad lol

simple answer there....they had a lunatic running the show, and slighty retarded lunatics supporting the cause lol.....but in reality they won the war on technology....after Germany fell thousands of scientists were givin US citizenship and went on to create rockets, stealth tech, radar systems and so on. Nobody knew how they figured any of it out as most of that technology was a dream in the late 30's
That I agree with sir! I think its bullshit alot of german scientists had their crimes forgotten and repatriated... not cool... but then again if I was the pres I would have done the same thing, no use in jailing masterminds, or we'd end up with an avengers type situation where the 4 top superjails in the world break open at the same time because of gravitus (or whatever his name I've only watched the animated Avengers).

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member

The Horten wing was contemporaneous with very similar designs by our very own Jack Northrop.
As for advanced propellants ... which ones? The Germans used the same propellants as everyone else at the time. For hypergolics, C-Stoff ("substance C) was a mix of alcohol, water and hydrazine. The oxidizer was T-Stoff, high-test hydrogen peroxide. This powered i.a. the Messerschmitt Me-163 "Komet" rocket plane.
The A-4 burned liquid oxygen (A-Stoff) with watered ethanol (to reduce combustion temperature) in a classic pump-fed reaction motor. cn
Wrong....Hortons came first and were completley flyable. The fact is they were experimenting with things that were more advanced than anything the Aliies had at the time, most of the things we have now are from German engineering. sorry i make mistakes, this keyboard is smaller than my hands

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
That I agree with sir! I think its bullshit alot of german scientists had their crimes forgotten and repatriated... not cool... but then again if I was the pres I would have done the same thing, no use in jailing masterminds, or we'd end up with an avengers type situation where the 4 top superjails in the world break open at the same time because of gravitus (or whatever his name I've only watched the animated Avengers).
No deff not kewl, some of em were destined for the noose to...they also took a few high ranking nazis in , but thats a diff story lol...gotta love the CIA


Active Member
This isn't correct. Even at the time, the Allies had a pretty good handle on German tech. They were "first with the most" for some key technologies, like the jet engine and the ballistic missile, but that was an R&D commitment, not the exploitation of an unknown principle. The Allies had the radar edge throughout the war. cn
The only thing Im aware of the allies having over the germans, was being able to detect their uboats using sonar. Jet engine and balistic missile are you sure? Im pretty sure the germans were out with that way ahead of anyone else.


Active Member
i dnt care what anyone says, ancient aliens is the shit!!! very compelling
Dude definitely its mad, sometimes it can get abit boring, but whenever that greek guy comes back on you can't help but laughing, at his unwavering belief that everything is from aliens. Hes hectic.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
The only thing Im aware of the allies having over the germans, was being able to detect their uboats using sonar. Jet engine and balistic missile are you sure? Im pretty sure the germans were out with that way ahead of anyone else.
Thats correct, SONAR was the only advantage they had..air wise ask any allied pilot and they tell you the nazi jets were twice as fast....nobody else cruise missiles either.

Even on the front line the allies were out gunned, machine gun technology was not even close, the only reason they won in most tank engagements was due to sheer numbers of assets, the germans had far better tanks and crews including a cummincation system between tank battalions.

Downside to the technology was repairs, it took days to fix a Tiger tank in the field because it was so advanced, they had few due to the cost. But nobody else had an 88mm gun , ballistic missiles or simple things like roller barrings on the machine gun bolts that enebaled them to cycle at 1100 rounds per minute , allies could fire at about 600 rpm


Ursus marijanus
The only thing Im aware of the allies having over the germans, was being able to detect their uboats using sonar. Jet engine and balistic missile are you sure? Im pretty sure the germans were out with that way ahead of anyone else.
Jet engine: Frank Whittle (England) and Hans von Ohain (Germany) share inventor credit for the turbojet engine. Whittle built the first working prototype, and the British actually had the first jet plane in the air. English gov't and corporations punted on R&D, while Germany committed a bit more resources.
Ballistic missile: We had an edge with Goddard's designs until about 1938. At that time, amateur societies in Germany, Russia and the USA were at a roughly even stage of development. Then the Germans did the same thing: commit R&D resources. It did help that they had a pair of engineering genii ("geniuses", ew) in the persons of von Braun and Riedel.
Once the war was over and the worth of the V2 was proven, especuially as a potential delivery means for the new bomb, both superpowers invested heavily in the development of large liquid-fueled ballistic missiles. The rest, as they say, is history.

A little something about Horten v. Northrop ...


Active Member
Thats correct, SONAR was the only advantage they had..air wise ask any allied pilot and they tell you the nazi jets were twice as fast....nobody else cruise missiles either.

Even on the front line the allies were out gunned, machine gun technology was not even close, the only reason they won in most tank engagements was due to sheer numbers of assets, the germans had far better tanks and crews including a cummincation system between tank battalions.

Downside to the technology was repairs, it took days to fix a Tiger tank in the field because it was so advanced, they had few due to the cost. But nobody else had an 88mm gun , ballistic missiles or simple things like roller barrings on the machine gun bolts that enebaled them to cycle at 1100 rounds per minute , allies could fire at about 600 rpm
0.0, well it just goes to show, war times really really feed technological advancement. Maybe if we had more wars we'd have hovercars and not a shitty president who promised change and gave us bullshit. Interesting I hope I don't forget any thing when I come down, haha!.


Active Member
Jet engine: Frank Whittle (England) and Hans von Ohain (Germany) share inventor credit for the turbojet engine. English gov't and corporations punted on R&D, while germany committed a bit more resources.
Ballistic missile: We had an edge with Goddard's designs until about 1938. At that time, amateur societies in Germany, Russia and the USA were at a roughly even stage of development. Then the Germans did the same thing: commit R&D resources. It did help that they had a pair of engineering genii ("geniuses", ew) in the persons of von Braun and Riedel.
Once the war was over and the worth of the V2 was proven, especuially as a potential delivery means for the new bomb, both superpowers invested heavily in the development of large liquid-fueled ballistic missiles. The rest, as they say, is history.

A little something about Horten v. Northrop ...
We meant who had the advantage at the time, dude. The germans since they were putting theory to practical use and were the first to get it off the ground.