White Widow First Time Grow several questions


Active Member
Ok, so as it says in the title I am a first time grower and I have a few general questions. I am indoor growing White Widow with seeds purchased from a bank. I am using Miracle grow organic soil, perlite, and plant food. I have a HPS light positioned above my two plants and they have done really well so far. I am about a month and a half in and they are both about a foot tall and very healthy looking to my untrained eyes. I have just put them on the 12/12 cycle because I have read they could double or triple in size once flowering stars and I don't have room for them to get any bigger than a few feet. I also read that your plant needs atleast 60 days to veg and I am not there yet. So first question, am I messing up starting the flowering cycle now ? I would also like to know what kind of time frame I am looking at from start to ripe and if there is anything I can do to optimize the process ? Does anyone know for sure how strong the White Widow smell is and what the plant smells like during flowering ? I am super stoked about the way they have turned out thus far and any help/advice you could give me to maximize my White Widow experience would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Also, my seeds are feminized. That means there should be zero seeds right ? You have to have a male to get seeds with your female right ?


Feminized seeds give you a better chance that the plant will be female. There is still a chance it could be male so you need to grow them until they show their sex.


Active Member
Ok, I was under the impression they were guaranteed to be female. Any advice on the rest of my questions ?


Well-Known Member
You're doing the right things, as your plants are showing...I wouldn't worry about the whole plant being female, but it's common to see the odd male flower here or there; so keep your eyes peeled cos they're small. Castrate them as/if you see them.
I have white widow just in flower, and yes she is going to smell (Smell) once those buds bud..
Nice one! Good job..


Weed Modifier
looking good so far....they are 6weeks, so its ok to flip to 12/12 anytime will not hurt them.

What size hps and how far away do you keep it from top of plants?


Active Member
You're doing the right things, as your plants are showing...I wouldn't worry about the whole plant being female, but it's common to see the odd male flower here or there; so keep your eyes peeled cos they're small. Castrate them as/if you see them.
I have white widow just in flower, and yes she is going to smell (Smell) once those buds bud..
Nice one! Good job..
Thanks for the feedback bro, I really appreciate it. So I guess I'm good starting the flowering now ? Now that I have them on the 12/12 how soon will I be able to tell what the sex is ? What do they smell like ? I have heard people say they smell like perfume, citrus, and then fish.


Active Member
looking good so far....they are 6weeks, so its ok to flip to 12/12 anytime will not hurt them.

What size hps and how far away do you keep it from top of plants?
150 Watt HPS about 18 inches above the plants. That right ?


Well-Known Member
If it doesn't burn your hand if you hold it underneath, then 18 inches is fine. Two weeks and definate flowering will commence...as will the fun!


Weed Modifier
150 Watt HPS about 18 inches above the plants. That right ?
how long have they been under the hps? if they have been the whole time they can be closer ...say 6-8", but if you just put them under the hps for the first time gradually put closer every few days til its about 6-8" but no closer. you can feel it with your hand.

18" was fine for veg...now its flowering time!!! they will show anytime now just look for two white hairs or balls in next week or two.


Active Member
If it doesn't burn your hand if you hold it underneath, then 18 inches is fine. Two weeks and definate flowering will commence...as will the fun!
Awesome, I really appreciate it. Any idea how long the flowering process takes ? I heard 6-10 weeks, but thats a pretty large window.


Weed Modifier
Awesome, I really appreciate it. Any idea how long the flowering process takes ? I heard 6-10 weeks, but thats a pretty large window.
invest in a scope 30x for your first few tries...more accurate ...harvest when trichomes start to change to amber ;)

different strains take dif times.... 6weeks flowering for an indica and 10+weeks for sativa strains


Active Member
invest in a scope 30x for your first few tries...more accurate ...harvest when trichomes start to change to amber ;)

different strains take dif times.... 6weeks flowering for an indica and 10+weeks for sativa strains
Mine are both Widow which is an Indica/Sativa cross right ? You know the average flowering time for WW ? Trichomes are the Crystals right ?


Weed Modifier
Mine are both Widow which is an Indica/Sativa cross right ? You know the average flowering time for WW ? Trichomes are the Crystals right ?
yes, about 10weeks,yes trichomes are the crystals

That's why it is important to get a scope, for first few attempts...just depending on environment/light it can vary + or - a couple weeks


Active Member
how long have they been under the hps? if they have been the whole time they can be closer ...say 6-8", but if you just put them under the hps for the first time gradually put closer every few days til its about 6-8" but no closer. you can feel it with your hand.

18" was fine for veg...now its flowering time!!! they will show anytime now just look for two white hairs or balls in next week or two.
They were under a florescents for the first week or so, but have been under HPS for over a month. So, hairs are female balls are males right ? I just started 12/12 yesterday, how soon should I see evidence of sex ?


Weed Modifier
They were under a florescents for the first week or so, but have been under HPS for over a month. So, hairs are female balls are males right ? I just started 12/12 yesterday, how soon should I see evidence of sex ?
Yah you can lower the lights to 12" then in a few days down to 8" from plants

yes hairs are a sign of female ....and balls are male! you should start to see them anytime now ....just keep looking for the V shaped white hairs you will know when you see one.


Active Member
Yah you can lower the lights to 12" then in a few days down to 8" from plants

yes hairs are a sign of female ....and balls are male! you should start to see them anytime now ....just keep looking for the V shaped white hairs you will know when you see one.
Ok, cool. You are awesome man. Thanks.