LED Companies w/ LINKS


Well-Known Member

For people just getting into the LED game figuring out which company makes what light can be a challenge. This is a list of the companies and the name(s) of the panel(s) they make.

Lighthouse Hydro - Blackstar
High Tech Garden Supply - HTG
Hydro Grow LED - Penetrator
Grow LED Hydro - Spectra
Kessil - Kessil H150/H350
Magnum LED - Magnum LED
Blackdog - BDxxxx/Platinum XL
Pro Source LED - Pro Source LED
Haight Solid State LED - Haight SS LED
Apache Tech - AT120xx
Advanced LED Lights - Diamond series/Extreme
Plant Photonics - Hand Made LED Lights
Pro-Grow Series LED - Pro-Grow LED
Grow Stealth LED - Grow Stealth Quantum LED
Stealth Grow LED - SGxxxx


E.shine systems - E.shine Panel 3G/4G
Light Blaze - Lightblaze 400
Fero LED Lighting - Fero xxx 4G

There are others, and I can add to the list if people have suggestions! :blsmoke:
Nice thread thought about putting that in mine but didnt know if it was advertising too much/i was too lazy :P

I can say that my personal experience with the ProGrow 260 has been positive the first 4 months.
Before you get a light read lots of journals :P My biggest suggestion
Just received some interesting mail from e.shine systems....

I'm really interested in trying one of these products, I'm thinking about trying the 126x3.... looks just like the penetrator pattern, but I wouldn't feel like I was being raped for buying one.

Warranty clauses
• 1. Within one year of purchase, if there is any
function problem (no man-made), supplier should
offer replacement parts and repair service for free.
Shipping cost covered by supplier.
• 2. Over one year, but within three years of purchase,
if there is any function problem (no man-made),
supplier should offer replacement parts and repair
service for free. Shipping cost covered by purchaser.
• 3. Warranty is only valid when purchaser uses the
product in right way (see warnings).
• 4. Make sure the bar code of light and warranty card
are the same, otherwise, we will not guarantee.

They use 30, 60, and 90 degree lenses.... and you can completely customize which LED's you want in the lights. The cases look identical to "Diamond series" from Advanced LED Lights....
I've been a cfl grower looking to go even cheaper on my elec bill. After reading a bunch on LED's and nanometers in relation to photosynthesis. In my findings alot of threads and LED suppliers say you've gotta have the bulbs anywhere from 12-36" above your plants, tho I don't have that much space in my Rubbermaid cabinet(only 36*36*16 inside measurements)

What I don't know about LED's is whether NM rating is important whan you switch to 12/12, cuz I figure as long as the plants receiving usable PAR in either blue or red color shouldn't matter right...?

I've been looking at this little setup, tho IDK if its too small or too large http://www.advancedledlights.com/products/SpectraBoost-Grow-Spotlight-%252d-15w-High-Intensity-LED-Grow-Light.html

After I transplant in about 2 weeks the new pots will be 12" plus about 12-18" of plant by that time...Any thoughts???
I've been a cfl grower looking to go even cheaper on my elec bill. After reading a bunch on LED's and nanometers in relation to photosynthesis. In my findings alot of threads and LED suppliers say you've gotta have the bulbs anywhere from 12-36" above your plants, tho I don't have that much space in my Rubbermaid cabinet(only 36*36*16 inside measurements)

What I don't know about LED's is whether NM rating is important whan you switch to 12/12, cuz I figure as long as the plants receiving usable PAR in either blue or red color shouldn't matter right...?

I've been looking at this little setup, tho IDK if its too small or too large http://www.advancedledlights.com/products/SpectraBoost-Grow-Spotlight-%252d-15w-High-Intensity-LED-Grow-Light.html

After I transplant in about 2 weeks the new pots will be 12" plus about 12-18" of plant by that time...Any thoughts???

The wavelength of light that the plant requires for optimal photosynthesis differs from vegging to flowering. In HID lighting it's common to use a MH bulb for vegging and a HPS for flowering because they both produce light in different wavelengths. The same is true of LED's; more red light means it's a flowering panel, more blue means it's a vegging panel. Or often you see LED light looks either magenta, or purple; Magenta is mostly red, with some blue LED's and purple is mostly blue with some red LED's. They can generally be used for both vegging and flowering.

You're only going to have 4" of room if I understand you correctly; that's not much to work with. With LED's you want the light a bit further away during vegging maybe 12-16', and about 6-10" away during flowering. Not really enough room to use them as directed, but it would still work...
Lol yeah I didn't think of the height I'd have to work with. I have considered LSTing but idk if it'll help my situation. Since I've only got 36" high to work with, would these little 15w LEDs be good for the area or still too close to the plants? Do you think these little 15w bulbs will be too close?

However, since I got my cabinet free from my last job I've looked around at thrift store etc. for a taller cabinet/setup so i can still grow have 2-3 plants about 2-3ft tall by end of flower.
Lol yeah I didn't think of the height I'd have to work with. I have considered LSTing but idk if it'll help my situation. Since I've only got 36" high to work with, would these little 15w LEDs be good for the area or still too close to the plants? Do you think these little 15w bulbs will be too close?

However, since I got my cabinet free from my last job I've looked around at thrift store etc. for a taller cabinet/setup so i can still grow have 2-3 plants about 2-3ft tall by end of flower.

Ohhhh... I thought you had 16" total height. 12" for the bucket, and 4" left over.

If you have 36" height, and the bucket is 12", you've got lots of room. More than enough.
Ohhhh... I thought you had 16" total height. 12" for the bucket, and 4" left over.

If you have 36" height, and the bucket is 12", you've got lots of room. More than enough.
Thanks for the feedback and info Beefbisquit.

Yea my 2 clones are 10-12'' tall plus the height of the 2.5gal(12" tall by themselves) buckets I'll be using next. That Blackstar does look good though i was wondering if there are panels that can switch from blue to red so i don't have to but 2 different panels cuz I've only got about $170 to work with. If not I can definitely swing for a red and blue 15w i asked you about.

I don't mean to post all over your thread but I'm not finding good details in my searches.
Thanks for the feedback and info Beefbisquit.

Yea my 2 clones are 10-12'' tall plus the height of the 2.5gal(12" tall by themselves) buckets I'll be using next. That Blackstar does look good though i was wondering if there are panels that can switch from blue to red so i don't have to but 2 different panels cuz I've only got about $170 to work with. If not I can definitely swing for a red and blue 15w i asked you about.

I don't mean to post all over your thread but I'm not finding good details in my searches.

The Blackstar has blue/red/IR/UV/white LED's in it - it will work excellent from germination to flowering.

Advanced LED makes a switchable LED system, but it's out of your price range. I've got some great info on E.shine systems, they claim to be the manufacturer of the Advanced LED systems - but are selling their product for much cheaper.

Remember, these are unverified reports coming from the manufacturer - but E.shine systems have been very upfront about volunteering information about their products. I really want to test one of these products so I can give you guys some better insight with regards to the quality of these lights.

http://www.eshinesystems.com/grow/3g-100w-led-grow-light.html - Is switchable from Blue/red, might fit your budget!
e. Shine is definitely interesting. I visited their website and was greeted by a sales rep via a pop up chat window. The rep was helpful in answering questions and it was nice to have a live interaction with someone, but it was pretty vague info and their wording was careful.

I asked about advanced led, they said they make them. I asked what would be the differences if I boughtfrom them vs advanced and he said the price would be cheaper. then he quickly corrected himself and said the price could be cheaper.

You'll notice their 3g models advertise 1w leds, but have the option to use 3w if requested. I have a feeling, but didn't confirm, that the more changes you make to their models (say to build one with all identical components and specs as advanced) the prices will go up. Once you have an e. Shine system built identically to advanceds diamonds, you might not be saving as much as originally thought. Worth looking into at least because it looks like they have baseline models that you can configure and im sure the price changes to reflect those configs.

I also asked about their 4g lights and he said the only one available right now is an aquarium light. He said the 4gs will include cree leds and he offered to email me the announcment when released, so something else coming out from them too.

Just some thoughts to take into consideration. I need to go back and ask more questions to get a better feel for e shine but the idea of buying from the source is intriguing.

Advanced LED makes a switchable LED system, but it's out of your price range. I've got some great info on E.shine systems, they claim to be the manufacturer of the Advanced LED systems - but are selling their product for much cheaper.

Remember, these are unverified reports coming from the manufacturer - but E.shine systems have been very upfront about volunteering information about their products. I really want to test one of these products so I can give you guys some better insight with regards to the quality of these lights.

http://www.eshinesystems.com/grow/3g-100w-led-grow-light.html - Is switchable from Blue/red, might fit your budget![/QUOTE]

I just checked these out and other than using the same heatsink, nothing else is the same. Only 1w diodes, much fewer spectrums and dont have the special lens like Advanced. But for a small cabinet, they may work great. The 1w diodes will allow the unit to be closer to the canopy though.
I just checked these out and other than using the same heatsink, nothing else is the same. Only 1w diodes, much fewer spectrums and dont have the special lens like Advanced. But for a small cabinet, they may work great. The 1w diodes will allow the unit to be closer to the canopy though.

They actually have a 126x3w and 150x3w panels as well, I might be picking one up and doing a journal with one to give you guys some clear and concise results. They also do have lenses on them, just not the exact same lenses. You can tell them exactly what spectrum you would like as well. They use Epistar and Bridgelux LED's.

This is the configuration I might run;

Eshine 3G 150x3W LED grow panel with 60 degree optics
370-380nm x 5
3000 k warm white x 16
510-530nm x 8
630nm x 22
660nm x 68
IR 730 x 5
440-450nm x 26

What do you think? I'm interested in getting feedback to perhaps "tweak" the spectrum!
Well, I missed some info. Maybe they do build for Advanced. But regardless, the only things I would change is the 3000k warm white, make it a 680nm or so, and maybe some 710nm- 8 of each. And unless you want a smaller footprint, Id go with 90 degree over 60. And if you can get 4 or so 830nm, I would, and go with 64ish with the 660nm. Just my thoughts. ;)
They did send me a catalogue with the new 4g a few days ago!
if anyone wants, I can email it to you? Dont think I can upload it here can I?
Yeah, if you want the x-lenses they can def do it for you? (even on the ones that looks like the advanced case)
I think the original configuration they have on the 126 Xlenses is the same as penetrators?
It would be great if anyone could go forward and experiment with them!
I would personally ask for the 660nm to be 60 lenses and all the rest 90 lenses! I mean mix them up... it seems to work well for blackstar?
the latest lights i ordered had the following spectrums

6 red 660
5 red 630
2 blue 450
1 blue 430
1 white 3,000K

in groups of 15 leds

this i think covers all the main areas, with a focus on flowering, i can post a picture that shows the led colurs quite clearly if you want.