Guys whats wrong with my plants both in flowering

they are both auto flowering strains on is ak47/lowryder#2 (born on sep 4)and the other is dina fem fruity(born on sep 7). they are on a 20/4 light sched. all of the leaves started turing yellow then ended up getting worse. i thought it was a mag def becuz i am using fox farm soil ocean, and im using big bloom nutes, big bloom doesnt have mag in it so i thought that was the problem but i also think i gave them way to much nutes and i think it was sitting in the soil for a while. i flushed out today and trimmed up alot of dead leaves that were getting closer to the bud:-( i need help asap i been putting all this hard work in for them and i dont want them to die or not work out:!: so any help guys asap would be really nice
oh and ps could this be caused by heat? sometimes it gets up to 90 degrees in my box with 300 watt cfl:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Well, not knowing their flowering times, I'd say they're ready to be chopped. Sept 4th and 7th you say? Been around 70 days, autoflowers usually finish around then. Check your trichs. But either way I'd say chop.
Yeah I think I'm gunna chop the Dina fem the ak has time I think....what u guys think went wrong?....and how much yeild am I looking at?
they could be losing their leaves because they are genetically bred to have short life spans. id flush them and see what things look like in 3 days and like hope said check your trichs


Well-Known Member
they look done to me them are some fat buds for a cfl grow i would chop them down and call it a successful grow and start another one

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
either way.. you made it far enough to harvest them bitches..atleast that shit dident happen a few weeks earlier


Well-Known Member
I thought flowering schedule was 12/12...? Or am I just high as shit and that's what the autoflower means, that you never have to change the light cycle?