Myth Buster in Action


New Member
thanks wimb i think so 2 got a ways to go lights off temps are 60 lights on 72 working well green losing some minor leafs on very bottom of plants which is normal other then that waiting for middle of week 4 to foilage spray some Zinc and iron then they will explode :))


New Member
nice mate, nowt worse than all that tatey shit at the bottom of the plants, cant wait till i can trim mine up maybe in a week or 2


New Member
all i am going to do is once plants are done goin to cut plant in half and let bottom go for a few more weeks if there not done :))
i always feed right to the bitter end


New Member
ok i figured i'll post some more pics of my progress with MG starting day 27 of flower the obvious sweet smell is now very strong bin coming on this last week temps lights off 60 degree lights on 76 - 80 will start adding 1 table spoon of liquid honey per 20 litres of nutrients next feeding till harvest NO FLUSHING and on week 5 and 6 to 2 shots of foilage spray Zinc and iron already showing massive frosty signs noticeing some slight yellowing on lower leafs near soil as well dryed up ones all good i have pruned lower plant as giving me approx 10" of stem to show you size of plants look at the one lights on taken yesterday average top buds per plant are 4 to 8 even side branched buds are pointing straight up



New Member
hey guys its update time gave them a feeding of 1350 ppm tonight they drank 180 litres 30 days done heres a few pics :)) these pics are from day 28 to present pics with lights on are day 30 there getting huge
1350 ppm of Co2 added for this week and zinc and iron foilage spray :)) cheers :mrgreen:



New Member
thanks guys there seriously frosty lowering my humidity to 50 this week goin to see some smokin stuff soon


Well-Known Member
well 36 days done everyone wooooooohooooooooo over half done 31 more to go smell is stupid even carbon filter cant stop it lol
but holding most back enjoy people and non MG believers :))
I think you have spider mites, though I'm not there and the pictures could be deceiving.