Think what you want, but I dont think this show is gonna do anything for our cause. As Potheads we all should boycot this show.
fuck you if you dont like what non smokers think about a burnout, I love weed, every single thing about it. its more than a plant we smoke to get high, it is a way of life, a philosophy in and of itself. Nothing else on this planet has the culture behind it that weed does. I have never met a pot plant i didnt like, met a few I wouldnt smoke, but still appreciate them for the beauty they are.
My first thought when seeing the commercial for weed wars was "oh. no, thats not good." See, discovery thinks they can hop on the weed bandwagon, and make money off it like they do everything else. They think they can make us believe they are our friends, and part of the subculture, they stick out like a narc at a frat party, just saying. this show is like the undercover cop, trying to make a true pothead believe he loves the ganj as much as you do.... they always fail.
This is the yuppy thats thinks its kool they can afford a 500$ OZ, and get baked off a single hit. They like how they are so mainstream, and hip to what the kids are into. im sorry, this show is not going to help. They want to celebritize something that already has all the notoriety it can handle.
What they dont realize is this is not what we want, most of us just want to be left alone while we enjoy our fav herb, we dont want to be criminalized, and penalized, for enjoying a fucking plant that will grow in the ditch if you let it. we dont want the sensationalism, we dont want people who think pot is bad to have any say in what we do. hell I dont want people who think pot is as wonderful as I do, to have any say in what we do. Its my choice to do what I want.
always has been, always will be.
Cannabis is a simple plant, and a simple people enjoy it, however the culture that surrounds it is very complex. you cant fake being a stoner, burnout, pothead, or any other name you want to put to it. simple as that. any one who cant handle that can fuck off.
Im a pothead and proud of it.
Sorry, just got up, havent had my coffee yet.........