The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
The last couple pages have been funny fasho! So if yall say fuck em.. THEN FUCK EM :finger: i aint buyin that pussys beanz either lol

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
The girl took me shopping today!!!! Damn now I gotta rub her back or some shit. Lol

Bought me a sun hut silver edition 4X8. 2 magnum 6"air cooled hoods. Some ona gel. And 50 3 gallon grow bags. Couple other goodies as well. $740!! And she's not done buying me all new equipment too. I'm getting 2 1000w galaxy switchable ballasts and a ozone generators,timers, ducting, soil amendments everything!!!! And she tried to buy me a new Xbox360 but I told her not to worry about it. Fuck what a great day. And here I am buying beans to spite her talking shit about buyin beans. Lol.

Those 2 giant magnum hoods fill my entire tent it's awesome. Pow pow pow. Let there be light!!!!

*edit. Hahaha right after wood goes off about spoiled rich kids!!! Classic timing

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Omg I hear that I used to do a lot of tourney play til those fuckin kids showed up and started talkin shit because I used a macdev cyborg and it wasn't as expensive as his angel. Enjoy your glorified auto cocker kiddie lol. I had fun decimating their faces for a few years til I couldn't take it anymore and I went to airsoft but now it's starting to happen there too and I have to play only private games now =(
Oh I've seen ogr's type a million times.

He's the little rich mommas boy who was always the "best" at everything because his parents bought him EVERYTHING.

Pisses me off when true talent goes unnoticed, overpowered by marketing, greed, ego.

I used to play tournament paintball, speedball, with air bunkers. Would travel to different states, had my pics in magazines. I hated seein these 13 year old kids come out with a 2000$ gun and another 1500$ wotth of top of the line gear, and never played a game in there life. Then they wanna talk shit about how good they are and how "cool" they are.

I will pwn them every time with my 800$ guns.

That's ogr. Spoiled greedy bitchy mommas boy.


Well-Known Member
I love cyborgs!

Mac dev is the shit.

I had a fep quest, a smart parts shocker (I know I know but it shoots ropes). I only shoot spool valves. Haven't played in a while.

Karma, there's a difference between momma spoilin you and your girl repaying you for the bomb sex. Sounds like you got it made tho. I get excited just readin about it.

Magnums are top of the line.

When cheeseberry haze reg seeds drop, if I'm not around or somethin id appreciate someone snaggin me a pack. They won't last a few hours probly.

Id do the same for you!

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
I miss my cyborg desperately I'm pretty much over airsoft duz I can't play with noon kids anymore I know it's the resin I left paintball lol but I'm tired of box mag full auto 2k rounds flying a me and then I have to hear them bitch after I shoot them once with my m16 that I got 1500 into and shooting damn near 600fps with a .4 gram bb lol lets just say it leaves nice welts. Lol really nice ones. We have problems with people calling hits and when ur a sniper rs really effective to be able to hear the person u just shot from 200 feet + lol. But they bitch too much and I get in trouble for shooting so hot but u will never catch me firing that thing within 75 feet of you because I have courtesy lol. I'm thinkin that even though the paintball noobs were annoying they still had to reload after a few hundred rounds lol it have me some time to move. Bein pinned down by a newb behind a saw with five box mags of 2k rounds is no fun. Til I wait for em to expend sixty dollars worth of munitions and I shoot em once between the eyes from 200ft. The best though is when they are arcing rounds towards u which don't count but they swear like it does lol I stand up laugh and snipe them out and watch bier friends scatter like ants when hey realize they are within range. Lol

Shooting living targets that u can talk shit to after is the fuckin best lol


Well-Known Member
Damn. I'm too broke for those gdp but I wanted em bad. I love me some gdp.

Yeah in speedball the field is way smaller, there's no 2 points 200' apart. I admit an 800 -1200$ gun sounds expensive, but. Some are 2000$. Like the dm8,9 etc. When they first come out. And the xsv egos and all the private label egos.

It doesn't matter cuz tourney play is capped at 15 balls a second.

My roms are all sexed. 3 females and 1 male. Couldn't be happier with the results.

Now I have to debate how many I will pollinate. And also what else to hit.

Luckily, the 1 male I have is the only one I topped, and it has rly tight nodes, thick stems, and is the healthiest of all my roms. Its not the biggest, but best structured. I'm happy he's my male.


Well-Known Member
The J1 is dank, great taste and smell. I have a lot of friends always asking about this strain! By the way anybody know of a strain called Wizard? I've came across this strain, but I don't know what the lineage is, I don't have the seeds, just seen this come through more than once.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Rofl capped at 15 lol I'd like to see them try and hold me to that with my old cyborg rofl. I miss speed ball lol damn expensive for equipment and paint though. It's he only thing that was better about airsoft. That and mil sim but those have gotten so expensive and do well advertised it's not underground and fun anymore -_-


Well-Known Member
Yeah well most markers have ramping boards in.

There are ALL kindsof cheater boards. Som that fire 3 shots semi auto (for when the referee checks it) then add a 10-20% rate of fire electronically. Hard to catch.

I never did that. My shocker and quest had different mods of fire. But a well trained ref can hear the difference between 15- 17 balls a second.

Then they have response triggers which fire a shot upon trigger pull, and a shot upon trigger release, which doubles your rate of fire

By the time I quit ballin, 50 something cycles a second was achievable (no paint = cycles per second)

The most I've ever heard of WITH Paint, and without breaking paint in the breech was 32 balls a second..

At 50 cycles per second the whole gun is just vibrating. You know when u run out of air and thje gun farts out the last few shots rly quick? Thatas what its like.

<3 spool valves. There going to own the future. My fep quest had a low pressure regulator, I could fire 300 bps with a front end pressure of 60 PSI!

I've been out of the game for a while, but damn. I'm still impressed.

Got too strung out and sold all my gear. Damn shame. It is an expensive sport. I had sponsors from a pb shop, a bar, and a screen printer (for uniforms). And it was still pricey.

Costs like 2-4000$ just to enter a tourney depending on class entered.

I looked into the borgs a lot.

Hey them old vikings where cool too, remind me a lot of cyborgs.


New Member
i have a bunch of real nice, fresh frozen trim.
sick amount actually.

my plan is to make hash for the thanksgiving / xmas season & give a gram away with every qP my clients purchase as a way to introduce a new item on the menu.

does anybody here use bubble bags from ebay? brand? seller?

im looking at a set from bubblebagdude, who has excellent feedback, but thought id ask.

and if someone could comment on what micron screenage they use itd be very helpful. no stranger to the process of hash making but this will be the first set of bags i ever purchased.

im thinking 160, 73, 43, & 25 would suit my needs best. 160 & 25 for cooking. and i was gonna mix the 73 & 43 for smoke.

thoughts? criticism? ideas?


Well-Known Member
Personally, I like the "full screen bags" which is what I bought. The originals, ie bubblemans, have the desingated micron screen on the bottom of the bag. My bags are entirely made out of the screen.

The full screen bags are usefull if you ever want to try a dry ice extraction. I never have, but like knowing I can.

Unfortunately he doesn't sell from his site. I found another distributor of the "traditional bags" for like 100$ for 5 bags.

Those are all good sizes.

U gonna use 5 gals?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
No ramping I was shooting 23-25bps standard cyborg trigger thing was a beast lol yea a red will for sure hear the differenc lol but what can he say when it's just my fingers lol. Call me faith and lat me onus back tech my gun and away i go lol shooting lasers.

Damn man those sound like some beasts lol 300bps ridonc man lol

Yeah well most markers have ramping boards in.

There are ALL kindsof cheater boards. Som that fire 3 shots semi auto (for when the referee checks it) then add a 10-20% rate of fire electronically. Hard to catch.

I never did that. My shocker and quest had different mods of fire. But a well trained ref can hear the difference between 15- 17 balls a second.

Then they have response triggers which fire a shot upon trigger pull, and a shot upon trigger release, which doubles your rate of fire

By the time I quit ballin, 50 something cycles a second was achievable (no paint = cycles per second)

The most I've ever heard of WITH Paint, and without breaking paint in the breech was 32 balls a second..

At 50 cycles per second the whole gun is just vibrating. You know when u run out of air and thje gun farts out the last few shots rly quick? Thatas what its like.

<3 spool valves. There going to own the future. My fep quest had a low pressure regulator, I could fire 300 bps with a front end pressure of 60 PSI!

I've been out of the game for a while, but damn. I'm still impressed.

Got too strung out and sold all my gear. Damn shame. It is an expensive sport. I had sponsors from a pb shop, a bar, and a screen printer (for uniforms). And it was still pricey.

Costs like 2-4000$ just to enter a tourney depending on class entered.

I looked into the borgs a lot.

Hey them old vikings where cool too, remind me a lot of cyborgs.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Seems like this Ogr guy needs to say behind the scenes and let somebody else run the biz,internet side of things . People seem to rate his bud but not him as a person..
All i know is i like to spend my money were i feel welcomed or at least they appricate my custom if not i'll shop elsewhere..
Grabbed a few more goodies today.. Ak47 - sunshine daydream-and some Crystal Trident crosses (by mini aka Truck) ..



New Member

5 gallons as it a logical home scale size & all id need is the bags.

30 gals might be easier to rock it like one big batch over 3 or 4 or 5 batches. small trash cans are cheap.
but id have to buy these as well.

5s are my style. im cool w/ a workmanlike approach. & effort is okay cause i dont have to run 4 batches back to back when trim is frozen.

hmmm... since u didnt answer me directly ill ask another way : what's your best hash &, most often, from which micron screens does it come?

^ specific answer (short or long) would help here.

i've made hash before but i was running ice, fetching, water, etc. i know the process just not what peeps are keeping for cooking versus smoking. i prefer more of the later.

thanks in advance.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
That sunshine daydream sounds great.
I seen it come on at seur ,just sound to got to miss and it didnt last too long either .buy out £41 not to bad .. and that led to these other purchases ;) and freebies.. Doc Bob sure makes you want to come back..
Them Crystal crosses seem intresting ,reading up on them as we speak..