If you cant afford to tip don't go out to eat !!!!


Active Member
This is not Europe, people get paid < $3.00/hour to wait on you.

When you fuck them over you are a dick.

My friend has only found a job as a waiter & he has a kid on the way.

He gets stiffed all the time, some people leave only the change(and I mean coins) they get back from the bill.

If you can not incorporate at least a 10% tip don't eat out.

For reference the average dinner for 2 at this restaurant is $30

If you don't leave $3 your a dick
Right but $3 would usually be the coins from the bill. Secondly it is not a requirement too pay tip. Thirdly I only tip a waiter if they have been curtious and respectful too me whcih generally they aren't as they are pissed of at people for not tipping them therefore if they can not smile at me at all times and use manners in a professional way I will not tip them but if they do which I have seen a few times I will tip between $20-$50.


Well-Known Member
But why cant you just tip? Are you really that broke?

Poor people should stick to canned vegetables and top ramen.

DUDE WTF!? Are you even reading my posts. Figure it out on your own if you wonder if I tip or not.

Broke? Yeah, we are so broke,lol.


Well-Known Member
Right but $3 would usually be the coins from the bill. Secondly it is not a requirement too pay tip. Thirdly I only tip a waiter if they have been curtious and respectful too me whcih generally they aren't as they are pissed of at people for not tipping them therefore if they can not smile at me at all times and use manners in a professional way I will not tip them but if they do which I have seen a few times I will tip between $20-$50.
It's not fun walking for 8+ hours a day while dealing with the usual tables of pricks.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
It's not fun walking for 8+ hours a day while dealing with the usual tables of pricks.
Then if they can't do their jobs or don't want to why would they have the job in the first place? lol Waiters get paid more than fast food employees which are minimum wage. A waiter position at a place with tips are harder to come by for that reason. It's all in the tips which people feel obligated to give.


Well-Known Member
DUDE WTF!? Are you even reading my posts. Figure it out on your own if you wonder if I tip or not.

Broke? Yeah, we are so broke,lol.

I will tip them according to their level of service. The amount I pay for my food is just that, my food bill, not a server bill.

Ignorant? Lol, no. I'm just an asshole.
Not just an asshole... But I'll be nice.



Well-Known Member
It's not fun walking for 8+ hours a day while dealing with the usual tables of pricks.
So now because their feet are tired and they deal with pricks all day now thats reason to give them a tip?

Good service or no tip, it's really simple.


Active Member
It's not fun walking for 8+ hours a day while dealing with the usual tables of pricks.
Right completely understand, but your job is customer service basically. For you not to be able to pretend to be nice or pretend to be happy then why should I pay you more for being in a negative mood around me. All you are doing is making me feel negative having to put up with you and delivering a few words that I have mentioned to the chef which I could do myself if I wanted and I actually have before because of incompetent waiters.


Well-Known Member
Right completely understand, but your job is customer service basically. For you not to be able to pretend to be nice or pretend to be happy then why should I pay you more for being in a negative mood around me. All you are doing is making me feel negative having to put up with you and delivering a few words that I have mentioned to the chef which I could do myself if I wanted and I actually have before because of incompetent waiters.
I just meant it's kind of a dick reason not to tip because the waitress seems worn out and un-energetic towards the end of her day. Especially if the service is still good.


Active Member
I just meant it's kind of a dick reason not to tip because the waitress seems worn out and un-energetic towards the end of her day. Especially if the service is still good.
That's the thing, I don't believe the service is good if they are not in a completely positive mood.
Also too your point of waiters getting under $3 an hour. Once while waiting for a girl who was running late for our date I had a waitress tell me specials and normal stuff etc. then she actually sat down and we had a good chat about how it is being a wait. She told me that on certain nights she has earnt more then $400 as a waitress. She by far was one of the best I have had to deal with as the simple key was too be in a happy mood. She also did not ask for a tip from me but I did give her the 50 or so dollars of change I had received. My opinion would be that your friend and presumably you do not show this mood and attitude towards customers or you are waiters as piss poor restraunts.


Well-Known Member
Then if they can't do their jobs or don't want to why would they have the job in the first place? lol Waiters get paid more than fast food employees which are minimum wage. A waiter position at a place with tips are harder to come by for that reason. It's all in the tips which people feel obligated to give.
Is fast food really a harder job than waitressing? Maybe I should start eating fast food just so I can go there and tip. Plus cute high school girls work in fast food restaurants, I'm 25 now and can grow a beard so maybe I'm ready to start perving.


Well-Known Member
I just meant it's kind of a dick reason not to tip because the waitress seems worn out and un-energetic towards the end of her day. Especially if the service is still good.
Dude, this whole time we have been talking about nothing but SERVICE , and an un-energetic server = bad service. Holy fuck, maybe weed does make people retarded.