Thanks for the info mate ive got some of them genetics from the same place as T i think just startin to play with them now

..................cant go wrong with dog on the menu!
Or in the bowl! Mine is dry enough to smoke now...very nice! Yeah I'm keeping my eye on that Lush girl, She's ripening up nicely and still chunkin up some, prolly take her down next weekend. Have a great rest of the weekend man!
Well Highlander i think i have found out your real identity ... St Nicolas by any chance? because christmas came early !!!!
No. Johnny. Johnny Pot Seed hehe remember? You remember, member ; ?)
ahhhh there is the big secret!!! you're outed HC!!!
that also explains all that snow looking stuff on my C4 x CB!!!!!!
a little magic dust, mmmmmmm....
Hey hey stoney what say man? It's white here this morning but just a tease, nothing like everyone else got though. Two ski areas have opened already though lol. Only about 8 more to go lol. I'll stop by your thread this morning brother and see how things are, have a good one!!
Allrighty then ! So were off and running with the Bean's bro.
Cant decide what's next ???? i dont like germing too many beans at once incase there's some bacteria or owt. But going to pop a couple of the C.B x ICE and Lem. Qleaner now the B.S.B's and C.4's are through.
I'll keep you posted Highlander, Pink Ladies coming with that candy mmmmmmmm
Cinders! It all sounds good man haha!! Should be getting smoe reports back soon but the LQ x CB I would keep your eye on...that's looking like some real real dank, good luck with them all man and thanks for swinging by mate . Keep me posted
Hey brother, just dipping in to say high. Hope all's well in your cave.
Hey Brobo things are well thanks man hope it's chill over your way too. Everything on schedule with your move? What a riot over at the 600 voting thread huh?!??!?? Jigfresh let me in on it a while back as I had offered to call in all of the favors owed to me and have a bunch of peeps vote for him lmao. He was obviously the winner and dr nutjob and her little spamming coheart had done the same thing anyways. Didna want to drop down to their level but ah what the hell. Of course though being the Jigman he had it all under control hehehehe ; !)
Que Onda Guey!
What's good brother!
Hey cowboy it's all good. Little BR pollen dusted last week, that will be f8s for them. At the f6 stage Heath was getting 40% colored phenos (guess that's what the whole dealio is with the BR huh haha). My f7s had 3/5 colored phenos. There won't be a lot of seeds but enough for someone else to get a hold of some and hopefully continue Heath Robinsons generosity as he made these seeds to give them away.
That's just a project that was already started so I'm just finishing it up. Same with the Floja...there is a giant purple male beaster that's isolated and I'm collecting his pollen. I have 3 Floja females that are good specimans, I think I have one picked out...the most purple and second biggest, and I'll make a few seeds and give them back to chris. Those will be f3s and originals camr from Knightmare.
Enjoy your Sunday man, keep your beer cold and your bowls full!
Waddup HC!? Hope everything's going well in the cave today! Just dropping in to say hey! Gonna take updated pictures on Halloween for the flip! It's about time for me to grab some new nutrients....any sugguestions? (Need something affordable for this first grow, then I might step it up to a little more seriousness after this harvest.) Also, I'm gonna be in the market for an EC/PH meter, so if you have any suggestions that'd be great!
Hey there Psychild not much just getting a few cups into me and smoking a bowl of DOG. As far as a ph meter goes I use the drops man. They are quick easy and accurate and cheap. I have gone through a couple of ph pens over the years but the drops are fine once you get used to it. Can't help you with the nutes though, sorry. Just remember in most cases less is better.
Looking forward to the pics bro have a good one!
Voodoo scat!

Happy weekend HC, hope all is well with yourself and the homestead.
There he is! There are a few peeps who are happy that those P10 crosses found their way back home lol! Those lettle fookers logged a shitload of mile didna they hehe
Thanks brother hope all is well with you too : !)
what's the good word HC? are things growing well in the cave for ya?
The weather guessers are calling for snow here tomorrow!!! you get any of that white stuff yet?
Crowded. Now is that a good word or not?? My main budroom is a little over crowded and still close to 3 wks before the next harvest. I have 20 plants that have been vegging and should be flipped now haha. Oh well that's ok, I'll cut them back or something. Besides it's the root base that's more important...more roots is what equals more weight.
hes prolly shooting tree lookers lol
That season just ended. It's skier season now, boarders get a pass