List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

Then you should join along side us when we chide Christians who do selectively accept science. This is a common practice I see among religious leaders and institutions. The discovers institute for example. These are the people who we aim our criticism at, and so should you. It should be an unacceptable practice for anyone who considers themselves intellectual, regardless of religion.
I will do that, I've had debates with a few Christians on their selective acceptance of science.
again, you are demonstrating the superior/inferior status amongst us here today. what is that you feel you think are better or superior to others here

My post giving this link:

provides sufficient information to generally speak that I am superior in mental computation to at least a few of you...and considering when I was tested in 3rd grade I had an IQ of 157...I can safely say my brain functions differently than yours when looking at reality.

my point with that is, you see how religion fucked people up BACK it has for hundreds, if not thousands of you think after 2000 years mankind is finally "right" in regards to religion?

...look man, science has fckd up too ok? Here :)

I'm kidding, but to answer your question - it's is getting there.

his views are hatred against christians

assumptions...i love my mother in law who is a devote christian, as well as many of my family members, and I respect them enough to never discuss their views with them, and they have the same respect for me.
again, you are demonstrating the superior/inferior status amongst us here today. what is that you feel you think are better or superior to others here
I disagree, oly. The statement is symmetrical. Christians have the same right, perhaps even duty, to challenge nonbelievers who use intellectually unfair arguments against their dotrine(s). It's not about superiority; it's about method. cn
i dont disagree with you neer, that is the case in the real world when there is respect, not animosity towards the person you want discuss things with. his view here is skewed because he is not willing to hear out the other side of the argument. that is why is brought that up and i do believe it applies here today on riu...

I disagree, oly. The statement is symmetrical. Christians have the same right, perhaps even duty, to challenge nonbelievers who use intellectually unfair arguments against their dotrine(s). It's not about superiority; it's about method. cn
i dont disagree with you neer, that is the case in the real world when there is respect, not animosity towards the person you want discuss things with. his view here is skewed because he is not willing to hear out the other side of the argument. that is why is brought that up and i do believe it applies here today on riu...

I've heard your side of the argument for about 30 years now, I go to church every Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday out of respect for my family. Plus I get to hear quite a bit about it from my wife who is a pasters daughter who after 20 years of having religion drilled into her head decided on her own that it was a bunch of bullshit.
i dont disagree with you neer, that is the case in the real world when there is respect, not animosity towards the person you want discuss things with. his view here is skewed because he is not willing to hear out the other side of the argument. that is why is brought that up and i do believe it applies here today on riu...

Are we talking about the same guy? Heisenberg is ruthless in the presence of bad reasoning. Where the reasoning is OK however I have seen him to be just as evenhandedly quick to accept it. I haven't seen a single incidence where he didn't pay all due attention to an argument. Think of Heis as a pH test kit for rationality ... you might not like the answer, but good luck finding fault with it. Jmo. cn
Well you asked a question that made it seem as though Christians don't believe science. That shows some ignorance.

Actually it was me that asked the question about Christians not believing in Science, not Massah. He just commented on it. So I am the ignorant one. And I don't give a fuck how ignorant I am. I don't understand how Christians could POSSIBLY believe in science when it completely contradicts their existence. So I am ignorant. Atleast I'm not ignorant AND Christian.
Actually it was me that asked the question about Christians not believing in Science, not Massah. He just commented on it. So I am the ignorant one. And I don't give a fuck how ignorant I am. I don't understand how Christians could POSSIBLY believe in science when it completely contradicts their existence. So I am ignorant. Atleast I'm not ignorant AND Christian.

You have way too much Vulcan in you bro :D
Actually it was me that asked the question about Christians not believing in Science, not Massah. He just commented on it. So I am the ignorant one. And I don't give a fuck how ignorant I am. I don't understand how Christians could POSSIBLY believe in science when it completely contradicts their existence. So I am ignorant. Atleast I'm not ignorant AND Christian.

Lol I'm a Christian but I'm not ignorant (well until a certain extent).

Massah I owe you an apology, so sorry for calling you ignorant.

Well then you're ignorant hypocrite420, lol.
where has Phil been lately? I think he gave up on this thread knowing that these guys are never gonna back off. I think I am going to start an Atheist-bashing thread and hope that will draw their attention away from this one so we can get back to this GODDAMN list!!!
where has Phil been lately? I think he gave up on this thread knowing that these guys are never gonna back off. I think I am going to start an Atheist-bashing thread and hope that will draw their attention away from this one so we can get back to this GODDAMN list!!!

Back off of what? We have freedom of speech (or typing lol). How about you atheists back off?
where has Phil been lately? I think he gave up on this thread knowing that these guys are never gonna back off. I think I am going to start an Atheist-bashing thread and hope that will draw their attention away from this one so we can get back to this GODDAMN list!!!

No, I didnt give up, I had to cook dinner last night, then when I woke there were like 7 new pages to read, mostly of the same stuff. Sorry

I keep seeing the same argument here, this isnt really an argument thread unless its ,"hey, we christians didnt make THAT worse and heres why..."

What I AM seeing though is the same, "you are wrong about christianity being a false religion" without much reason why. We all know, and christians know too, that ultimately you have only faith. But faith, IMO, is just the desire to believe in that which we have no compelling evidence or deffinitive answers to support something. Ultimately your end argument will have to be, "you just gotta have faith man"

And I love seeing christians say they believe in science. Thats like me saying I believe in religion. I believe in many things religions preach much like you believe in many things that science teaches. However, there are a few HUGE factors with religion that I disagree with, such as a divine god that cares about us for example, much like there are a few HUGE factors in science you dont believe in, like carbon dating for example. Much like I cant say I believe in religion if I only believe a few points, you cant really deffend your case for believing in science while discrediting a few huge premises.