Minor caught with marijuana in School need info!!!


Well-Known Member
hi I'm 18 iv had weed on me at school before if I wanted to sell a $10 sack or something the reason that nigga got busted is cus he brought half an oz man weed stinks!!! even in small amounts
good boy :) Your smarter then he was, to be sure.


Well-Known Member
imo being a minor will get you a slap on the wrist.

they can't/wont charge him as an adult. especially in california. he may get suspended. probation, etc. but nothing serious (ie. no time in juvi) especially if its a first offense.


Well-Known Member
I got caught with a bunch of xanax bars in my school and got kicked out. They knew it was intent to distribute, and I got 30 days suspended, 40 hours extra community service, and a couple charges that got wiped when I turned 18.


Well-Known Member
I got caught with a bunch of xanax bars in my school and got kicked out. They knew it was intent to distribute, and I got 30 days suspended, 40 hours extra community service, and a couple charges that got wiped when I turned 18.
exactly. case in point. if they let you get off that easy for xanax then then they will let the kid off easy imo as long as its all in one bag and not broken down into 10 sacks or something.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, besides the fact I was already on probation with a couple felonies, dude should be alright if his record is clean.


Well-Known Member
So I missed that I called you an asshole, and that discredits me?: Couldn't find any real reasons, so you had to depend on a technicality, and you want to talk to me about being pathetic? You didn't post to answer his question, shit I'd be surprised if you so much as googled it before you responded. The fact is you were being a prick about it, and I called you out for it. End of story.
And of course the kids dumb, he's a 17 year old boy.
what? yes it absolutely discredits you. what technicality? lol Go back and read the first post I made and tell me I wasn't answering his question. lol. why would I need to use google to answer a little kids question of what to be expecting when caught with weed in school?

on another note. Why does a number of posts of some website determine my credibilty? the fact of the matter is this...

you spend your time writing poetry and ripping on people unnecessarily, i dont give a fuck if you've posted 2,200 hai ku's or sonnets... you're whack sauce homey. have fun in tx. that place sucks :finger:


Well-Known Member
what? yes it absolutely discredits you. what technicality? lol Go back and read the first post I made and tell me I wasn't answering his question. lol. why would I need to use google to answer a little kids question of what to be expecting when caught with weed in school?

on another note. Why does a number of posts of some website determine my credibilty? the fact of the matter is this...

you spend your time writing poetry and ripping on people unnecessarily, i dont give a fuck if you've posted 2,200 hai ku's or sonnets... you're whack sauce homey. have fun in tx. that place sucks :finger:
No, let me tell you what being discredited is, having several people who have been through it in the kids area saying that its a slap on the wrist, probation, suspension, and community service. You said he was fucked. You fucking poser.

Haiku thread hasn't been opened all that long, and we both know damn well in good you didn't dig through 2000 post. Pulling cheap shots because what you had as substance was flawed and only meant to scare him because you thought that shit was funny, so don't play and act like you were trying to help, we both know your full of shit.

And if Texas sucks, why are so many people from california coming over here? Oh, thats right, we have jobs here still.


Well-Known Member
the reason there's so many jobs is because everybody who knows better, left that shithole and their jobs in texas...

go ask a cop what the potential penalties would be and tell me i'm wrong... jesus. do you even read before you write anything? I said driving with drugs in a school zone could FUCK you. and it can. It happened to a friend of mine in Dallas, while I was with him.

Wasn't trying to 'scare' anyone. serious? Don't you have some poetry to write? lol


Well-Known Member
the reason there's so many jobs is because everybody who knows better, left that shithole and their jobs in texas...

go ask a cop what the potential penalties would be and tell me i'm wrong... jesus. do you even read before you write anything? I said driving with drugs in a school zone FUCK you. and it can. It happened to a friend of mine in Dallas, while I was with him.

Wasn't trying to 'scare' anyone. serious? Don't you have some poetry to write? lol
So knowing this, you use Texas as a comparison to what he'll be put through?
And while for an adult having shit in a school zone has fucked up penalties, for a kid going to school there, not even the same thing. More extreme cases they might get expelled, but they most likely won't serve time for it still.

Keep going back to that poetry, that insecure? Pathetic.
And as far as your reasons why theirs so many jobs here, your full of shit, I know of at least two companies that have either closed the operations and california after moving them over here, or are in the process of doing it. Both major medical companies, and those are just two in the past year. Texas was effected less then almost any other state in regards to unemployment. So keep lying to yourself if it helps you sleep at night, similac. When you grow up you can tell me all about it. :)


Well-Known Member
yeah, seen it too often myself :) (its become a once a decade kind of thing :) its a classic :) give me paw! :))


Active Member
I knew a kid who was stealing from an outdoor grow and selling it at school. He got caught in the act of stealing it, and they charged him for all the plants.

Does a kid like that deserve sympathy? Or jailtime?


Well-Known Member
I figure its been damn near a decade and a half since I've seen it, definitely due. "I know we need the money, but" "We're not just doing it for the money...were doing it for a shit load of money" :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lmao i would bring a zip to school regularly and by the end of the day id have dubbed the whole thing out 20 bucks at a time. the trick is fuck a scale! eyeball and skimp the fiend's. i would just eye ball dubs too closer to 1.5 and nobody ever said shit and i would come up. one time i got close to getting caught but while walking behind my excort to the office i tossed 14g in paper bag in a bush and got it afterschool after they finished searching me haha. i had a quarter stuffed in a chewing tabaco tin and my principle had just opened up 2 cans that had chew in them and she just shakes the one with weed and tosses it straight into the trash without even openeing it hahaha i just remeber thinking to myself "what a stupid bitch"
thanks god weeds alot lighter than chew! she shook it and didnt feel or hear anything so she thought it was empty


Well-Known Member
alright, ravenmochi and penguinking, enough. We dont need the forums clogged with any more of that. You disagree and dont like each other, i think we all realized that by now. I'm contemplating editing out all your attacking each other, this isnt what newbie central is for.


Well-Known Member
and he wont be able to get financial aid to go to college for having a drug conviction...so he better get a good lawyer...
funny you say that because if your white with a 3.0 you wont be able to get financial aid to go to college.. thanks proving a point i made earlier on T&T about how un fair it is to be a minority