What's the longest you've gone without burning one?


Well-Known Member
I had to go almost 4 months when I was in outpatient 12 years ago. Since then it's never been more than a week. I'm about to start 1 month break on Monday. Not very excited. So hows bout you?


Well-Known Member
I think a month. three times, first time when HPD managed to kill the flow of bud for a month, a september, then spent the remains of their crackdown budget on a billboard that said, "Think its dry now, wait till october." Thankfully, they were bluffing their asses off. Moved here, couldn't find a dealer for like 2 months, but after a month I made a trip back to houston to pick up an oz. Made like a couple of trips till I found a dealer. Then now, just finishing over a month dry. Started off thinking it would be 10 days to make sure my detox worked for a drug test. Then it was another week, then another, until last friday I finally took it, and by that time my dealers phone had been disconnected, and I'm just finally about to get a small bit tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
was the lock up weed related? If so you should tell us, so as the people in the non-mmj states can learn from others past mistakes.
i got busted with a quarter pound...went to court it was 2 oz ..got 29 days in jail...still wonder were that other 2 oz went...im in tx


Active Member
longest i went was almsot 3 years from getting locked up and probation. sucked ass almost every day, but sleeping pills got me through the day lol


Well-Known Member
i got busted with a quarter pound...went to court it was 2 oz ..got 29 days in jail...still wonder were that other 2 oz went...im in tx
Thanks, did you get pulled over with it? I "liked" that you shared, not that you got busted. Obviously.


Active Member
Going on 7 months since I last smoked weed, and still have bout 10 or so months to go before I can smoke again. In a tech school at the moment and they random drug test us. I can't wait to be able to smoke again shit fucking sucks. Now that i'm unable to smoke I have to go back to relying on xanax and seroquel to take care of shit and I fucking hate taking pills.


Well-Known Member
Went 6 months once... completely sober (rehab) that was 6 years ago... I've smoked everyday since that 6 month break...


Active Member
went two years while in jail. but still got the odd sneaky bit dope now and again. felt like it was my 1st smoke all over again ha ha