I've got online pot-growing communities on the brain. I just did a google search on Rollitup and came up with a thread called "Anyone else hate Rollitup?" on a competing pot community I will not name.
There the poster states that Rollitup, its mods and members, are opinionated assholes who give out wrong grow information. The initial post is then responded to many times by members of that site agreeing how horrible it is here at RIU and how they were all banned for this or that.
But then a few posts later, we see someone who vehemently defends Rollitup. I tend to agree with the person who stuck up for Rollitup. Sure, there are opinionated assholes here who think they're god's gift to growing pot (I should know, I'm one of them), but for the most part I see users who are eager to answer even the dumbest questions as nicely as possible. If anything, I'M the mean asshole... and I'm sure a couple of you would agree.
So what if you get into a minor flame exchange with another poster from time to time? It happens at all these online pot-growing forums I'm sure. Stupid people populate all four corners of the globe.
But all in all, I'm most definitely another outspoken defender of Rollitup.org. My experience here since starting to post has been overwhelmingly positive. I've learned a lot and have helped a few along the way.
Peace (most of the time) and good growing.
Thanks for reading.