Is It Safe To Buy Mushrooms Online?

just grow them yourself, it only takes two months from beginning to end. and the good thing about it is that if you use rye seeds for your method you can get batch after batch after batch without breaking a sweat...... let me ask you a question? would you buy weed online? that should answer your question..... just get some mushroom spore and you will be fine,.
just grow them yourself, it only takes two months from beginning to end. and the good thing about it is that if you use rye seeds for your method you can get batch after batch after batch without breaking a sweat...... let me ask you a question? would you buy weed online? that should answer your question..... just get some mushroom spore and you will be fine,.

yeah man i'm definitely going to grow them just cant be fuked waiting 2 months... i dont really wanna put all my time and effort into growing shrooms than i find out i dont even like the and nah woulden't buy weed online i just reacon they've got more technoligy etc to find weed than they do to find shrooms i'm going to go ahead and buy the shrooms soon and hope they arrive.
Sending them through customs is a bad idea. There's a safe place to order them domestically. Otherwise just get some 4-AcO-DMT.
yeah man i'm definitely going to grow them just cant be fuked waiting 2 months... i dont really wanna put all my time and effort into growing shrooms than i find out i dont even like the and nah woulden't buy weed online i just reacon they've got more technoligy etc to find weed than they do to find shrooms i'm going to go ahead and buy the shrooms soon and hope they arrive.

its actually pretty easy. you just sound like youre lazy.
will they get through customs?
highly unlikely, they're pretty stringent on vegetable matter entering the country for diseases and pest insects.
the're not easy to grow by any means, never met anybody that didn't like the high, the taste is hideous though.
I definitely wouldn't order them online lol...What a horrible idea. You'll either never get the delivery or end up with a police officer at your door.
How lazy/impatient do you have to be to risk getting scammed, getting fake/poisonous 'shrooms, and/or getting a controlled delivery instead of just growing the shrooms. Getting shit through the US border is not child's play. It is a serious crime and the customs at the border is no joke, especially for mail these days.

Buy the spores "for microscopic analysis" from a reputable, domestic source and follow the PF tek with a dunk and roll. Inoculating jars takes no time at all, and with PF tek you don't even need to pressure sterilize. Is it the 15 minutes you are going to have to spend drilling holes in a $10 plastic tote that scares you away?

It's cheap, it's easy, and you spend more time waiting then anything else. Besides if you don't like the magic kind you can always grow edibles. Fresh shiitake goes well in many dishes. A nice pasta with a white wine based sauce for example.

Here is a nice simple tek off of the shroomery. Follow it and you will be fine.
highly unlikely, they're pretty stringent on vegetable matter entering the country for diseases and pest insects.
the're not easy to grow by any means, never met anybody that didn't like the high, the taste is hideous though.

I enjoy the taste, they taste like any other mushroom. I have friends like this and they end up drenching them in ranch or putting them on sandwiches which that looks absolutly disgusting. just curious what is it that is so bad?
How lazy/impatient do you have to be to risk getting scammed, getting fake/poisonous 'shrooms, and/or getting a controlled delivery instead of just growing the shrooms. Getting shit through the US border is not child's play. It is a serious crime and the customs at the border is no joke, especially for mail these days.

Buy the spores "for microscopic analysis" from a reputable, domestic source and follow the PF tek with a dunk and roll. Inoculating jars takes no time at all, and with PF tek you don't even need to pressure sterilize. Is it the 15 minutes you are going to have to spend drilling holes in a $10 plastic tote that scares you away?

It's cheap, it's easy, and you spend more time waiting then anything else. Besides if you don't like the magic kind you can always grow edibles. Fresh shiitake goes well in many dishes. A nice pasta with a white wine based sauce for example.

Here is a nice simple tek off of the shroomery. Follow it and you will be fine.

Exactly once I go my terrarium set up with my tropic air exchange humidifier I only have to open the lid to pick. Oh and I occassionally have to refill the humidifier resevoir. it all cost me under $100 including substrate and spores. WAY cheaper than growin buds if you ask me...
Plus Dank no greater feeling than trippin off your own mushies.
just curious what is it that is so bad?
biterness, I'm not that averse to the taste as one guy I know, he'd wrap them in toilet paper before swallowing them.
Never had the fresh pfk type grown, maybe they're not so bad as dried wild liberty caps which I'm familiar with.
I enjoy the taste, they taste like any other mushroom. I have friends like this and they end up drenching them in ranch or putting them on sandwiches which that looks absolutly disgusting. just curious what is it that is so bad?

PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT, they taste like shit bro, your tongue is fucked up.
If you were going to order mushrooms, I would find a US to US vendor of some sort.
I also enjoy the taste of mushrooms, nothing wrong with that at all.

Also, don't be retarded and use a fake name, that just gives them more reason to open the package.
The point is to make it LOOK like it's something you ordered off craigslist/ebay or something..
They don't open up every package sent for craigslist/ebay, its just your paranoia.

They know that no one names John Smith or Tommy Chong lives at that address.
Some LEO's that know what's inside of the package, will wait for you to pick it up at your mailbox, then cuff you.
Well, growing mushrooms is certainly not easy. Same how growing marijuana is not easy.
It takes time to learn, and there are so many MORE ways to screw up than growing weed.
If you have the patience to learn, then you can be successful in growing mushrooms and it wont be a big deal to you.
You just have to make sure you practice GOOD sterile technique, and use extreme common sense while handling dangerous objects (needles).

For example, don't light a lighter inside your glove box ANYTIME.. Some people that like to disinfect their glove box with lysol, this is asking for a big explosion.
A friend of mine ordered magic tampanese truffles from the netherlands and they got seized by customs and the packaging arrived but inside was a letter from customs saying it was unknown organisms and that they disposed of them...but there is still a slight chance that they would make it past customs because they honestly don't have the time to check every package...
If law enforcement tries to bust you for receiving a package deny that you ordered it and you have no idea what it is and who sent it and why they sent it. Wait a day or two to open the package if you are at all worried that you're going to get in trouble for it. No one can prove you ordered it, which is more than enough for reasonable doubt. After all maybe a vindictive ex sent it to you.
I would love to have a private little shroom garden . But oh the taste ...yyyuuuccckkk. Super buzz though , I would definitely go with spores from inside . Why attract unwanted attention . Customs is nothing to fool with . A family member has gotten away with having some real nice weed sent by mail for a while , but then one time the the package arrived without it and there were uncomfortable questions to answer . It wasn't a good experience . Just not worth the risk in my opinion.