First Grow - 2kw Tent 12 plant Grow - Gods Gift!

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
just topped them last night... 10 out of 12. the two smaller ones havent gotten big enough to top yet but they are coming along. i will post up how big theyve gotten later on tonight. i've never seen such tight internode spacing its insane...but then again i have never used mh lights for vegging only straight 1kw hps in the previous two grows with my friends. stay tuned for tonight..they are big.

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
ok so another update with pictures and a video. today is day 15 and they are doing great. they are bringing ppms and water level down everyday and looking awesome. i topped them yesterday and so growth today has been slowed a tiny bit but they are doing good.

nutrient schedule:
same as last week with zone, liquid karma, bud candy and heavy 16 a + b with a tds of 960. ph has been good this whole week. temps have been great at 78 lights on and 71 lights off. i finally dialed in feeding times and i feed them 5 times a day (15 min fills) about once ever 4 hours with the light on. they seem to be liking it no signs of perking or drooping. also foliar sprayed them with liquid light twice this week. this week has had exponential growth they are really starting to fill out and im really glad they are doing so well. ok lets see the pictures and end with a video.



mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
so termite inspector came today and i took down the whole operation this morning at 630am for the inspection at 830. guy walks in and in the first 5 mins asks me if i have a grow room...i was kinda shocked lol i denied it and hes like ya the window kinda gave it away but no worries its chill my sisters bf has a big one going. needless to say i dont regret taking it all down but it was kinda a bitch but everything is all up and running now...had to put the plants in my car while he was inspecting everything and turns out we do have termites but they do not fumigate thank god. so yeah. hopefully the termite problem in my 4plex gets taken care of without me having to tear down anymore operations. took all day pretty much to get everything back to normal. :/


Active Member
Glad to hear everything went ok!! Only people with experience can point out little things... "sisters bf" lol more like I dont want to lose my job :P

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
Glad to hear everything went ok!! Only people with experience can point out little things... "sisters bf" lol more like I dont want to lose my job :P
Haha true. Even tho he was chill I still am glad that I took it all down cuz I really had no idea if the landlord would be tagging along for some reason with the inspector.

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
The ladies look great by the way. How have you liked the ebb and grow thus far?
thanks. they are much bigger now also the fan leaves are hugee. ill update after this weekend...but yeah the ebb n grow is pretty awesome. i havent had any leaks or problems with the float switches and its really great. i would want to do a drip feed instead but too much work putting together all the tubing and T's and also the need of trays too. its too easy with the ebb n grow but i love it. i just need to get some 1" plates to put under the pots cuz there is a little pool of water and some of the roots are already going through the bottom of the buckets and sitting in the water.. ill get those next week though. other than that i have no problems with it.

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
ok another update with some pics and video.

very good update this week and they are doing perfect. the two small ones are showing very good signs and are taking off. i topped them yesterday and they seem just about a week behind the others but they will catch up. overall no signs of nutrient burn, disease, or pests. temperatures are at 77 with the lights on and 71 with the lights off. everything is going very smoothly at this point i've got everything dialed in.

The plants have taken off and are drinking so much god damn water. they are taking in everything i throw at them and everytime they get fed they take down ppms by 10 to around -50 per day right now on average plus the water level drops in the barrel so quickly. im keeping to have to add fresh water and base nutrients to keep the ppms at the current level.

They have all taken perfectly to the top on each of them and are now growing as round bushes and definitely think they are going to be monsters. they are all growing exactly the same in size and the garden is very uniform as you can see below.

the pics and video were taken on sunday sept 25.


mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
ok another update on the plants...havent been available much to post up how they are doing but one thing is they are getting too big lol im gonna throw them in a SCROG this week after i put them in 36 hours darkness n flip them to 12/12.

they are very bushy as hell and are doing great. i had to cut a week off of veg from the normal 5 week to just 4 week veg because of their massive size...

the ppms were at 1100 before i decided to dump the rez and flush them with no nutrient. only final phase and ro water for 2 days and just ph'd it so that the runoff was close to 5.8. the runoff originally was coming out at 6.3 constantly so i threw in the flush at 5.2 to combat it. todays flushing was coming out at 5.9 roughly so yeah tonight is the night before i put them in darkness for over a going to hope they take well into flowering quickly.

ok heres the video of them on their last day before going to 12 / 12 at the end of week 4 veg. they are exactly 1 month old today Wooo!! :clap:



mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
ok so heres another update with pictures and a video. they are in day 2 of flowering and are all getting huge. lovely little girls. i had them go up to 1200 ppms starting but they are drinking up soo much nutes and water everyday i think im gonna up it to 1400 ppms on sunday just to see if they can handle it. still continuing the liquid light every 3 days and also sprayed em with heavy 16 foliar on day 1 of flowering. no problems so far. i feel like im gonna run into height issues later on in flowering...but we'll see.


mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
looking great man!
thanks dude.

well another update today they are stretching like crazy. im getting some light light green growth from sites right under the lights cuz they are growing up so damn fast...i moved the lights up but damn idk if they keep growing this quick up to the light i feel like i may run into issues with them getting bleached later on when i hit the ceiling with the hoods....

any ideas?

is it ok to top in flower i dont really want to do that to them while they are in flower but i might have to slow down their upper growth if they keep stretching this much..

was possibly thinking of throwing a dose of bushmaster in there as a last resort to halt vertical height but im skeptical about that product at the moment..


Active Member
If you have the room (definitely sounds like you're running out) tie those girls down... how many days did you end up vegging? I've heard decent things about bushmaster at half strength... but all opinion. Mother of all Blooms is another alternative that a lot of people like I believe. Good luck and thanks for the update!!

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
ok so another right when i changed to 12/12 i threw em with full bloom nutes. over the past week newer growth closest to the light has been yellowing during the stretch. im thinking they need some more N in their diet so i decided to top off the rez with fresh water and some veg nutes so hopefully they start showing some more green but its nothing serious. they are growing about an inch or 2 a day right now...

feeding with my normal zone liquid karma bud candy and also just threw in some big bud this week along with the heavy 16 bloom nutes. also i have the ppms at 1400 and they are still bring it down + water level every feeding and shownig no signs of nute burn only a slight N deficiency from the bloom nutes. if i see more yellow growth (and this is not really yellow im just seeing the leaves becoming more pale in color directly under the light so not too bad at all) i will flush em and drop the ppms. but right now they are taking it all in.

ok now for the pic and video.


mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
ok another update. day 10 of flowering. plants are doing amazing and buds are starting to form with little baby hairs coming out. im excited. hehe

nutrients as follows: 1350 ppm, heavy 16 bloom a + b, added heavy 16 veg a+b on top offs to keep the leaves more green, zone, liquid karma, bud candy, big bud.
foliar: foliar bloom immune a+b, liquid light twice this week, and also a dose of heavy 16 pro foliar.

tomorrow is rez change day and im upping these babies to 1500ppm for week 2 of flowering. im gonna test these guys to their limits. no signs of burning or stress so im gonna keep on pushin them harder.

k now for the pics n video. cheers.

also wanted to show off the little baby gods gift clones i cut. all 24 rooted and looking good and perky. gonna keep 2 for mothers and get rid of the rest of em for help for electricity bill which was 485 bucks for the first month of veg. needed to keep the ac on to keep temps down but now its getting colder i got rid of the ac and switched to 12/12 so it should be considerably less now for this month (hopefully)



Active Member
damn that just looks fantastic man, obviously your digging your nute schedule. I havent heard of throwing a little veg formula in during top offs for some extra N, totally dig it :) yeah good thing its getting cold, where I'm at i could use a few 1k's to warm my house at night...

mr gr33n thumb

Active Member
yeah the leaves under the lights directly were just a little more pale than the ones farther away from the light so i decided to give them a little veg nutes in there during the transition week. the buds are growing bigger and bigger everyday now and its cool waking up to see the progress. i love flowering phase so much ahah.