Just please ignore that guy He doEsnt even grow buds anymore yet for some inexplicable reason he still hangs out here any attempts to convince everyone only he really knows what going on.
Looks like somebody has his panties in a wad. Put down the laptop, get off the couch, pull the panty string out of your butt crack and get a life.
See that avatar? That 6" diameter rock hard cola never saw a kelp extract in its life nor did it see any other stupid additive or supplement.
Guys, just cut the bullshit OK? The link's conclusions said it all:
Conclusions from researchers:
1) Plant selection: “…working with resistant varieties seems to be the best solution [to disease resistance].”
2) Environmental conditions: “…soil fertility and production conditions were more important growth and yield determinants than were foliar sprays.”
3) Management techniques: “If proper planting techniques are followed, the use of biostimulants is unwarranted.”
4) Overall assessment: “…treatments are ultimately dependent on multiple plant, soil, and environmental factors, and often have no discernible effects.” “…there appears to be little value in applying these products.”
5) Marketing: “Manufacturers’ claims for the benefits of these products go beyond what is substantiated by the research.” “The number of products now on the market seems to outnumber the published papers.”
These researchers’ conclusions say it all – seaweed extracts are aggressively marketed with little regard for objective, scientific research.