• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

"Hypocracy now has a face" Please spread this short film!


Well-Known Member
Did every one get assaulted there? or mabye just the guy how threw a rock.

I get it you dont like me because you think i am against the people. Wrong i think lobbying should be banned. My eyes are not bias an i saw what i saw
I don't "like" you or "not like" you.
But I will not let your personal attacks go unchallenged.
Apologize for the Ancient Aliens reference, and I'll apologize for the nazi reference.

I'll be the adult here:
I am oh so sorry that I referenced your combative argument with an iconic image of what people look like when they blindly support wrong in government.
Hyperbole sucks, doesn't it?
You should learn to wield it with more restraint, otherwise you end up coming off as a fanatic with no hope of ever being open to other possibilities.
If the nazi pic offended you: good.
The Giorgio Tsouvaklis pic, treating him (and by proxy, myself) like an imbecile is something no MODERATOR should do.


Well-Known Member
If someone punched you in the face would you turn around call the police and let them take him away or would you throw a punch back.

You see

Citizen Verse Cop/Government

I see

Citizen Verse Citizen/Who happens to have a government job


Well-Known Member
I will not be drawn into that argument.
I am a First Nation Warrior.
I did not take an oath to serve and protect the citizens like the cop.
I see a citizen who was denied his right to a speedy trial, and was illegally assualted (Aggravated Assault, at best).
You are losing this argument, in a very bad way.


Well-Known Member
If you want an apology fine. I am sorry you found an implicit insult in a picture that just meant you where jumping to conclusions.

But the nazi was a straight forward explicit insult.


Well-Known Member
The pic you presented to me of Giorgio, and the pathetic analogy you used to justify it was equally insulting.
Tit for tat.


Well-Known Member
If you want to continue with a cohesive argument, do not rely on juvenile internet pics to forward your case.
Adults use WORDS.


Well-Known Member
As a matter of fact, I think it behooves you to be in this conversation, not as a person who has been granted moderator status, but as a general RIU member, like myself (for the time being, the way this thread is going. how long before I am censured?).


Well-Known Member
Yup. In a nutshell, he's a cop, not a bouncer. There was very aggressive anger in that cops actions. He even looks like he was ready to go in for more but was knocked away before the person was tackled by other cops. Subdue, is what I think the process is supposed to be, not attack. And surely this frail looking person didn't justify attack. That was definitely a bully style action, no doubt about it. Boy or Girl.


RIU Bulldog
For the record I didn't know It was a woman getting hit, if indeed it is a woman.



Well-Known Member
I guess after you have been stabbed a little punch to the nose dose not seem like much.



Well-Known Member
They are students, they are mothers, they are fathers, they are grandfathers and grandmothers.
Some have worked harder in their short life than you will in your entire life.


Well-Known Member
This obviously isn't just about hippies and unemployed bums anymore. Why are we losing focus on this one incident anyway. This is way broader than that.

San Jose: Millions Withdrawn from Bank of America and Wells Fargo!



Edit. Sorry, but I had to bump this, it seemed to have been missed.


Active Member
I am in no way taking up for the cop's but there are laws and rules to protests believe it or not. When you have thousands of people blocking exits to buildings that is a fire hazard as defined by city code, when you have thousands of people impeeding traffic that is an issue as well. People have the right to protest and assemble but you have to follow certian rules never the less. To compound that you always have idiots like the women going topless as if that was going to do something other than create problems of it's own. It never fails that the loonies and followers that just want to start shit under the cover of something positive always show up and incite things out of a feeling to be a part of something regardless of their feelings about it.

It is simple, protest all you want and if an officer of the law asks you to do something like move away from exits, stay out of traffic, and other reasonable things just do what they ask and keep on protesting. The problem is when the officer asks you to do something like that these idiots get in their face and ignore them and incite things. There is no doubt that the officers are outnumbered in these situations and they are trying to keep things cival because they know how one little incident can cause a mass reaction that could be very harmful to them as well as other bystanders. If you act like an ass you get your ass kicked and that is common sense.

The guys hair had nothing to do with his ass kicking his stupid decision to do what he did lead to the outcome.
As far as all the CEO's and Wall Street Traders ect.... everything they do is legal as far as the letter of the law goes for the most part. The reason it is legal is because that is what happens when you let lawyers write the laws and become politicians. That is what we need to deal with as a people in this country. At one time in this country a contract that was not understandable by the lay person would not hold up in the court of law because it was devicive. What do we have now the exact oppisite why, because lawyers got involved.


Well-Known Member
I guess after you have been stabbed a little punch to the nose dose not seem like much.

I am a Warrior of my Tribe is what I meant.
I have been in a few thousand fights because of my heritage.
Been stabbed & shot a number of times.
By citizens of this country, and in the name of Uncle Sam in the middle east.
I have lived a harder life than you can imagine.


Well-Known Member
I guess when you've dispatched a couple of hundred people under someone else's say so, and found it was based on lies, you tend to get cynical & defensive when viewing unjust things that rivers of blood was spilled over for no good reason.

Add to that: anger, frustration, fear, despair, and emotions best left suppressed, and that's me.

But I am trying to live a life of peace, so I hope you all can forgive me if I take offense at needless violence.
On both sides.
The protesters should not yet be escalating to violence.
And the cops and politicians need to be true to their oaths.
An oath is a sacred thing.
It is about the only thing I consider sacred anymore.
Personal honor is another.
Family honor.
Clan honor.
Tribal honor.
Human honor.


Well-Known Member
Don't apologize one bit brother. This isn't just about Wall Street and the meltdown. This is something that has been building for much, much longer than that. Now that it's here and it's rolling with the momentum we're seeing here, it's going to be pretty hard to stop I think. I too am tired. I'm not a bum and I have worked and tried to get ahead only to keep getting screwed and knocked back down. I'm excited for this movement and I welcome it with open arms. I hate bullies and thieves in all shaped and forms.


Well-Known Member
Still havent read accept for the last pot Duchie.
I attended occupy denver today, people had allot to say and the cops were lurking all over paddy wagons ready and all... I am doing fine financially but still know and feel the frustration we are all dealing with.

"i know the pieces fit because I watched them tumble down"