1000w 2 plants SCRog, -PITBULL- 1st timer^^


Well-Known Member
Just read your entire journal man. Glad you got those babies green and healthy again. I was on the edge of my seat lol. Can't wait to see the buds you get. No doubt some dankies :)


Well-Known Member
BTW putting together a playlist for my ladies. song #1 : Sage Francis - Clime Trees. def dig your selection.


Well-Known Member
BTW putting together a playlist for my ladies. song #1 : Sage Francis - Clime Trees. def dig your selection.
Oh boy i got some tunes for you then.......

I ALWAYS trim to Aesop rock..... they like it ALOT:)

Mac Lethal, Sage, Aesop, Hail Mary mallon(SICK AS FUCK), Brother ali, Atmosphere, Eyedea....and some local Az guys called engineers in your ears,

I got music for days:P


Well-Known Member
This is a new remix of Hoofprints i the sand: Its AMAZING!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Hello RIU:P

I have decided to name my two master kushes.....After two awesome RIU members that have helped me tons.

First is Femmi Kev (named for Kev Murphy, who is super helpful and free with his time/info, <3 ya buddy!!)
Second is Dubbzzzors revenge...Named for Dubbz in the hopes that i can get revenge on the MAster Kush strain for him! hope all is well bbro:)

(kev is on the right and Dubz the left)

GAve the two pitbulls FULL nutes last night, and at lights on there was tons of new growth, TONS of new fluffy stuff at the second nodes, and what seems like 2 inches of stretch on some branches:) Gonna have to get some garden sticks and start tying them down...not gonna rescreen at this point, it will kill the light going to the MAster Kushes....pooooooooooor planning on my part,, next time will be full scrog:) im totally sold on teh technique....even a first timers nube like me can make a big ass bush Full of nodes:)
they shape of those pitbull is what im most proud of, they are like shrubberies!

And here are todays pics:) hope everyone has a great day
p.s. last pic is sad looking i know, fell asleep instead of watering it last night:(
its better now, i ut it on here to show someone....It fimm'ed nicesly 4 HUGE braches:P Might have to do it to all my plants:)



Well-Known Member
Fucked up><



Well-Known Member
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i did trimming and repotted my vegging master kushes into new Air Pots(got from fellow grower for 2 bucks each!!) and cleaned there area. I took the 3 "best" Pitbull clones i had and put them into soil, they look pretty sad, they were in my half ass dwc cloner for 3 weeks, and only started rooting last week><. but since i have a pitbull now, id like to try it out for X-breeding something^^ as long as its as good as advertised:)

Perhaps Pineapple Kush and Pitbull.....call it Dublin Kush:P

Well here are some new pics:P


Well-Known Member
mornin mate hows things today all well i hope..have u heard back from job yet...
things are GREAT! the flowering on my masters are going crazy, which sucks because according to the breeder of the PiBull '03 strain say it flower in 35 days....lol. Didnt think that would be true, but ity sucks to see the master beating it so bad in terms of speed:P
All i really care about tho, is getting a nice big bag of weed to take around with me:P

Taking pics in a few minutes.....Flowering is a fun crazy time, changes every 12 hours is exciting after 3 months of boring ass veg:)


Well-Known Member
Hello again here is some of the pics from this morning:P

The flowering is going well.... buds forming on the second nodes:P

will need to do some LST'ing on the Pitbull today, try to spread out the branches a bit:) i wish id planned ahead, id love to put the screen back, but id be screwed for light space with my Master KUshes:(


haha and dont make fun of my fucked up toe!!!!!!

HOW CUTE IS MY PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Beautiful stuff. Gotta love when the ladies start showing , growing , & getting tastier by the day. (oooh gotta smell that smell, hell ya !)


Active Member
Nice job bro! was thinking about doing my bathroom as well... does it help the humidity a lot having them in there? do you leave the exhaust fan on all night?