My home made Trimmer -

I wouldn't use facebook links.

let the blades soak in rubbing alcohol. Scrub them with a brush. Then apply vegetable oil. Scrub them with a brush. Next apply soap. Scrub them with a brush. Next rinse well in water.

Repeat as necessary.

Rubbing alcohol is a solvent and will dissolve the majority of the sticky stuff. However because rubbing alcohol and water are miscible some stickiness will remain once rinsed. Oil is also a solvent but one that is hydrophobic (afraid of water); once the remaining stickiness is dissolved into the oil the oil can be rinsed off and takes all of it with it. Soap removes the last bit of oil. Water removes the last bit of soap.

This is also the #1 way of removing all traces of stick on your hands after trimming.
I wish i could see the trimmer but scince i dont follow links i guess its out.

Im not alone either,quite a few people wont follow links,its like opening a box expecting something & getting a note to pick up your item somewhere else.
cool design what did you use for blades? the grill looks to be nothing more than some metal shelving correct?
It works real good but man it sure gets full of the sticky stuff, Looks like I'll get alot of siccor hash
I would love to make one of these.
If I make one I could use a tote? So it collects all the trimmings to make yummy edibles.

You still need to manicure it though, right?
Basic stuff was a box fan
a piece of 1 1/2 x 16" long 16 gage steel
2 self tapping screws
a replacmentBBQ Grill 12" round
a piece of 1/2 " Plywood and
some more screws to attach the plywood
Trimmer 007.jpg
after 5 plants theres alot of sticky left behind and it's easy to scrape the grill.
it cost about ..... well I might keep that a secret LOL so i can sell em for 3 grand a pop....
I would love to make one of these.
If I make one I could use a tote? So it collects all the trimmings to make yummy edibles.

You still need to manicure it though, right?
I started with taking all the shade and water leafs off but man i could trim by hand almost as fast.. And I was handling it way too much also.
Just going for it with as much as I could workes best.
Heres a finished shot. It's Train Wreck Seems a little airy but Daym it smells good!!!
Trimmer 001.jpg
looks pretty effective. nice job mcgyver/
Man he was my hero some times bull but I did the go down the sand dune on a piece of card board the Blue Print was too thin for any serious distance down the dune.. The card board tho was a blast.
I was a Millwright by trade for 20 years the rest of the time I was a machinst.