Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
Lol, I think pretty logically bro, :).
you're in a odd class dude i really wouldnt even call you a christian. you believe in god and think jesus was a good dude to learn morals off of right? so its not a suprise you think logically about this shit i done talk to you enough to know that lol

this is a long vid but every one they show is interestin as fuck it even has a christian one in it, but the video is all about aliens and sacred places on earth.

with the level of knowledge our ancestors knew about objects that are normal to us like planes was nothin its not hard to think they saw shit like that and some kinda being flyin it that it had to be gods. then basically the same accounts are bein written down across the world when those different civilizations had no means to talk to one another?


Well-Known Member
Ok... Let;s say there is zero religion. God is the sun and earth. The direct things we see providing for us (I can describe god from a non religious aspect a lot better if you want). "God" doesn't want the "evil us" which is pollution, murder, weapons, all these things clouding and destroying the provider "god" would wipe us out. Weather or not we believe in "god" something is going to happen. There's always a bigger fish. And humans have been the biggest for too damn long.
Alright there you go with another belief. That's your belief, I'm saying how does he know his belief is right? He believes since he's right then god doesn't exist. I'm saying how does he know what god wants. Know it's getting confusing, so I'm gonna switch the argument on you, lol.
How do you know god doesn't want us to be destructive monsters?


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY. Time is nothing more than a measurement. It is not a real thing to be moved about in.
So you're trying to prove something isn't a real thing? If you can pull that off then it turns out the majority of atheists are no better than religious people. Because if you can prove time isn't real then all along atheist believed in something that wasn't real, lol, just like they think religious people believe in something that's not real.

I think finshaggy is saying like you can grab dirt, sit on a sofa, capture gases. But can you grab time, sit on time, or capture time? I think he's saying using that logic time doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
Alright there you go with another belief. That's your belief, I'm saying how does he know his belief is right? He believes since he's right then god doesn't exist. I'm saying how does he know what god wants. Know it's getting confusing, so I'm gonna switch the argument on you, lol.
How do you know god doesn't want us to be destructive monsters?
NOOO. The earth IS going to kill us if we continue exactly how we are. There is no way we survive like this. It is not just my belief.


Well-Known Member
So you're trying to prove something isn't a real thing? If you can pull that off then it turns out the majority of atheists are no better than religious people. Because if you can prove time isn't real then all along atheist believed in something that wasn't real, lol, just like they think religious people believe in something that's not real.

I think finshaggy is saying like you can grab dirt, sit on a sofa, capture gases. But can you grab time, sit on time, or capture time? I think he's saying using that logic time doesn't exist.
The way that we understand time, it CAN be reversed, CAN be fast forwarded, we can do these things to it, and travel this way within it. The way I am proposing it. NO WE CAN'T.


Well-Known Member
I will also explain god for you to make it more understandable to understand how I understand god doesn't want us to be monsters.

Each person, animal, bug, plant, bacteria. Is an organ within a cell.
Each group of these people, animals, bugs, etc. Comes together to make a cell.
These groups all come together to form ecosystems. These are like tissue.
The planets and the solar system is like organs.
The galaxies are like organ systems.
And god is EVERYTHING. Like we are a makeup of these things. "God made us in his own image".

Everything you do, is god. Everything that god is, is effected by everything we do. God is a everything, and everywhere. And if you burn too much, there is no more creation.
We are not to be pure destruction. Destruction is a very important part, and the monsters are necessary. But "he" does not "want" us to be "monsters".
Religious people are trained that way from birth. Once you're inside that delusion it is very hard to get out because you would have to use critical thinking and be honest with yourself.
This is so true when u go to church and you've got a 6 ye old they usually go to Sunday school while your in the main hall with the grown ups, in Sunday school they are saying from r young age o Jesus loves u so u should love him, and do activities relating to whatever they are doing, while too young to actually comprehend the story or wats going on they are pretty Much brainwashed into " loving him" as he "loves you". In my opinion children shouldn't be allowed in church h untilled they are old enough to comprehend the story and make the choice for themselves sheathed they wanna believe or not, and point in being for all u Christian believers that say u have to go, God doesn't judge you on your faith but how u live your life... and I'm pretty sure it says in the Bible itself to bring God into "your home" and worship him in your own way, not to bring a congragation because your then worshiping him upon others beliefes and thoughts instead of your own... man y'all are brainwashed for sure aha
Lol Christianity is like the target of attacks on religious people.
But how is there more proof of aliens just because the ancient people wrote it on their walls? That's not proof at all, that's like saying the bible is proof. Your post makes no sense, you claim Christianity is false by saying another religion is real, while saying because the Sumerians had proof and Christians don't.

So I'm gonna go carve drawings on cave walls of a eighteen headed gorilla, so that way hundreds of years from now people will be like, "oh man that's hard evidence".
Bah humbug to your post good sir.
Lol u needa do history research, its not just 1 ancient people that have that story, the Egyptians, Greeks Romans Hopi Indian along with ajmost all native american tribes , Mayans Aztecs, they all have the same story, slight differences but if u really look at it.. all the same, Christianity gets such a bad rap cuz Christianity has brought more violence and hanus crimes to this world than any other religion put together, more murders n killings than any other religion put together all in the name of God and Jesus christ... again no your history ( not the bullshit they teach u in school, like Christopher Columbia discovered the Americas)


Well-Known Member
you're in a odd class dude i really wouldnt even call you a christian. you believe in god and think jesus was a good dude to learn morals off of right? so its not a suprise you think logically about this shit i done talk to you enough to know that lol

this is a long vid but every one they show is interestin as fuck it even has a christian one in it, but the video is all about aliens and sacred places on earth.

with the level of knowledge our ancestors knew about objects that are normal to us like planes was nothin its not hard to think they saw shit like that and some kinda being flyin it that it had to be gods. then basically the same accounts are bein written down across the world when those different civilizations had no means to talk to one another?
Yup, my mind was just blown, lol.
Pretty awesome video dude. But the problem I see with it is that our ancestors called them angels, angels that helped them worship god. Obviously our ancestors knew more about angels or other unknown forces then we do today. My problem is that those archeologist are selfish enough to say our ancestors didn't know what they were talking about when they said they were angels. The archeologist say they weren't angels but ET beings, how can they be so ignorant to what our ancestors were trying to tell us. Honestly all this does is further my belief in god. The archeologist are a bunch of skeptics that aren't open minded enough to believe what the ancestors said about them being angels. I mean our ancestors drew the angels, and the angels looked very human not like some weird creature. And why do the archeologist automatically assume angels didn't have badass space crafts? I know that sounds crazy but we are talking about religion here, lol.

I'm saying what if what our ancestors were telling the truth and the archeologists are leading us astray from the truth? I would rather believe our ancestors that had alot more experience than our modern day archeologist that don't know shit.

But still awesome video, and I love seeing videos that leave more questions than answers.


Well-Known Member
I will also explain god for you to make it more understandable to understand how I understand god doesn't want us to be monsters.

Each person, animal, bug, plant, bacteria. Is an organ within a cell.
Each group of these people, animals, bugs, etc. Comes together to make a cell.
These groups all come together to form ecosystems. These are like tissue.
The planets and the solar system is like organs.
The galaxies are like organ systems.
And god is EVERYTHING. Like we are a makeup of these things. "God made us in his own image".

Everything you do, is god. Everything that god is, is effected by everything we do. God is a everything, and everywhere. And if you burn too much, there is no more creation.
We are not to be pure destruction. Destruction is a very important part, and the monsters are necessary. But "he" does not "want" us to be "monsters".
Hmm... I see where you're coming from and have no argument with you anymore. However I still want my unanswered question answered using that other guys beliefs.
Using your beliefs my question was answered, so thanks.
And about that drawing your gunna do.. are u really going to do it?? I think not, ancient people drew what they saw, that's it they had no explination for what was going on but they drew it to the best of their abilities, they didn't bother with stupid shit like drawing for the fun of it, how cab I come to this conclusion, simple u made a claims to draw something on a wall but I doubt u will do it cuz its of no value of your time, now if u were out in the middle of a Forrest n being chased by something n u got away then yeah you'd have something important to draw wouldn't u, simply human psychology, if it doesn't effect u in anyway than your not gunna bother with it


Well-Known Member
Hmm... I see where you're coming from and have no argument with you anymore. However I still want my unanswered question answered using that other guys beliefs.
Using your beliefs my question was answered, so thanks.
That's not just my beliefs. That's the universe, that's what IS. Weather you call it god, or a funnel effect. It's real.


Well-Known Member
This is so true when u go to church and you've got a 6 ye old they usually go to Sunday school while your in the main hall with the grown ups, in Sunday school they are saying from r young age o Jesus loves u so u should love him, and do activities relating to whatever they are doing, while too young to actually comprehend the story or wats going on they are pretty Much brainwashed into " loving him" as he "loves you". In my opinion children shouldn't be allowed in church h untilled they are old enough to comprehend the story and make the choice for themselves sheathed they wanna believe or not, and point in being for all u Christian believers that say u have to go, God doesn't judge you on your faith but how u live your life... and I'm pretty sure it says in the Bible itself to bring God into "your home" and worship him in your own way, not to bring a congragation because your then worshiping him upon others beliefes and thoughts instead of your own... man y'all are brainwashed for sure aha
Who's y'all? It better not be every religious person, or even every Christian. I know plenty of Christians that follow the same logic I do. The main thing I follow is to "bare good fruit", that's what I follow the most. And I wasn't taught religion as a young kid nor do I go to church. I follow god my way, so please be more specific when you say y'all.


Well-Known Member
That's not just my beliefs. That's the universe, that's what IS. Weather you call it god, or a funnel effect. It's real.
.... So you believe...

I mean I can say god is the sphagetti flying monster, it doesn't mean that's what it is.

Are you trying to say the world is god? If that's what you're saying then don't say it's god, say it's nature.


Well-Known Member
And about that drawing your gunna do.. are u really going to do it?? I think not, ancient people drew what they saw, that's it they had no explination for what was going on but they drew it to the best of their abilities, they didn't bother with stupid shit like drawing for the fun of it, how cab I come to this conclusion, simple u made a claims to draw something on a wall but I doubt u will do it cuz its of no value of your time, now if u were out in the middle of a Forrest n being chased by something n u got away then yeah you'd have something important to draw wouldn't u, simply human psychology, if it doesn't effect u in anyway than your not gunna bother with it
In other words, you can't take a joke.
Now there another qote God made us in his own image again reading it proporly from the Christian Bible it says gods created us in their own image. Ever think that it might be literal, we go from monkey to human almost instantly without any link, hence the missing link, now in the creation story ( Sumerian and many others alike) they said beings came from the sky and made us from the species already living here(monkey ape whatever) so here we have humans, now u find evidence of mating between humans and these other beings creating what we call demigods, Jesus would be 1 of these, Hercules is another well known and there are many others, even the Christian Bible states angels thought human women to be beautifully and had sexual relations with them. There's all kinds of proof around u u just need to open hour eyes n look at the bigger picture or all the story's as a whole instead of just listening to one story. Police work dude, cops don't just ask 1 whiteness for all the details but take details from every one they possibly can to get the right picture